Energy Rating Data Dictionary for Dishwashers (labelled) as at May 2015
Column / Column Identifier / DescriptionApplStandard / Registration.regulatory_standard / This is the legal standard to which the appliance must comply
Brand / Model.brand_name / This is the manufacturers brand
Cap / rated_capacity / The whole number of place settings as stated by the manufacturer
CEC_ / cec / This is the Comparative Energy Consumption of the product which is it's nominal energy consumption expressed as kilowatt hours per years.
Conn_Type / conn_type / Water connection type (hot/cold/dual)
Country / Registration.registrationmanufacturingcountry_set / Country of manufacture
delayStartMode / delaystartmode / Does the product include a delayed start function
Depth / appliance_dimensions_depth / Overall appliance depth in mm
Height / appliance_dimensions_height / Overall appliance height in mm
Load_Type / prog_tested / Not Applicable
Model No / Model.model_number / Model number
N-Standard / Registration.test_standard / Appliance Test Standard
New SRI / star_rating_index / The Star Rating Index for the appliance.
New Star / star_rating / The Star Rating for the appliance as found on the Energy Rating Label
postProgenergy / postprogenergy / Post Program Energy, this is the energy that the appliance uses after a program cycle is complete.
powerConsMode / powerconsmode / Not Applicable
Prog Name / prog_name / This is the name of the setting eg. "Normal", "Heavy", "Eco", etc.
Prog Time / prog_time / This is the nominated program time duration expressed in minutes
Sold_in / Registration.selling_countries / Countries where the product is sold.
standbyPowerUsage / standbypowerusage / The power used by the appliance in standby mode
Submit_ID / / This is the unique registeration ID record for the product and is taken from the GEMS product database
SubmitStatus / Registration.get_status_display / This is the registration status of the product and must be either "Superceeded" or "Approved"
Tot Wat Cons / tot_wat_cons / This is the total water consumption of the appliance in the nominated program cycle
Type / appliance_type / This is a list of dishwasher types eg. free standing, built-in and on bench.
Water_Softener / water_softener / This indicates if water softener is required for the appliance.
Width / appliance_dimensions_width / Overall product dimensions in mm
ExpDate / Registration.expiry_date / This is the date that the product's registration will expire
GrandDate / Registration.superseded_date / This product can be sold after this date but can no longer be manufactured or imported from this date
Product Class / Registration.product_class / Not Applicable
Availability Status / Registration.availability_status / This is the availability status of the product and must be either "Available" or "Unavailable". This status is based on self-reporting of the registrant.
Product Website / Registration.get_manufacturer_company_website / This is the specific web address for the product itself
Representative Brand URL / Registration.representative_model_number.brand.url / This is the web address for the manufacturer