Welcome to

Mrs. Ison’s First Grade

2013 – 2014

Westwood Elementary

Room 5

Your child should arrive no earlier than 7:50.

If your child is absent, please call the office (785.717-4150) to let the school know. If you are not able to call, a note stating the reason for the absence should be brought to school the following day to avoid an unexcused absence.

Academic Awards will be given at the end of each quarter with an awards ceremony at the school. Information will be sent home as to the dates and times.

If you would like to enroll your child in the breakfast program, please contact the school office (785-717-4150).

If you would like to send a birthday treat with your child on or near his/her birthday, please feel free to do so. I just ask that you inform me of your intentions and handle all details. Birthdays are recognized during our calendar routine as well. We will recognize summer birthdays at the end of the school year. Please do not send birthday party invitations to be distributed at school unless all children receive an invitation.

I will send home book order forms for you and your child to look over every month. Book clubs offer books at reduced prices. It's a great way to build your child's home library!

Parent and Teacher conferences are held during the first and third quarter. Watch for information and reply accordingly.

Communication is important. Feel free to contact me whenever you have a question, comment, or concern. You can reach me by phone (785-717-4150) and leave a message with the secretary, in person before or after school, by email or by a note sent to school in your child’s note pocket in the homework folder.

Classroom Information like newsletters, homework, spelling words and upcoming events will be found on Click on the first grade tab and then click on your child’s teacher.

Centers are a way for students to practice their math, reading, writing and spelling skills and for me to check the students’ progress in all of the above areas. We will start centers at about the 3rd or 4th week of school.

Your child will depart school at 3:30. Please be on time for pick up.

Discipline is simple. We work hard as a class to make the classroom a positive and safe place for all. I will teach the students the “Classroom Rules Rap Song” that will help the students learn the rules in a fun and creative way. Our class expectations are that all children follow these rules:

  1. Follow Directions
  2. Raise your hand to be heard.
  3. Feet and hands to yourself.
  4. Small voices inside, tall voices on the playground.
  5. Work together, don’t fight or you will get in trouble.

We also use a classroom apple chart on which all students will start on green and work hard to stay on green. For more info on behavior and consequences, please see the First Grade Orientation packet.

My school email address is . I check email daily. If you have an email address that you’d like me to be aware of, please let me know. I will also use email as a means of communication.

If your home or work phone number changes, please inform the office and me so that emergency contact information can be updated.

Folders help keep us organized. The 3-pronged homework folder houses homework, take home papers, and other items that assist with communication between home and school. Please start a routine with checking your child’s homework folder every day!

Information about field trips will come home in the homework folder and will be detailed in the field trip permission slip and weekly newsletter.

Gum chewing is allowed only on special occasions.

Students will have homework in 1st Grade. Homework packets will be sent home on Mondays and are expected back by Friday. These packets include math, writing and spelling homework. SFA Reading homework slips need to be done daily, signed and returned the next day.

At the end of the year we will teach a week long Human Sexuality and Health unit. Please read over the handout given to you during enrollment.

Independence is a goal for students, because it builds self-esteem and self-confidence. 1st Graders are very capable of doing many things on their own and I encourage them to do as much as they can for themselves in the classroom.

Mrs. Ison is my name and I have been teaching First Grade for five years. I have been married for 33 years to a retired soldier. We have a daughter who teaches Science at Ft. Riley Middle School. Our grandson is 9 years old and loves to go on bike rides with me. We have a dog, a snake, frogs, turtles and lizards as pets. I love reading and going for walks with my dog. I am originally from Germany and visit my family there at least once a year. I am excited to meet all of you and have a wonderful year of fun and learning together.

Writing takes place every day in 1st Grade. One way we accomplish this is through writing stories in our journals during writer’s workshop and by following the Lucy Calkins and the 6-Trait writing curriculum as well as during our SFA reading time. Encourage your child to write at home for a variety or purposes.

Keep updated by reading the classroom newsletter I will be sending home every week, and checking the homework folder every day for other notes and information.

Our class will visit the library at least once a week, but preferably your student will visit daily. Our librarian is Mrs. Hudson. Your child may check out one book when visiting the library and return it within the following week. If your child forgets to return the book, they will not be allowed to check out a new book until it is returned.

Our class has recess and lunch starting at 11:50, ending at 12:30. Changes will be sent as they happen. If lunch money is sent to school, please send it in the homework folder in an envelope with child’s name and teacher. There is a pocket for this purpose that is located in the front of the homework folder.

The music teacher is Mrs. Martin. Music and P.E. will vary on our red and black schedule. Specifics will be announced as soon as they are determined.

Parents may choose to order snack milk for their student.

The 1st Grade math curriculum provides students with mathematical experiences that help them develop number sense and a positive attitude towards mathematics. The math curriculum is the Common Core curriculum and centers around Base-10 and Problem Solving strategies. Math concepts are also covered through our daily calendar and math workshop routine as well as during rotating centers.

A weekly newsletter will be posted online by the end of the day Monday to keep you informed about what is happening in our class for the week. If you need a hardcopy, please let me know. I will be sending hardcopies home weekly at the beginning of the year, and then change over to online after about two months.

Our school nurse is Mrs. Stevens. Please communicate any health concerns regarding your child with her.

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Our district and school has adopted this program to satisfy the state mandate that a bullying prevention program must be in place. We are also implementing the “Getting Along Together” curriculum. More information will be given to parents and students after the school year begins.

Mr. Adams is the P.E. teacher. P.E. and music will be on alternate red and black days. More info later. The children are asked to wear athletic shoes on P.E. days.

PCS, or any moves - Please give the office at least a two week notice in order for all paper work to be collected and have them completed and ready for your departure.

We will have pets (two rats: Jim and Bob) in our classroom unless we have allergies. Please let me know as soon as the pet letter comes home.

Questions? Please feel free to call, stop in, email, or send a note.

  • 785-7174150

Quarterly Assessments will be given every 8 weeks. These include Dibels and performance assessments in Math, Spelling and Reading tests.

1st Grade report cards will be sent home EVERY quarter or 9 weeks.

Our Reading curriculum is “Success For All” which consists of phonics, partner reading, writing, and Star story. The students will be grouped by their reading ability and they may not have their classroom teacher for reading.

The focus of the 1st Grade science curriculum is on developing an awareness of the world in which we live. Science concepts and skills will be explored utilizing a literacy based, hands-on approach.

School starts at 8:20 in the morning. Please have your child here on time, because SFA reading will begin right at 8:30, on the dot.

SFA reading is our leveled reading program. Each student is tested at the end of each school year to see what level he/she tests into, s at the beginning of each year, students will start their reading with their respective groups.

The 1st Grade social studies curriculum focuses on the students and how they relate to others in their families, classroom, school, and community. Social Studies concepts and skills will be explored utilizing a literacy based, hands-on approach.

Snack will occur during morning snack time. Students may bring one nutritious snack to eat during this time. The students only need a single portion or serving size (as noted on food packaging) to eat for snack. Please send plastic spoons along with your child’s snack if one is required. Students who have purchased a milk ticket will have milk at this time. Students may also bring a water bottle or juice box with their snack. Soda drinks and glass containers are not encouraged.

Supplies are needed in different subjects. Most of the supplies are on the supply list posted. All supplies will be shared with the whole class. We recommend not putting names on these materials.

If your child has any changes in their transportation (walking, Boys and Girls Club, pick up by friends/neighbors) please let me know in writing prior to, or the day of, the change. Calling the office is the best method for letting me know about last minute transportation changes. If I don’t get a note and the office has not been notified, the child will follow regular transportation procedures.


Volunteers and visitors should visit with office staff before coming to classrooms.

Volunteers and visitors to the classroom are encouraged and welcomed.

I welcome parent helpers anytime.

Parents and family members may exit and enter via the main school entry.

Your ideas…and suggestions are welcome!

Zzzzzzz - Make sure that your child gets plenty of rest. Setting and keeping a bedtime is a wonderful gift you can give your child.

You will be notified of any changes by hardcopy letters, phone calls, or emails.