North Greene High School

School Level Parent Involvement Plan

Title 1 Part A Section 1118

North Greene High School hasdevelopedcollaboratively with parents, students, and school staff a Parent Involvement Plan, which provides comprehensive support to ensure knowledge and implementation of Federal, State, and local standards for family engagement and toaddress responsibilities for improving student achievement. The plan is a living, working document and is reviewed and updated annually in order to assess the needs for engagement of families in the North Greene community. The written plan establishes the schools’ expectation for parent involvement and describes how the school will build the school’s and parent’s capacity for strong parental involvement. The benefits of parental involvement include improved student’s academic achievement, attendance, behavior, and motivation to succeed.

(a)Parents are notified of the policy in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language the parents can understand.

  • At NGHS, Compact forms are sent out for parents to sign as they are encouraged to get involved in the learning process for their child. Opportunities are available to attend meetings to hear about the plan for NGHS as well as information is posted on the website.

(b)The school’s parent involvement policy/plan is made available to the local community and=updated periodically to meet the changing needs of parents and the school.

  • The plan is updated annually with a group of parents, students, and school staff with input on how we can make things better at NGHSdocumented accordingly.

(c)The school has convened an annual parent meeting to inform parents about the school’s parental involvement programs and rights of parents to be involved.

  • A meeting is scheduled at the first of the school year and is advertised on the school web-site and through local media including the radio, newspaper and cable channel 18. Parents are invited to additional sessions during the school year to discuss parental involvement.

(d) The school offers a flexible number of meetings ---including morning and evenings.

  • Parent teacher conferences are normally scheduled during a teacher’s planning time, however if needed conferences are scheduled before and after school. Additional conferences are held every nine weeks as scheduled by the system calendar. Additional times can be scheduled to meet alternative schedules.
  • Teachers communicate with parents by email or the phone throughout the day.
  • We provide both before and after school tutoring to accommodate different parent schedules.
  • An Eighth Grade orientation for students and parents is scheduled during the spring of each year to assist in transition from the eighth grade to the ninth grade year. Also, it informs parents of the expectations for each student as they begin their high school career.

(e)Parents, or adequate representation of parents, are involved in an organized, ongoing, and timely way of planning, review, and improvement of the school parental involvement plan and joint development of the school wide program plan (TSIPP).

  • Parents serve as members of all of our sub-committees on the TSIPP plan. Surveys are completed by parents as part of the review process. School improvement plans are available for review and comments. Information concerning the TSIPP plan is discussed and reviewed by the Parent Advisory Council.

(f)The school provides parents with timely information about school programs under NCLB section 1118.

  • NGHS uses CommunitySafe, an electronic communication system to keep parents informed
  • In addition, informatation is posted on the web-site, through local media including newspaper, cable channel 18 and WGRV Radio.

(g)The school provides parents a description and explanation of the curriculum the school uses, forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency level students are expected to meet.

  • Curriculum: There is an Open House the first the beginning of the school year. At this meeting the parents and students can meet teachers and discuss courses. Also there is a course description for every course offered at North Greene High School made available. Teachers also provide a class syllabus the first week of school to all students enrolled in their class.
  • Assessment: When the ACT, Plan and End of Course testing results are returned, each child takes them home with a pamphlet explaining how to read and understand the scores. The guidance counselor and curriculum coaches are available to assist with understanding the results.
  • The Principal discusses the Tennessee Diploma Project at the parent night meeting.

(h)Per parent request-opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children, and respond to any suggestions as soon as possible.

  • At NGHS both parents and teachers can initiate a conference to discuss student performance. At these meetings, concerns and possible solutions are suggested such as remediation, enrichment, etc. Together as a team, a plan is developed to meet the needs for each child.

(i)A process is in place to submit parent comments on the schoolwide program (TSIPP) if it is not satisfactory to the parents when school makes the plan available to the district/LEA.

  • Parents can make written comments on a form provided at parent meetings.

(j) Building Capacity for Involvement- Assistance is provided to parents in understanding topics such as the State’s academic content standards, State student academic achievement standards, State and local academic assessments, how to monitor a child’s progress and work with educators to improve student achievement.

  • An 8th grade night is held in the spring to inform parents information for the upcoming year.
  • During the first parent meeting, information is provided and discussed regarding the state’s academic content standards, student academic achievement standards, state and local academic assessments along with an emphasizes on how to improve student achievement and monitor student progress.

(k) Building capacity for involvement-Materials and training are provided to help parents work with their children to improve their achievement, such as literacy training and using technology to foster parent involvement.

  • At Open House, a showcase of emerging technology is provided to help parents work with their children to improve their achievement and foster parental involvement.
  • Linkson the School and District website are posted to assist parents to work with their children to improve their achievement.
  • Materials such as dictionaries, thesauruses, reading material and calculators have been purchased and are made available in the school library for students and parents that do not otherwise have access to these supplies.

(l)Building capacity for involvement—Staff are educated with the assistance of parents in the value and contributions of parents; and in working with parents—how to reach out to, communicate with, as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, build ties between parents and the school.

  • An8th grade night is held in the spring to allow students and their parents to tour the building and meet the faculty and staffand to begin building a positive relationship. In addition, parents are informed of volunteer opportunities in the upcoming year.
  • Two weeks before the start of school, parents and students may come to the school to pick up their class schedules and to discuss the schedule with counselors and or administrators.
  • Parents and teachers are encouraged to call or email any concerns they may have.
  • Parent-teachers conferences are scheduled in the system calendar or can be arranged at a convenient time for parents.

(m) Building capacity for involvement—Title 1- A parental involvement strategies are coordinated and integrated with parent involvement strategies under other programs, such as Head Start, Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start, Parents as Teachers, Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters, State-run preschool programs, and Title III language instructional programs. (NA for State Special Schools).

  • NGHS consists of grades 9-12 and do not have or relate to these types of early childhood programs. We do provide informational brochures on these programs for parents.

(n)Building capacity for involvement---Ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to parents in a format and, to the extent practical, in a language the parents understand.

  • Appropriate information is available in Spanish. There also is a teacher on staff that is fluent in Spanish and provides assistance as needed.

(o)Building capacity for involvement—Provide other reasonable support for parent involvement activities per parent request. (Example: transportation, childcare)

  • Reasonable support is provided as requested by parents.

(p)Accessibility—Local educational agencies and schools, to the extent practicable, shall provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents migratory children, including providing information and school reports in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language parents understand.

  • At NGHS, appropriate information is translated for all non-English speaking parents. A translator is available as needed to assist parents and studentsfor educational/academic purposes.