Official Minutes
City of West Concord, Minnesota
Economic Development Authority
Tuesday, May 4th, 2010
State of Minnesota)
County of Dodge)
Call the Meeting to Order:The City of West Concord Economic Development Authority met on Tuesday, May 4th, 2010, at the City Hall of West Concord, Minnesota. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dan Rabe at 6:30 PM.
Present were Burt Boe, George Coy, Al Gilbert, Lois Johnson, Jeff McCool, and Dan Rabe. Members absent – Steve Boe. Also present was City Administrator Kay Hanson; Sherry Hines, Southeast Development Corp.; and Tom Albert.
Additions to the Agenda:
There were no additions to the agenda.
Approval of Minutes:
Motion by McCool seconded by Gilbert to approve the minutes of the April 6th, 2010 meeting. Yes – B. Boe, Coy, Gilbert, Johnson, McCool and Rabe. No – None. Abstained – None. Motion passed.
New Business:
- Roadside Advertising in a Digital Age: Sherry reported there is an informational seminar in Mantorville sponsored by the Minnesota Extension Office on May 5th. Chris Giesen, Dodge County EDA Coordinator plans to attend. Mr. Giesen plans to apply to host a seminar at the Triton Computer Lab for Dodge County cities and businesses.
- Review of Expenses: The EDA expenses for the month of April were reviewed.
Old Business:
- Highway 56 Signage: Chairman Rabe reported Dodge County has given permission to place a temporary sign at the junction of County Road 24 and County Road 7. They also gave permission to place the second sign on their property in West Concord, located on County Road 24. City Administrator Hanson reported she has contacted Lowell Wright and he gave permission to have the sign on his property. She has given the names of the businesses wanting to be listed on the sign to Midwest Signtech to be produced. It was suggested to ask Bruce Freerksen, owner of the car wash, if he would allow the signs to be placed on his building, instead of at the Dodge County Shop. City Administrator Hanson will contact Mr. Freerksen.
- Sherry Hines’ Report: Sherry reported she continues to research programs for small businesses and communities through Rural Development’s grant and loan programs. Sherry attended a meeting in Austin featuring a panel discussion on Economic Development Opportunities for Small Cities. She continues to work on updates for the web site business listings as well as take new pictures and update the City business directory. She and City Administrator Hanson worked on developing a survey to send out to City residents. The last survey was done in 2006. Given pending budget cuts, it was felt community feedback would be valuable to the EDA, as well as the City Council in determining the needs of the community. EDA members are to review the survey and submit their suggestions for changes within two weeks. The survey will be discussed at the June EDA meeting.
- West Concord School Facility: City Administrator informed the EDA the City Council approved moving forward with negotiating with the Triton School Board to acquire the West Concord School Facility. The Triton School Board plans to put the facility up for bids, to be sold as is. Bids are due May 31st, 2010.
Next Meeting Agenda Items:
Agenda items will include further discussion regarding the acquisition of the West Concord School Facility, Highway 56 signage project, West Concord Citizen Survey, and the Roadside Advertising in a Digital Age Program.
Motion by Gilbert seconded by McCool to adjourn the meeting. Yes – B. Boe, Coy, Gilbert, Lawson, McCool and Rabe. No – None. Abstained – None. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.
Dan Rabe, Chair
Steve Boe, Secretary / Call to Order
Additions to the Agenda
Approval of Minutes
New Business
Old Business
Next Meeting Agenda Items