596th CCTS Board Meeting, March 13, 2013
Canaveral Council of Technical Societies (CCTS)
Minutes of the 596th Executive Board Meeting
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
CCTS Board Room at 7:00 P.M.
Cape Royal Office Bldg., Suite 401
1980 N. Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
CCTS Office Telephone: (321) 868-1623
CCTS Fax Number: (321) 868-1623
CCTS Office E-mail Address:
CCTS Internet Home Page:
Dave FlemingChairman, AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
Bob ShawVice-Chairman, ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)
Laura SewardNSS-FSDC (National Space Society – Florida Space Development Council)
Bill MacdonaldSecretary, AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
Bill AllenMSRPI (Missile, Space and Range Pioneers, Inc.)
Steve Schneider PMI-SCC (Project Management Institute – Space Coast Chapter
Rich Kiefer Treasurer, INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering)
Ken BisnathNMA-FSCC (National Management Association-Florida Space Coast Council)
Jenissa GarciaSCHFES (Space Coast Human Factors and Ergonomics Society)
Paul HirschbergSAME (Society of American Military Engineers)
Joe BrownAACEI (Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering International)
Carey BeamSME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers) (by telephone call in)
Ted HartselleAIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) (by telephone call in)
NOTE: Prior to the start of the Meeting, difficulty was experienced in getting the Conference Call system to work. Ted Hartselle joined by calling in on the CCTS Office telephone. Laura Seward loaned her cell phone to the Meeting, and Carey Beam joined the Meeting through calling in to Laura Seward’s cell phone number.
1.0 Introductions – Chairman – Dr. David Fleming
A quorum was present and Dave Fleming called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M. I thank you again for allowing the convening of the Meeting at this 7:00 P.M. time. This is next to the last month that I will have to be here to start so late and next month we can set the time back to a more appropriate time.
I want to recognize and thank all who helped support putting on the Engineers Week Banquet, it went off very well and I want to especially thank Bob Shaw and Bill Macdonald for organizing the venue and the registration and very much to AIAA for co-sponsoring the Event.
2.0 Vice-Chairman’s Report -- Robert Shaw
We have a lot of events coming and were going to have to think about staffing of these. We have a Meeting of the 43rd Space Congress Planning Committee and the next Robotics event
3.0 Secretary’s Report –- Bill Macdonald
The minutes of the February meeting had been e-mailed out and hard copies are available on the table. Bill Macdonald said the in the Attendance listing, the NSSFL (National Space Society – Florida) should be NSS-FSDC (National Space Society - Florida Space Development Council. After further review, Joe Brown Moved to approve the Minutes, as Amended. Laura Seward Seconded the Motion and the Motion was Passed.
4.0 Treasurer’s Report –- Rich Kiefer
We have $7,608.43 in the Checking Account, which is supposed to last CCTS until December, 2013, and $100.00 in the Credit Card Account and also a minimum of $119,829.82 in the Investment Account. On the domain names question, “Space Congress.name” has not been renewed. “SpaceCongress.net” and “SpaceCongress.org”, have been renewed for 5 years to align its renewal date with “CCTSonline.org”, which becomes due in 2018. In 2018 those three domain names can be renewed for 3 years to coincide with “CCTSonline.com” which comes due in 2021. This cost for “SpaceCongress.net” and “SpaceCongress.org”, domain names renewal is $165.15. On the Engineers Week Banquet, we ended up making $224.33 in profit, one-half of which will be given to AIAA as co-sponsor of the Event. Bill Macdonald mentioned that the total number of attendees at that Event was 63. It was Moved by Bill Macdonald to Receive the Treasurer’s Report. Joe Brown Seconded the Motion and the Motion Passed. The Treasurer noted that we have no large debts outstanding for the rest of the fiscal year.
4.1Renewal of Space Congress Internet Domains - Rich Kiefer
This was discussed in Section 4.0 above.
5.0 Society Announcements – ALL
5.1 Bob Shaw – ASCE did have a Meeting last month; they are trying to get more active.
5.2 Bob Shaw – SAME is supporting an Emergency Response System for the County that spreads out to all the A & E firms and Construction Firms in the County and are stressing getting everybody together on Disaster Recovery and there is a R C Manager of this effort at the Brevard County Level supportive of this. FEMA is also offering free on-line courses on this subject. It is felt to be important that CCTS get this information out to all.
5.3 Ken Bisnath – NMA-FSCC is conducting Speech Contests in March and April, for students in the 7th through 12th grades and sponsored by local NMA-FSCC Councils and held at various schools, about 10, including parochial schools, in Brevard County. Winners will enter an Eastern United States competition to be held in Panama City, Florida, May 18th. The National Competition will take place in San Antonio, Texas, in September. If you know a student in those grade levels who would like to compete, notify Ken Bisnath by the end of March.
5.4 Laura Seward – NSS-FSDC will have a Meeting on March 16th, at 2:00 PM, in the Cocoa Beach Courtyard by Marriott Hotel with Guest Speaker, Steven Covey, the Co-Founder and Director of East State, the newest asteroid mining company. We are planning a Special Event on April 6th with a speaker from the 45th Weather Squadron at PAFB, speaking on “weather around launch pad launches” and also “lightning safety”. Then on June 1st a speaker will be talking about the Shiloh Launch Site Initiative. Then we will be hosting, in the Fall, a Southeast Regional Conference for the National Space Society and this will include Georgia, Texas and Alabama chapters along with our chapter, which is the only active one in Florida. Also, Yuri’s Night on April 12th a Space Party starts, which is celebrated all around the World. On Friday, April 12th it will be at Nolan’s Irish Pub,on Saturday, April 13th it will be a barbecue behind the Cocoa Beach Brewing Company. OnMonday, April 15th, the gathering will be at Stone Fire Art Gallery in Titusville.
5.5 Bill Allen – MSRPI will be having their Spring Dinner, at the Cocoa Beach Hilton, on Friday, April 5th with Speaker, Andrew Nelson, Chief Operating Officer for XCOR Aerospace. His subject will be on what XCOR is going to do in this area. At that Meeting we will have our Team Leads to give updates on the progress from both of the FIT teams that MSRPI supports. Reservations can be made on PayPal or through Bill Allen.
5.6 Bill Macdonald – First, I’d like to congratulate Laura Seward on being a Space Professional. AIAA is planning a Dinner Meeting on April 11th, starting at 6:00 PM, at the Radisson at the Port, in Cape Canaveral, with Speaker Martin McClellan, ASRC Contractor to FAA Office of Commercial Space Transportation. His topic will be “What is Commercial Space Transportation?”
5.7 Steve Schneider – PMI-SCC will be holding a Dinner Meeting on April 8th at the Holiday Inn Melbourne-Viera Conference Center in Viera, Wickham Road and I-95.
5.8 Jenissa Garcia –SCHFES does not have details of Meetings planned at this time.
5.9 Joe Brown – AACEI is having a meeting on March 21st on Cost Estimating at Siemens, in Orlando, across from the UCF Campus. Announcement will be coming out soon on the regular CCTS announcements and anyone planning to attend, follow the details on the announcement, and let them know in advance, so one can be cleared through Security there and also whether they would partake of the $5 Dinner offered. Also,with the announcement thatAFCEA will be having a Golf Tournament on April 5th at PAFB, I am going to talk to AFCEA about having a golf tournament in conjunction with our next Space Congess® in 2014.
5.10 Paul Hirschberg - SAME has nothing to report.
5.11 Carey Beam – SME will be having a facility tour March 21st at NIDA in Melbourne, manufacturers of electronic training equipment. More information about that tour will be found on the SME website. A tour on May 23rd will be held at the Advance Magnet Lab. Also, it was noted that the National Space Club - Florida Committee will be sponsoring a Dinner on April 27th, starting at 6:30 PM, to be held at the Debus Center at the KSC Visitor Complex, at which Robert Cabana will be awarded the 2013 Dr. Kurt H. Debus Award. That Event is probably sold out at this time, but there is a waiting list for cancellations. From Craig Technologies, they wish to extend a word of thanks to the CCTS Engineers Week Awards Committee and Event Planning Committee. Carol Craig, though unable to attend, is very grateful for the recognition in receiving the CCTS Engineers Week Achievement Award and the Craig Technologies attendees appreciated very much being a part of the Event.
5.12 Ted Hartselle – AIChE has a Spring Fling in Denver, Colorado coming up. We have a Meeting on April 5th with the Spacecoast Technical Network (STN), with Lynda Weatherman, President and CEO of the Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast, as Speaker.
6.0 Old Business
6.1 Contacts with Societies Discussion -- Jill Stirling
Dave Fleming has been in contact with Joanne Longo, Vice President of Women in Defense (WID), Space Coast Chapter, and she will bring up the question of joining CCTS at their next meeting.
6.2Review of Methods for Less Expensive Tele-conferencing -- Jill Stirling
Bob Shaw has to set up the wi-fi system here and check out Skype. The router, not connected, is in the CCTS Office
7.0 Committee Reports
7.1 By-Laws – TBD
No Report
7.2 Publicity – Andy Anderson
No Report
7.3 Outreach Education, Projects – Dr. Jim Johnson
No Report
7.4 Membership – Jill Stirling
7.4.1 New CCTS Society Submittals
Refer to Item 6.1 (above).
7.5 Long Range Planningand Goals - ALL
No Report
7.6 Other Conference and Seminars - ALL
7.6.1 Engineers Week 2013 – ALL
Dave Fleming mentioned that, while the venue at the Holiday Inn Viera-Melbourne has been used several times by Member Societies, CCTS has not used it before; however, the staffing and facilities were very satisfactory and gave good service. The Speaker, I thought, did a super job and the only thing that I could have wished for was, while the attendance at 63 was an ok number, last year we had 90 some and the year before 80 and the year before that 100. Thoughts about the future for this Event is that maybe a Robotic Team could be invited and maybe those corporate attendees, which purchase tables, might bring exhibits to display. A number of comments had to do with an early selection of the date of the next Engineers Week Banquet and putting publicity, on it, out earlier, and promote to the Member Societies the desire for their co-sponsorship and/or scheduling their regular Society Meeting as part of the Event, and also, the Member Societies could present their own awards at the Event.
7.6.2 43rd Space Conference Planning Meeting - ALL
The Committee Members designated Jennisa Garcia as the Chair of the 43rd Space Congress Planning Committee and she noted that the next Planning Committee Meeting would be next Tuesday, March 19th, at 5:30 PM, in the CCTS Conference Room. She has been calling to potential venues in the area to get pricing information. Themes were discussed and topics categories to be utilized at the Congress. It is planned to send out requests for sponsorship in June, so that Companies can get that into their budgets in time for the September time fiscal cutoff date for the New Year. The date of the Event is planned in April of 2014. This sort of date might assist at the college level, to help students participate as a part of projects that they might have in school. All attending today were invited to come to the next Planning Meeting to help provide inputs as to topics to be considered and a theme to be adopted. MRSPI still wishes to sponsor the Banquet there. If sponsors come, we might want to include in their fee a package to include the Banquet. Jenissa Garcia plans to schedule one meeting of the Planning Committee per month, with more frequent Meetings closer to the Event. As Fred Martin has indicated that he would not be available to be General Chairman of the Event this next time and whereas in times past a prestigious local Company Executive, who has been around for a long time and knows a great many people, was enlisted for that position, however; with changing times, there doesn’t appear to be anyone around that fills that description. Jenissa has offered to assume that position. It was mentioned by Bill Macdonald, that for many years we a had a Vice Chairman who was a high ranking official at KSC, and the Air Force supplied a DOD Chairman, who was on the Space Congress Executive Board, and he was quite often the Commander of the 6555th Aerospace Test Group at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station or a high ranking officer at PAFB. KSC purchased about $20,000 worth of tickets for the Event, which helped keep us as a tax-free organization. Dave Fleming indicated that a General Chair for the Event would clearly have to come from the CCTS ranks and we would need to get Vice-Chairs and Sub-Committee Heads from our Member Societies, who would also help promote it. What with Budget cuts, we can expect reduced monetary contributions from KSC and the Air Force, which would probably spill over to corporate entities and also increase travel restrictions.
7.6.3Future Robotics Event Planning - ALL
Dave Fleming plans to call a Special Meeting on March 26th to discuss the Planning for the next CCTS Robotics Event. As the cost of the last Robotics was about $7,000 and CCTS contributed $5,000, CCTS will not be able by itself to outlay that much for the next Event. The Event will require greater financial support from the Member Societies as well as some Corporate Sponsorship. By late summer we should assess whether we have enough commitment by that time to go forward with the Event or whether it should be scaled back. Jenissa Garcia indicated that there might be local companies who could donate electronic equipment or tools to the Robotics Team to help them with their project. It was also noted that Brevard County will be down on their budget in supporting the Teams and the financial requirement for more outside support will be needed. Dave Fleming noted a newspaper report that Orlando held a First™ Robotics Team Regional Competition and 3 of the teams; the Pink Team, the Bionic Tigers team and the Horsepower team, who all participated at our CCTS Robotics Event last year, made it to the semi-finals. The Pink Team ranked very highly. There was a car accident on the way to the competition between the Bionic Tigers and Horsepower Teams, which mangled the Horsepower Team’s robot, but they were able to repair it and compete and advance to the semi-finals.
7.7 Awards – Bill Macdonald
There is an International Space Apps Program, which is coming up on April 21st and April 22nd, at the Center for Space Education at the Visitors Center, KSC. This is the second one held, but the first one sponsored by KSC. It is a two-day session, at no charge, to explore technology development. There may be a way to avoid paying at the Visitors Center Entrance for this free Event. Bill Macdonald will send a notice to the Member Societies.
It is one of the CCTS Objectives to “coordinate and support projects of community service where the capabilities of the technical community would be of value” so; we have this wonderful Event coming up. You have on the table before you this sheet on the Excellence in Science Awards. While discussing this, I am circulating around the table a chart showing the time and location of the Award Presentation Events at the 16 Brevard County Middle and Jr/Sr High Schools. A number of you have participated in the presentation in previous years. I would like to get some signatures of those who can present The gifts that are given to the winning student, as selected by the school is en engraved medallion, a certificate as well as a congratulatory letter signed by our Chairman. You will have a text already prepared for your presentation. The Awards used to be presented at the High School level, but several years ago it was felt that to present these to students at their earlier age would be a good idea, and this has proved quite fruitful. On the Nominations Sheet that has gone out, the need back date, with the winner’s name, is noted, so that engraving time on the Medallion can be effected. These Awards materials would be delivered to the presenters either at the CCTS Board Meetings or delivered direct to the presenter. Dave Fleming, who has presented before, noted that usually you are scheduled near the head of the program, in case one has to leave early.
7.8 Management and Budget – Dr. Jim Johnson
No Report
7.9 New Projects – ALL