Please email your completed application in an email attachment to the Recruitment Advisor at the subject line, please put your first and last name, followed by “2016 SpringRecruitment” When you attach the application to the email, please call it by the same name. It is not necessary to write anything in the body of the email.
Subject: John Smith2016 Spring Recruitment
Attached: John Smith2016 Spring Recruitment.doc
Applications are due,via email, by11:59 p.m. on Sunday, February 14, 2016.They will not be accepted after this time.
These applications will be collected and reviewed by the Phi Sigma Pi Recruitment Committee. Please keep in mind that the application is only one factor that contributes to your selection; attendance at rush events and an information session, as well expressing interest in Phi Sigma Pi, will also help our understanding of your character.
If you are selected for an interview, you will be notified via email. At this point you will be asked to sign up for an interview time. The interviews will be conducted in 15-minute segments and will be held in the week following the application deadline. Instructions on how to reserve your slot will be provided in your notification email. Please note that receiving an interview does not guarantee membership.
Thanks everyone and best of luck with your applications.
Cassie Oliver
Phi Sigma Pi Recruitment Advisor
Name:Expected Graduation:
School (A&S, Blair, etc.):Cumulative GPA:
Please answer the following questions in the spaces provided. Feel free to expand the boxes if you need more room to answer each question. Please keep in mind that no question requiresmore than a paragraph ora few bullet points to answer sufficiently.
1)You have 250 words to tell us a little bit about yourself. Go!
2)What other commitments do you currentlyhave here at Vanderbilt (e.g. Member of VUCC, Employee at Vanderbilt Dining, Vice President of WRVU, etc.)? Please specifically list.
3)Whyare you so passionate about your field of study? If you are currently undecided, please tell us about an academic passion you have.
4)Excluding scholarship, leadership, and fellowship, pick three characteristics that you think best embody an honor fraternity. Please limit your response to 250 words.
5)Using one of the three pillars of Phi Sigma Pi (scholarship, leadership, and fellowship), come up with an idea for a Chapter-wide event that would promote one or more of these pillars. You do not have to provide details as to how this event would be carried out. There are no right or wrong answers, so be creative!
Please copy and paste a photo of yourself in the space below, resizing the photo as necessary. When we as a recruitment team prepare for interviews, it helps us to be able to attach a face to the name. If you would prefer not to submit a photo to us for any reason, it will not affect your chances of receiving an interview in any way. Please be assured that Phi Sigma Pi is committed to the principles of equal opportunity and non-discrimination.
Finally, please sign the Honor Agreement below. Best of luck with your application.
I certify that all documents and information provided by me are true, accurate and complete. Any false or misleading information may result in actions including, but not limited to dismissal from the Initiation program or revocation of acceptance.______(initial)