Study Guide – Muscular System
Standards Covered
SAP 1 – Students will analyze anatomical structures in relationship to their physiological functions.
· SAP 1a – Apply correct terminology when explaining the orientation of body parts and regions.
· SAP 1b – Investigate the interdependence of the various body systems to each other and to the body as a whole.
· SAP 1c – Explain the role of homeostasis and its mechanisms as these relate to the body as a whole and predict the consequences of the failure to maintain homeostasis.
· SAP 1d - Relate cellular metabolism and transport to homeostasis and cellular reproduction.
· SAP 1e – Describe how structure and function are related in terms of cell and tissue types.
SAP 2 Students will analyze the interdependence of the integumentary, skeletal and muscular systems as these relate to the protection, support and movement of the human body.
· SAP 2b – Explain how the skeletal structures provide support and protection for tissues,m and function together with the muscular system to make movements possible.
Essential Question
How does the muscular system support, protect and move the body?
Root / Definition / WordAsthen/o, asthenia / Weakness / Myasthenia
Aux/o / Growth, acceleration / Auxotonic
Chalasia / Relaxation / Achalasia
Erg/o / Work / Ergometry
Fasci/o / Fascia / Fasciodesis
Fibr/o / Fiber, fibrous / Fibromyoma
Flect/o, flex/o / Bend / Flexor
Ide/o / Idea, mental images / Ideomuscular
Kinesi/o, kinesia, kinetic / Movement / Kinesioneurosis
Lei/o / Smooth / Leiomyoma
Ligament/o / Ligament / Ligamentopexy
Lysis / Dissolution, break down, split / Myolysis
Muscul/o / Muscle / Musculoskeletal
My/o, myos/o / Muscle / Myorrhexis
Pale/o / Old / paleokinetic
Pali, palin / Recurrence, repetition / Palikinesia
Pyg/o / Buttocks / Pygalgia
Rhabd/o / Striated, skeletal muscle / Rhabdomyolysis
Rot/o, rotat/o / Turn, evolve / Rotator
Stasis / Standing still / Myostasis
Sthen/o, sthenia / Strength / sthenometry
Stroma / Supporting tissue of an organ / Myostroma
Syndesm/o / Ligament, connective tissue / Syndesmectopia
Ten/o / Tendon / Tenorrhaphy
Tenont/o / Tendon / Tenontography
Therapeut/o, therapy / Treatment / Kinesiotherapy
Ton/o / Tone, tension / myatonia
1. What are the 7 criteria for naming muscles?
2. How is the Anterior Tibialis named?
3. How is the Flexor Digitorum Longus named?
4. How is the Pectoralis Major named?
5. How is the Sternocleidomastoid named?
6. How is a flexor muscle different from an extensor muscle?
7. How is an abduction movement different from an adduction movement?
8. What are the different arrangements of fascicles? Explain each?
9. How is parallel arrangement different from fusiform arrangement?
10. What are the 3 types of muscular tissue?
11. Which types of muscular tissue are striated?
12. Which types of muscular tissue are NOT striated?
13. Which types of muscular tissue are voluntary?
14. Which types of muscular tissue are Involuntary?
15. What are the functions of muscular tissue?
16. Identify and explain the characteristics of muscles.
17. What are the cells in skeletal and smooth muscle called?
18. What is another name for the muscle fiber membrane?
19. What is another name for the cytoplasm of a muscle fiber?
20. Where do you find Smooth Muscle?
21. What is the only location that you would find cardiac muscle?
22. Is Smooth muscle striated or non-striated?
23. Is Smooth muscle voluntary or involuntary?
24. Is Cardiac muscle voluntary or involuntary?
25. Is Cardiac muscle striated or non-striated?
26. Is Skeletal muscle striated or non-stirated?
27. Is Skeletal muscle voluntary or involuntary?
28. How much force can your body exert?
29. Which roots imply “muscles?”
30. What is the average heart rate at rest?
31. What 2 things do smooth muscles do?
32. Which muscle type is responsible for coursing blood through the body?
33. Distinguish between the Epimysium, Perimysium and Endomysium and how each is related.
34. What type of tissue do muscles NOT have?
35. Distinguish between a muscles insertion and its origin.
36. What 2 different ways can muscles attach to bone? How are they different from each other?
37. Normal muscle fibers have 1 nucleus and multiple mitochondria – TRUE or FALSE?
38. About how big are Skeletal Muscle Fibers?
39. What are thick filaments made of?
40. What are thin filaments made of?
41. What are the 2 subunits of Actin?
42. Explain the steps of the Neuromuscular Junction.
43. What is the end of the neuron called that is sending an electrical signal?
44. What holds the ACh in the neuron?
45. What is ACh?
46. What substance breaks down ACh?
47. What is the Synaptic Cleft?
48. What is a Neurotransmitter – don’t name one, explain what they do?
49. What ultimate stops the muscle contraction?
50. What ion is needed for Actin and Myosin binding sites to be revealed?
51. What ultimately destroys the ACh at the end of the contraction?
52. What does ACh stand for?
53. What is muscle tone?
54. Why would someone’s body make Lactic Acid?
55. How is Lactic Acid used?
56. What is muscle fatigue?
57. When would somoene’s body convert from Aerobic to Anaerobic Respiration?
58. What do anaerobic and aerobic mean?
59. When does muscle fatigue occur?
60. What is Oxygen Debt?
61. What causes Oxygen Debt?
62. What must happen in Oxygen Debt for a muscle to return to a resting state?
63. Explain the efficiency of muscles during activity?
64. What are the benefits of Aerobic Exercise?
65. How is Aerobic exercise different from Resistance exercise?
66. Explain the Overload Principle.
67. What are the 2 layers of organization in Smooth Muscle?
68. Where do you NOT find Smooth Muscle?
69. When does the Longitudinal Layer contract during Peristalsis?
70. When does the Circular Layer contract during Peristalsis?
71. What is Peristalsis?
72. Is Smooth Muscle innervated?
73. What are unique characteristics of smooth muscle?
74. What is the Stress-Relaxation Response? What benefits does it provide to someone?
75. What is Hyperplasia? What 2 times does it affect a woman and how?
76. What is muscular dystrophy?
77. Explain the symptoms and information associated with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
78. What does amiotic mean?
79. What muscular tissue type regenerates often during a lifetime?
80. How does muscular development occur after birth?
81. Why are men typically stronger than women?
82. What happens to a person’s muscles as they age?
83. What is weird about the curare plant?
84. What can the botulinum toxin do? How does this relate to botox injections?
85. What is Sarcopenia?
86. What is Rigor Mortis? How does it happen?