NOTE: The following information came across my desk, and I thought I should share it with you.
-John Rossie
Subject: Tony Lake UNICEF Appointment/Please give to Annie Bradley for Eric Holder
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 13:00:27 -0400
I have spoken with Mr. Lake regarding the American POW allegations outlined below. Ambassador Susan Rice and I have talked and she is also aware of the allegations below. I understand that this coming weekend would be the last window of opportunity until next year for Israel to preemptively attack Iran with the support of the US. It is also very possible that the US would use this time frame to attack Venezuela and remove Mr. Chavez. I have met with the Second Secretary of Lebanon and the Military Attaché of Belarus on this material in an attempt to keep global peace. Other nations have been given access to my work over the years including Russia and China. I have and will continue to have a serious problem with a policy of preemption and bring this to your attention.
Best regards,
Mary Jo Pullen-Hughes
Subject: RE: Please give to Annie Bradley for Eric Holder
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 11:42:29 -0400
we received it - thank you
Annie Bradley
Confidential Assistant to the Attorney General
From: maryJo pullen-hughes [mailto:
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 11:37 AM
To: Bradley, Annie Subject: Please give to Annie Bradley for Eric Holder
CC: ; ; ; Subject: Please give to Annie Bradley for Eric Holder
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 11:40:39 -0400
Re: Telephone call to Mr. Holder at home on August 30, 2009 (202) 966-0729 at approximately 8:30 a.m. PDT. Mr. Holder instructed me to send this e-mail to DOJ attn: Annie Bradley, his Confidential Assistant.
Mary Jo Pullen-Hughes
(503) 253-1922
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2008 20:34:10 -0500
Subject: Re: Intelligence Update/Terrorist Attack against the United States/Iran
Ms. Pullen-Hughes – Thanks for the information. Dennis Blair
On 12/2/08 11:19 AM, "maryJo pullen-hughes" <> wrote:
Ms. Cooper,
Thank you for taking my call. If there are any questions, I can be reached at (360) 433-8344.
Best regards, Mary Jo Pullen-Hughes
To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
CC: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Subject: Intelligence Update/Terrorist Attack against the United States/Iran
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 19:47:49 -0500
From: maryJo pullen-hughes <>
To: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Cc: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Subject: Intelligence Update/Terrorist Attack against the United States/Iran
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2006 3:51 PM
CC: President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard B. Cheney
FROM: Mary Jo Pullen-Hughes (1)
DATE: March 1, 2006
RE: Intelligence Update/Terrorist Attack against the United States/Iran
Alberto R. Gonzales, Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001
Dear Mr. Gonzales,
I bring the following information to you and ask that I be prosecuted for actions I have committed and know to be illegal under the laws of the United States government. I have, with full knowledge of government officials in the legislative, executive and judicial branches, communicated classified intelligence and military troop movements to foreign governments. At no time, however, have I ever had and do not now have any classified documents in my possession. I continue to maintain my contact with foreign governments about intelligence matters. I am compelled to tell you another terror attack is avoidable and that I know and have provided information that with certainty proves the September 11 attack never needed to occur. I have also proven that because of intelligence work I did in July and August 2002, regarding US military personnel in Eritrea for a pre-emptive strike against Iraq at the end of August 2002, there was no reason to attack Iraq. There is a provable reason why no weapons of mass destruction were ever located.
I have been given information by members of the Black Operations/Covert Operation’s community, both active duty and retired military, as well as members currently working in various departments of the United States government. I am willing and able to provide names of individuals who have shared sensitive/classified information with me. I maintain contact with the FBI, Secret Service and United States Attorney’s Office in Portland, Oregon. I am willing to speak to a United States government official on the record concerning any and all sensitive/classified information I know.
I do not intend to provoke or incite rebellion against government authority, or an actual rebellion against government authority. I am not violating my allegiance to my country.
The information, contained in the footnotes to this memorandum, has been shared with officials in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government over the past seventeen years and with foreign governments beginning in 1995.
I have had one official government interview conducted in January 1995. I met with two FBI agents prior to my making initial contact with the Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C. Every time I have taken sensitive information to foreign governments, I have notified the proper officials within the United States government of my actions. No official of the United States government has conducted an interview with me on the record as to what I have done or with whom I have shared intelligence data since 1995.
I have worked at providing sensitive information to various committees created by the United States government beginning with the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1988-89 regarding POW/MIA issues from WWII, Korea and Vietnam. I also provided information to the 9/11 Commission that links POW/MIA issues from Vietnam to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. It has been with full knowledge of my government that this information and documentation was shared with foreign governments, including the Russians, Chinese, Iraqis, as well as domestic intelligence agencies and the CIA. Copies of these documents were provided to David Atkinson, Assistant US Attorney, (503) 727-1005, prior to my visiting the Belarus Embassy in Washington, D.C., December 2004, and allowing the Defense Attaché to copy same. I am in regular contact with Mr. Atkinson, keeping him informed of my contacts, foreign and domestic.
It is my understanding that what is called the “Black Operations” or “Covert Ops” community in the United States, since the death/murder of former Director of the CIA, William Colby, has been shutting down in reporting serious terrorist threats to the United States. I have outlined these allegations previously in a Memorandum dated December 17, 2001 and captioned Black Operations/September 11, 2001.(2) That memo and referenced documents had been forwarded to the CIA IG and were in the possession the 9/11 Commission. I was made aware that, prior to the Commission’s conclusion at the end of August 2004, a select group of persons were at Quantico Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia preparing to handle the anticipated consequences of the 9/11 Commission report in connection with my intelligence work. When the 9/11 Commission failed to investigate or report my material, those gathered left “disgruntled.”
At the end of November 2004, I traveled to Washington, D.C. to request help and a hearing regarding my allegations outlined in the above-referenced memo. Early in 2005, I was informed that men in the Black Operation’s community had “shut down” again as of January 20, 2005; and were not reporting anything that they saw or heard as it relates to foreign or domestic terror attacks. This information came from a retired senior enlisted Navy Seal and a former Army Airborne officer in the Vancouver, Washington area. I have reported this on numerous occasions to Mr. Atkinson and other government officials. I have never been officially asked to name a source. I also asked members of the Black Operation’s community would they stop another terrorist attack because of the hurricane damages suffered by the United States in 2005. The answer was “No.”
I am keenly aware of the compartmentalization of the Black Ops community. I have talked to men within Homeland Security, FBI, Secret Service and various branches of the US military that are part of the Black Ops community and understand they are not reporting intelligence that would facilitate stopping another terror attack against United States interests.
For a number of years I have been communicating with the Australian Embassy in Washington, D.C., and had forwarded the POW/September 11 memo to Australian officials at the Australian Embassy. When a terrorist attack was stopped in Australia at the end of 2005, I understood that knowledge can be shared and attacks can be stopped.
As for the current situation with Iran, I am concerned that intelligence that I provided internally and externally about a pre-emptive strike against Iraq at the end of August 2002, indicates there is reason to believe that such an action is planned against Iran in the very near future. (See attached memo, United States Pre-Emptive Strike Policy/Eritrea, dated July 13, 2003.)(3)
As inflammatory rhetoric has escalated between the United States, Israel and Iran about a potential Iranian nuclear threat, I am concerned that Israel or the United States may exercise a pre-emptive limited nuclear strike again Iran. Although the United States is not publicly pursuing a low-yield earth penetrating nuclear weapon that does not mean Israel does not have this weapon or is not pursuing the technology or the actual weapon is not part of the Israeli arsenal.
Also, with the recent news of the UAE given rights to run American ports, and the UAE’s strategic position for basing US Naval vessels, the United States has positioned itself again to be involved in a pre-emptive action against Iran. However, what has not been mentioned is the 70 to 100 billion dollar oil field development agreement between China and Iran that has been in negotiation since the end of 2004 and is due to be signed in March 2006. The ramifications of such an agreement are clearly understood by those who are involved in global economic matters. China to Develop Iran Oil Field; Reports: China, Iran Near Huge Oil Field Deal; Trading oil in euros – does it matter:
Based on years of knowledge and observation, my conclusions are that we will have another devastating terror attack that is once again avoidable. Also, if United States policy makers are successful in a pre-emptive attack against Iran with or without Israeli involvement, it is highly probable that Russia and China will have no recourse but to become involved. The fact that they have as recently as last August participated in a joint military exercise and have signed a friendship pact are clear signals of intent to protect their assets in Iran and the surrounding region. Russia and China sign friendship pact; Russia, China forge defence union?; China, Russia start joint military exercises
(1) Copyright. Mary Jo Pullen-Hughes. 2006 All rights reserved.
TO: James Fallows
CC: Dan Goure
FROM: Mary Jo Pullen-Hughes (Copyright. Mary Jo Pullen-Hughes. 2001 All rights reserved.)
DATE: December 17, 2001
RE: Black Operations/September 11, 2001
You asked me to explain how United States Covert Operations (“Black Ops”) relates to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. I believe September 11th may not have happened if the Black Operations organization had not suffered from extensive internal management problems. These management problems have significantly affected the effectiveness of Black Operations in protecting United States interests and United States citizens. Because of the horrific nature and magnitude of September 11th, I am requesting that the media and other concerned citizens help focus the U.S. government’s attention on the CIA/Black Ops relationship, pressuring all relevant parties to recognize, restrict, and redefine the Black Operative community. Only if such actions are taken will the management problems, now inherent to Black Ops, be resolved. If such actions are not taken, I fear that a crucial part of U.S. security will be further compromised, that the U.S. government and military will not be able to protect U.S. citizens to their full capacity, and that tragic events, such as September 11th, will occur again.
My understanding of the Black Operations community was first given to me by George Russell Leard in 1980. Mr. Leard is a member of the Black Operations community and began working with Black Operations in 1961 as a Marine in the Bay of Pigs invasion. After that, he was stationed on embassy duty in the Philippines. He was flown into Vietnam from the Philippines on assassination missions as a sniper from 1962-1963. As early as 1989, Mr. Leard had spoken to me of internal management problems within Black Operations. I became concerned about the safety of men like Mr. Leard and began asking questions about the late return POW program.