Grade: 1 Lesson # 9
How can people spend some of their money for happiness?
SS.4.FL.2.3 Identify some of the ways that people spend a portion of their income on goods and services in order to increase their personal satisfaction or happiness.
SS.4.FL.2.3 Identify some of the ways that people spend a portion of their income on goods and services in order to increase their personal satisfaction or happiness.
Spending Some Money for Happiness
Lesson Number : 9
Correlated Florida Standards (See Full Text on Cover Page)
- LAFS.1.RI.1.2
- LAFS.1.RI.1.3
- LAFS.1.RI.3.7
- LAFS.1.SL.1.1
- LAFS.1.SL.1.2
Essential Question
- How can people spend some of their money for happiness?
Learning Goals/Objectives
- Students will recall the difference between a need and want.
- Students will understand that some money can be spent on wants.
- Students will understand that some of their money should be saved for the future.
- Students will learn about spending some of their money on things they want by reading a book about making money choices and completing a budget sheet.
- Computer
- Smart Board or Promethean Board
- “Making Money Choices” by Mary Reina (. *This book can be found on Teachers can login using the employee number as username and password)
- Lined Paper
- Pencil
- Budget sheet (included)
- 20 minutes
Activity Sequence
- Ask students what things make them happy. (30 seconds)
- Then ask students to recall the differences between a need and a want.(30 seconds)
- Ask students what things make them happy that cost money. (30 seconds)
- Lastly, ask students if any of them have chores and receive an allowance. (30 seconds)
ACTIVITY (16 minutes)
- Explain to students that when we earn money we cannot spend all of our earnings on wants. There are needs that must be purchased and then we can see how much money we have left for wants. (30 seconds)
- Then explain that we have to save some of our earnings for the future. But you may also take some of the money to buy something you want. (30 seconds)
- The teacher will read “Making Money Choices” by Mary Reina to the class. *This book can be found on Teachers can login using the employee number as username and password. (5 minutes)
- After the story is finished distribute the budget sheet to all students.
- Have students fill out the budget sheet. Monitor their progress and answer students’ questions. (10 minutes)
CLOSURE (2 minutes)
- The teacher will discuss the money choicesstudents made. Ask students if they think that they have made good choices when planning what they will buy. Solicit students responses. (2 minutes)
- Read the book “What Can You Do With Money?” by Jennifer S. Larson
- Students can start doing chores for an allowance and put the money in a piggy bank or savings account.
Sources/Bibliographic Information that contributed to this lesson:
- Budget Sheet: