Kinsmen Major Projects Program
Application Information
“Serving the Community’s Greatest Needs”
January 2014 Edition
Contact Information
Kinsmen Club of Calgary
602 - 13th Avenue S. E.
P.O. Box 46066Inglewood Postal Outlet
Calgary, ABT2G 5H7
Kin Office: (403) 265-4595
Application Deadlines and Decision Notification
Application deadline:February 7th
Applicants notified of decision:April 1st
Funding issued to successful
applicants:June 30th
Please forward your completed application to:
By mail:
Kinsmen Club of Calgary
602 - 13th Avenue S. E.
P.O. Box 46066Inglewood Postal Outlet
Calgary, ABT2G 5H7
By email:
Purpose of the Kinsmen Club of Calgary Major Projects Program
The Kinsmen Club of Calgary is a group of active community volunteers and has been “serving the community’s greatest needs” since 1924. Our club members work together to promote service to the community, fellowship and national pride.
The Kinsmen Club of Calgary Major Projects Program supports community-oriented non-profit organizations intheir ability to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow by investing in the lives ofpeople young and old – to live in strong, caring and healthy communities.
The Kinsmen Club of Calgary Major Projects Program goes beyond providing financial resources by working withothers in our communities to support life-enhancing programs and services.
Applicants must meet the following criterion:
- A non-profit community organization legally registered under one of the following:
- Societies Act of Alberta;
- Companies Act of Alberta, Part 9 (Companies with objectives other than theacquisition of gain.);
- Business Corporations Act of Alberta, Part 21 (Extra-provincial corporations –allows corporations formed outside of Alberta to conduct business in Alberta – canhave objectives other than the acquisition of gain);
- Income Tax Act of Canada and registered in the Province of Alberta (Charities); or
- Special Act of the Parliament of Canada (e.g. service club).
Those Not Eligible
- For profit commercial businesses andprivate organizations
- Provincial/ federal government andaffiliated bodies
- Community, private and familyfoundations (other funders)
- Municipalities and affiliated bodies (a city, town, village, municipal district,summer village or town under theParks Towns Act)
Application Process
- The Kinsmen Club of Calgary, on or before the applicable deadline date, receives the completedapplication.
- Received applications are reviewed and checked for completeness and eligibility. Incompleteand/or ineligible applications will be returned to the applicant.
- Applications are reviewed and funding recommendations are made by the Kinsmen Club of Calgary’s elected Executive Committee.
- The Kinsmen Club of Calgary membership makes decisions on the applications taking into consideration therecommendations made by the Executive Committee. Funds available and funding priorities canlimit the number of grants and/or the amount approved.
- The applicant will be notified of the decision made, whether successful or not.
- If successful, a cheque for the approved funding will be issued to the applicant by the date aforementioned.
Obligations Upon Receiving Funding
By accepting funding, recipients will consent to participate is a “Good News” story and other applicable promotional activities mutually agreed upon by the recipient and the Kinsmen Club of Calgary.
Recipients are obliged to use the funding for the purpose to which it was intended for.
Applicant Information
Legal name of organization:
Mailing Address:
______Postal Code: ______
Street Address (if different from mailing address):
______Postal Code: ______
Organization telephone: (____) ______
Organization fax:(____) ______
Organization website address: ______
Incorporation No.Date of incorporationTime in operation
Organization Contacts:
Primary contact: Mr. Mrs. Ms.
Title: ______
Home: (____) ______
Work: (____) ______
Fax: (____) ______
Email: ______
Alternate contact: Mr. Mrs. Ms.
Title: ______
Home: (____) ______
Work: (____) ______
Fax: (____) ______
Email: ______
Project Information:
Brief description: ______
Total amount requested for project Total Project budget
Project Duration (e.g. mths, years)
* If this is a multi-year project, please specify amount budgeted per year
Organization Profile:
Number of staff Number of volunteers Number of members/clients
(currently active) (in the last complete year)
Other Funding:
Is your organization eligible for matched funding?______
Has your organization recently received or applied
for funding from another organization or body
(e.g. Wild Rose Foundation)?______
Date Amount Project Description
Kinsmen Club of Calgary Contact:
Who did you consult with at the Kinsmen Club of Calgary?
Survey Question:
How did you find out about the Kinsmen Major Projects Program?
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:
The information collected in this form is collected in compliance with section 33(c) of theFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and relates directly to and isnecessary for the Kinsmen Major Projects Program. The information you provide is to assist theadministration with processing your organization’s application and may only be disclosedas provided for in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Application Contents– continued
Please provide the following information on a separate page for each area:
1.Organization’s Purpose, Programs and Services
- What is the organization’s purpose and mission?
- What are its key achievements or successes?
- Describe what the organization does and by whom (staff and volunteers). Include mainactivities - programs, services, and events.
- Who uses your services or accesses your programs and activities? Provide theapproximate number of current members, participants and/or clients served by eacharea.
- Provide a listing of community partnerships.
- If you have received funding from the Kinsmen Club of Calgary in the last three years provide a briefreport of the outcomes of the project.
2.Project Description
- Explain what you want to do with the funds you are requesting and why. This includesa description of the issues and needs to be addressed by this project and evidence ofthose issues or needs. If funds are requested for a program, indicate whether theprogram is new or existing. If it is a new program, explain how the method wasdeveloped to address the issue(s) and need(s). If it is an existing program, identifywhat measurable outcomes have been achieved over the past year.
- Provide an outline of your project's purpose, objectives, and main strategies/activitiesthat must include what will be done, who will do it and when will it be done.
- How many people do you estimate or know will benefit from this grant? For example,provide estimated or targeted participant levels.
- If applicable, estimate the number of volunteers and volunteer hours that will contributeto this project.
- Provide a listing of potential new partnerships or relationships in the community.
3.Human Resources (only if funds are requested for staffing)
- What position is needed and why? (If not already explained in the project description).
- How was the wage/salary determined? Include position description/qualifications.
- If the position exists now how is it funded and why is funding needed?
- Include an organizational chart that reflects the structure of the organization - board,staff and volunteers including the proposed position(s).
- Include the timeline for the position; anticipated start and completion date. (Note: ifnew position, set timeline to allow for recruitment and selection.)