Level 2:Tomorrows School Leaders
The Centre for School Leadership (CSL) developmental programs will empower teachers, and school and system leaders, by providing the critical skills, knowledge and confidence necessary to progress both personally and professionally. Continuity of delivery over the coming years together with the four step course structure will allow educators to plan their training and higher education according to personal leadership pathways over the course of their careers.
It is intended that CSL will enrol participants from the Government sector who meet eligibility criteria and participants from the non-Government sector by arrangement. Applicants will be required to demonstrate levels of competency and be recommended by their superiors. There will be no cost for educators in the DoE system.
Who can apply?
To be eligible for a CSL, Level Two course you must:
- be a highly recommended senior teacher,an assistant principal or new principal working in a pre-school, primary or secondary school in the NT.
What Level TwoCourse is on offer?
- Tomorrow’s School Leaders
Application Process
- Submit your application with cover letter to CSL.
- Address statements against the selection criteria.
- Attain school principal recommendation and certification of the accuracy of your application (if not currently a principal).
- Attain regional director’s approval of your application.
- The CSL selection panel will assess eligible applications against relevant, eligibility and selection criteria.
What are the selection criteria?
The selection panel will consider applications against the following selection criteria:
- evidence of significant ability as a leader of their peers and a capacity for leadership into the future;
- evidence of enthusiasm for furthering their own professional development and education at post-graduate standard and a willingness to complete the assessment requirements in their own time;
- other personal qualities, recommendations and personal circumstances that would enhance the candidates suitability to undertake this study.
Who selects the scholarship recipients?
A CSL Selection Panel will review all applications according to the criteria set out in the application form. After considering all applications, the selection panel will make recommendations to the CSL Academic Steering Committee for approval.
Preparing Your Application for a CSL course?
The application form and attachments:
- Your introductory statementsshould express your interest in a course byresponding to the three criteria above in no more than 300 words.
- Statements of your professional practice at the first step of the ‘Development Pathway’ for each ‘Professional-Practice Profile’ of the Australian Professional Standard for Principals.The Standard is divided into five areas of Professional Practice. Provide evidence of your engagement(or beginning engagement) atfirst level ofthe developmentalpathwaysof all five professional practices,in not more than three A4 pages. The document may be accessed at;
- Current early career principals may miss step b.
- Seek verification and support for you application from the school principal(if not a principal) and approval from your regional director where indicated on the application form.
Further information
Telephone: 8946 7255
- Please complete and send your application with cover letter via email to:
- Alternatively send the original, signed application to:
Patricia Mooney
Centre for School Leadership
Charles Darwin University
Ellengowan Drive, NT 0909
Level 2: CSL Application Form
- Course requested:
- Applicant details
First nameSurname
Preferred nameEmployee ID number
Home address
Home telephoneMobile
Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Yes/No
- Current Employment
Employment status:Permanent F/TPermanent P/T
Contract employmentContract lengthContract end date
Number of years of teaching and leadership experience
Current position
Current school or education office
Your application is for which course
4.Opening Statements
5.Evidence of Professional Practice at the First Step of the ‘Development Pathway’ for Each Professional-Practice Profile Area
Attach a maximum of 3 pages against selected pointers of theAustralianProfessional Standard for Principals
6. Principal’s Endorsement
Please complete the following:
Candidates Name
Verification of Opening Statements:1.yes/no 2. yes/no3. yes/no
I endorse the claims made by the candidate against the Lead Teacher pointers on the attached pages.
I recommend the candidate for Level Two Certification Training yes/no
Principal: Name Signature
7. Regional Director’s Endorsement
Please complete the following:
I endorse the candidate for Level Two Certification Training yes/no
Regional Director: Name Signature