Enrolling in Direct Deposit
If you have not created an account at the atyourservice website then you will need to follow these instructions to create an account.
Go to www.atyourservice.ucop.edu
Click on “Sign on to my accounts”
Once you are at the login page, click on the “New User” link, it will give you a “Sign in Notification” disclaimer please read and click on “continue”
For the first time you will need to provide the site with your nine digit social security number and it will ask you for a password, enter your ssn number without any dashes or special characters. Your default password is your birthday in the following format: mmddyyyy (for example if your birthday is January 5, 1979 your password would be 01051979)
After you’ve logged on the site will ask you to set up your account by creating a user name and password and setting up security questions in case you forget your password. Once you have done this, it will direct you to the main page inside the atyourservice site.
After creating an account at atyourservice.ucop.edu, proceed to enroll in direct deposit.
Once inside the atyourservice.ucop.edu site, go to the section titled “Income and Taxes” and under that section you will find the “Direct Deposit” link. Once you click on that it will direct you to the direct deposit enrollment page. Once inside this page, just follow the instructions to enroll in direct deposit. You will need your account number and your electronic routing number from your bank.
If you experience problems login in or setting up your account please call Library Human Resources for further assistance.