2002 Pulse Crop Herbicide Options
Gregory Endres, NDSU Extension Service Area Agronomist and Brian Jenks, NDSU Weed Scientist
Field pea, lentil, and chickpea generally are poor competitors with weeds. Weeds should be controlled early (by one to three weeks after crop emergence) to minimize risk of reduced pulse crop seed yield and quality. Use integrated weed management strategies including cultural, mechanical, and chemical options.
The following list displays the currently-labeled (May 2002) herbicides available for use in pulse crops.
Herbicides labeled for field pea:
- Preplant = glyphosate and Spartan.
- Preplant incorporated = Far-Go, metolachlor, Prowl/Pendimax, Sonalan, Spartan, and trifluralin.
- Preemergence = glyphosate, metolachlor, Sencor, and Spartan.
- Postemergence = Assure II, Basagran, Poast, Pursuit, Raptor, Rezult, Sencor, and Thistrol.
- Preharvest = glyphosate.
Herbicides labeled for lentil:
- Preplant = glyphosate.
- Preplant incorporated = Far-Go, Outlook, Prowl/Pendimax, Pursuit, and trifluralin.
- Preemergence incorporated = Far-Go.
- Preemergence = glyphosate, Outlook, Pursuit, and Sencor.
- Postemergence = Assure II, Outlook, Poast, and Sencor.
- Preharvest = glyphosate and Gramoxone Max.
Herbicides labeled for chickpea:
- Preplant = glyphosate and Spartan.
- Preplant incorporated = Far-Go, metolachlor, Prowl/Pendimax, Pursuit, Sonalan, Spartan, and trifluralin.
- Preemergence incorporated = Far-Go.
- Preemergence = glyphosate, metolachlor, Pursuit, and Spartan.
- Postemergence = Assure II, Poast, Select/Prism, and Tough.
- Preharvest = glyphosate and Gramoxone Max.
Weed control in chickpea
(Adapted from MontanaStateUniversity publication “Growing Chickpea in the northern Great Plains” at
Spartan will control troublesome broadleaf weeds like kochia and Russian thistle in no-till chickpea. NDSU research has shown that higher rates of Spartan may be required to control wild buckwheat. Spartan can be applied up to 30 days prior to planting to 3 days after planting. A burndown herbicide like glyphosate may be tank mixed with Spartan if broadleaf or grass weeds have emerged. For optimum activity, Spartan needs a minimum of 0.5 to 0.75 inches of moisture after application to become activated in the soil. Soil factors such as pH, texture, and organic matter content affect Spartan activity in soils. Carefully consult the label to determine optimum rates for your farm.
In conventional tillage systems, Treflan, Sonalan, and Prowl applied preplant incorporated will control certain broadleaf weeds plus foxtail and barnyardgrass, but not wild oat or quackgrass. Pursuit can be applied preplant incorporated or preemergence to control certain broadleaf and grass weeds. However, Pursuit will not control ALS-resistant kochia and the user assumes all risk of crop injury.
Tough is the only POST herbicide labeled in chickpea that will control broadleaf weeds. Under optimum conditions, Tough will control kochia, pigweed, lambsquarters, and Russian thistle. Tough will not control wild buckwheat. For optimum weed control, Tough should be applied in a high spray volume (20 gpa), in warm, sunny conditions, and to weeds 3-inches tall or less. Tough should not be applied under cool, cloudy conditions.
Newly-labeled herbicides for use in 2002 on pulse crops include:
- Raptor - labeled as POST application in field pea. Apply at 4 fl oz/A for small (maximum of 3-inch) annual grass and broadleaf weed control. Must add NIS or crop oil concentrate and Basagran at 6 to 16 fl oz/A. UAN or AMS may be added to increase weed control, but also may increase crop injury. Basagran will reduce potential for crop injury and aid control of common lambsquarters and kochia. Apply Raptor to field pea with at least 3 pair of leaves but prior to flowering and at least 60 days before harvest. Crop rotation restrictions exist.
- Rezult - labeled as POST application in field pea. Commercial package of Basagran + Poast at 3.2 pt/A (1.6 pt Result B + 1.6 pt Rezult G)for small, actively-growing annual grass and selected broadleaf weeds. Always add 2 to 4 pt/A of UAN or 1 to 2 lb/A of AMS and 1 pt/A of crop oil concentrate. Apply to field pea with at least 3 pair of leaves (4 nodes) and at least 30 days before harvest. Rezult is economically priced compared to separate purchase of Basagran and Poast.
Refer to herbicide labels and the North Dakota State University Extension Service circular W-253 ‘2002 North Dakota Weed Control Guide’ for required details on herbicide use. Also, note that crop rotation restrictions exist for several pulse herbicides including Pursuit, Raptor, Sencor, Spartan, and trifluralin. Get answers to your specific pulse weed management questions by contacting NDSU crop specialists or extension agents.
South-Central ND
During May 1 to 7, area rainfall amounts were 0.65 inches or less as recorded at NDAWN sites. Black soil temperatures at the 4-inch depth ranged from the mid 30's to low 40's F on May 7. Fieldwork generally was taking place throughout the region during the week ending May 4. Recent moisture (rain and snow) plus the continuous cool temperatures have stopped fieldwork and hindered development of planted seeds. For example at Carrington, HRS wheat planted on April 24 had coleoptile length of less than 0.5 inches when checked on May 7.
Reports across the region indicate winter survival of alfalfa and winter cereals is satisfactory. There is a wide spread of seeding progress between counties north of I-94 compared to counties near the South Dakota border. In Dickey, LaMoure, McIntosh, Ransom and Sargent counties, small grain seeding is 75 to 95% complete. Early-planted small grain fields have started to emerge. In Eddy, Foster, Sheridan and Wells counties, 5% or less of small grain, canola, and flax seeding is complete. Corn planting is about 50% complete in Dickey, LaMoure, Ransom and Sargent counties and a small percentage of soybean acres have been planted. Corn planting date deadlines are fast approaching and general concern exists with timely seeding of cool-season crops. Pasture growth is slow.
Greg Endres
Area Extension Specialist/Cropping Systems