


TUESDAY 1st July 2014

Minutes of a meeting of the Amenities and Environment Committee held on Tuesday 1st July 2014, at Pershore Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore commencing at 7.30pm.

Present:- Cllr R Gillmor

Cllr D Annis

Cllr J Palfrey

Cllr A Rowley

Cllr R Speight

Cllr C Tucker

Cllr M Winfield (non member)

Cllr V Wood (apologies for late arrival)

Items referred by members of the public

Ms Liz Etheridge from Avon Meadows attended to update members on progress at the meadows and future plans. She explained that four schools had been out so far and had a great experience with all planning to come back at a future date.

A botanical survey had been undertaken and a report was anticipated shortly. This would show the changes in plants due to soil moisture and water table and what could be achieved if some wildflowers were added. It was hoped to plant yellow rattle on the drier areas of the meadows in Autumn to weaken some of the grasses and see if there were any wildflowers in the seed bank.

The Friends had had pond dipping training and botanical survey training.

Pershore Arts would be holding an exhibition in October at the Library with art work based on the meadows.

The hay cut was happening but there were no plans for grazing at the moment, as a fence of some kind was required before that was considered again.

New works

It was proposed to install a low-level recycled plastic boardwalk – running from car park to tilting weir.

The specification had been informed by the BT Countryside for All Physical Access Standards. Avon Meadows is classed as Urban Fringe and Managed, so gradients, slopes, ramps, path width, resting places etc had all been worked out to this standard. The following was proposed:-

·  Raised no more than 30cm (1ft) above existing ground level, less if feasible due to ground surface undulations.

·  1.5m wide, with gaps between the surface deck boards of 12mm or less. No handrail, so low visual impact.

·  Will have a toe board around 10cm (4in) high to prevent wheels going over the edge accidentally, act as a tapping rail for cane users and acts as a psychological barrier to wandering,

rather than an obstruction

·  Allowance for the public right of way – shallow, ramped access so no obstruction

·  The path will have to be set into the meadows a few metres further than the current footpath, to allow safe digger access to the ditch for occasional desilting. Access can be gained for sections from the Cherry Orchard side of the ditch, but this is not the case all the way along.

·  Recycled plastic is a safe, non-slip surface. Bearers will be sunk at least 60cm into the ground so they won’t be lifted by flood water. Have an option for hollow deck boards that allow water to flow through them, which reduces buoyancy.

·  We will need one resting place/seating provision along this stretch. The maximum spacing is 200m between resting places.

·  Experience shows that a sinuous, curved structure works better than an angular one, as the subtle effects of heat on the plastic are much less obvious when it’s already curved.

·  Very low maintenance, no rotting, won’t burn, incredibly difficult to cut. Current indications are that the product has a lifespan of 40 years.

·  Can be strimmed alongside, growth between the boards should be minimal due to very small gaps – very little light gets through.

Cherry Orchard playing field

·  Regrade the section of slope to a 1:12 gradient, as recommended by the Fieldfare Trust. This will involve cutting into the slope, probably with a digger bucket to smooth out the slope and use the material removed to build up under the gate, which has sunk. By lifting the gate, we reduce the gradient differences, so we won’t need to take out so much. We can keep the turf and re-lay it.

·  Apply a fall attenuating grass reinforcement product. My preferred solution is Bodmat as it can be used safely on contoured surfaces, has a good fall safety test, is non-slip and is suitable for wheelchair, pushchair and pedestrian access as well as being mowable once the grass has grown through.


·  Ms Etheridge had been talking to an excellent graphic designer and specialist in tactile interpretation. Along with tactile interpretation panels, suitable for children, blind and partially sighted people and those with restricted mobility a large feature could be used as a welcome to Avon Meadows feature.

·  The possibility of a carved wooden arch, welcoming people to Avon Meadows and showing them a cornucopia of wetland wildlife, possibly at the entrance from King George’s Field by the moorings. This would help to keep it safe from vandalism in an open, observed spot which would be preferable

637. Election of Chairman

Cllr Gillmor was nominated by Cllr Rowley and seconded by Cllr Tucker as Chairman of the committee. There being no further nomination, Cllr Gillmor was duly elected as Chairman of the committee for the ensuing year.

638. Election of Vice Chairman

It was proposed by Cllr Wood and seconded by Cllr Gillmor that this item be deferred

to the September meeting.

639. Apologies

Apologies were accepted from Cllr Amphlett Hawkins who had a family commitment. Apologies for late attendance due to a District Council meeting were accepted from Cllr Wood.

640. Declarations of Interest

Cllrs Gillmor, Tucker and Wood declared a disclosable interest in agenda item 7, Avon Meadows.

641. Minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Tucker, seconded by Cllr Rowley and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held 4th March and 6th May 2014 be signed as true records of the proceedings.

642. Matters of report from the minutes

a. The Clerk advised that the discharge of the condition imposed on the planning approval for the Holloway land was still awaited.

b. The Clerk advised that the “H” bar lines outside Althorp Gardens and Roland Rutter Court were to be slightly extended.

c. The Clerk advised members that she had reported to the County Council that the Town Council had no objection to the removal of the trees in Broad Street provided they were replaced with something more suitable.

d. The Clerk advised that a timetable to update the Multi Agency Flood Plan was still awaited although she understood the Environment Agency were also asking for a meeting to discuss possible changes.

643. Statement of Licensing Consultation

Members agreed that no response was required to this consultation.

644. Avon Meadows

a. It was proposed by Cllr Rowley, seconded by Cllr Speight and RESOLVED that it be recommended to Council that the proposals as outlined at the start of the meeting by Ms Etheridge be approved.

b. Cllr Tucker asked that thanks be expressed to the District Council for their prompt action in removing the travellers from Avon Meadows and the Clerk confirmed she had already written thanking all those who had helped with resolving this incident.

645. Allotments

The Clerk advised that the Environment Agency were still at the allotment site making

necessary repairs to the track over the bund. It was anticipated that they would be leaving the site by the end of the week but there was still no certainty that the repairs made would be adequate.

646. Car Parking in Pershore

Cllr Annis expressed his concerns that once the new housing developments were occupied there would be insufficient car parking in the town and Cllr Rowley stated that the town also needed coach parking. Cllr Tucker suggested the possibility of the Burgage Plot development being reconsidered and Cllr Rowley wondered whether this need should be raised within a Town Plan. It was agreed that the next step should be for a review meeting of the Town Council to consider progress with their priorities and this will form the basis of a recommendation to Council at their July meeting.

647. Shopwatch Radio

The Clerk explained the members the current problems with the signal for the Shopwatch radio and that the suppliers had asked that consideration be given to a booster aerial be installed on the roof of the Town Hall. Members agreed in principle subject to more detailed information being made available and the Clerk will obtain this in time for the September meeting of this committee so that a recommendation could be made to Council. She will also ascertain whether any planning application would be necessary.

648. Labyrinth

Members noted that no firm proposals had been forthcoming from the Parks Officer or Abbey about the location of the labyrinth. It was therefore suggested the Clerk contact the resident concerned and suggest the labyrinth be installed on King George’s Field, bringing a proposal to the next meeting if possible.

649. Public Transport

a. The Clerk advised that the land swap was being progressed and that First Great Western had independently requested a meeting with the District Council on 15th July. Cllr Palfrey asked that a photo shoot be arranged with Harriet Baldwin MP at the site and the Clerk will liaise with the Deputy Managing Director to ascertain the most appropriate time for this to take place.

b. It was noted that users of the 166 Sunday bus were very keen for the service to be retained and Cllr Palfrey agreed to liaise with the County Council to ascertain whether the service could be extended until September to give the Town and Parish Councils along the route time to consider various options.

650. Parish Pride

It was noted that the next litter pick was to be on Saturday 4th October and Cllr Rowley stated he felt far more publicity was needed for the next litter pick including asking residents to nominate areas that were in need of work. The Clerk will arrange for a press release to be issued in September nearer the time, possibly including a photograph and quotation from the Mayor.

651. Items for Information

a. Cllr Tucker advised that the culvert was in need of cleaning out and the Clerk

advised that she had reported the matter to Severn Trent who were intending to

undertake the work shortly.

b. It was noted that inconsiderate parking on the pavement by the Pizza Parlour was becoming a problem and the Clerk will report this to the appropriate authorities.

e. Cllr Annis advised that illegal fishing was taking place and he was recommended to report the matter to the Environment Agency and the Avon Navigation Trust.

652. Items for future agenda

Multi Agency Flood Plan (review)

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 21:07

Signed……………………………………………. Date……………………….
