Monday 4thDecember
18:00 – 20:30
Little Hulton Big Local Community Space M38 0AU
Introductions, Welcomes and Apologies
John Butler (JB) Chair, Alison Jones (AJ) LHBL Development Manager, Susan Owen (SO) LHBL Community Organiser, Sharon Maddocks (SM) Board member, Stuart Wilde (SW) Board Member, Nathanial Lynch (NL) Board Member, CaroleGallagher (CG) Board Member,Sylvia Phillips (SP) Board Member, Fay Flatt (FF) Board Member, Rob Sharpe (RS) Board Member, Claire Darlington (CD) Board Member, Stuart Wilde (SW) Board Member, Jayne Nickeas (JN) Board Member
In Attendance
Kirsten Blackwood (KB) Deputy Chief Exec, Salford CVS, Ashley Chapman (AC) Administrator, Salford CVS (minutes)Rob Sharpe (RS) Councillor.
Angela Vallelly (AV) Board Member – Child Services, Alison Gresty (AG) Board Member, Karen Booth (KB) Board Member
John Butler (JB), Chair, welcomed attendees to the meeting and noted apologies. It was confirmed that Carole Gallagher is now a member of the board.
Board members and attendees introduced themselves.
Declaration of Conflict of Interests
No declarations of interest.
Minutes of last meeting, matters arising and action logs.
Section 1 – Carole Gallagher’s name was spelt incorrectly in the present section.
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 6th November were subsequentlyapproved as an accurate record.
Actions were discussed and the action log updated.
Claire Darlington joined the meeting at 6:15pm.
Finance Update
Kirsten (KB) handed out paperwork to the board and provided anoverview of the budget from September 2017. Year 1’s budget (April 2016 – September 2017) is now closed, there was an underspend of £56,000 which will go back into the pot to be reclaimed at a later date. AJ reassured the board the money is still available to spend.
KB went through each section in the budget providing a summary of each and explained the LTO costs. Due to deadlines certain monies from last year’s budget are on the new budget, this doesn’t affect LHBL’s budget and no money can be lost.
Big Local have received the report, no issues to mention. Everything that has been spent had previously been agreed on the plan.
£650 is needed for the Project Management training, this can either be taken from another part of the budget or speak to Big Local about withdrawing the monies.
Total expenditure for the month was discussed, it is a small figure due to it being very early on in the budget.
Kirsten told the board to email her if they had any further questions.
5. / Capital Project – Claire Darlington
Claire provided a summary of the Value Management Option Definition (VM1) Workshop report and went through the document with the board. The board were asked to read through and complete the document. CD explained to the board how the grading works in section 7.
Stuart Wilde entered the meeting at 19:45.
Claire informed the board that a stage 1 remit needs to be created and explained the responsibilities of the sponsor. It was agreed that the board will act as the sponsor and are happy for the project to proceed.
Claire then explained the Criteria Weighting document, which looks at several location options and evaluates which best meets the requirements of LHBL. Claire informed the board that Peel Park was suggested as the preferred option.
Claire is going to finish the report explaining why LHBL have arrived at Peel Park and issues need to be identified to pre-empt problems. Arrangements will be made to complete the stakeholder analysis, it was discussed that this could take place before the AGM or a separate workshop.
AJ informed the board that SO had completed an asset map, which flagged up Little Hulton isn’t short on community building rather services. All board members were asked to look at the asset map.
Alison then discussed funding opportunities available to LHBL:
- Reaching Communities –Lottery
- Sports England – Interested in council development
- Power to change – Ged is currently helping with bid
- Landfill money – BIFFA
- Fundraising - Milly May’s would take as a project as they are interested in Peel Park
- Relationships with donors
The board then discussed asking local residents what they mean by community hub, speaking to young people to see what they want, engaging with stakeholders and additional external funding. This will be discussed further in future meetings.
The board thanked Claire for her work on the report and criteria weighting. / 5.1
6. / Society Inc
JB explained to the board what Society Incare and what they do. They have made a request for a grant of £10,000 to employee one full time worker.
The board were informed that this was an unsolicited request and that Society Inc intend to employee their current volunteer on a free-lance basis. The role wouldn’t be advertised and JB wasn’t sure whether the volunteer was a Little Hulton resident.
The board discussed the grant and the different options available to Society Inc. They felt that the organisation’s aims and plans aligned nicely with LHBL’s plan.
The board agreed to provide a Step Up grant of £5000 to help further work to their development. A 45 minute panel will still need to go ahead, Jane Nickeas and Nathanial Lynch agreed to sit on the panel.
Fay Flatt will pass Community Committee form to Society Inc. / 6.1
7. / Feedback on City West meeting – John Butler
John gave an update on his recent meeting with Rebecca Whittle at City West.
Russel, a new worker is going to explore how LHBL link with CityWest to make sure nothing is duplicated and to help improve links between services.
They agreed to continue long term funding for Youth Unity.
John informed the group that Rebecca is interested in sitting on the board, John suggested she sit in one of the board meetings. The board were happy and agreed to invite Rebecca to a meeting. AJ will invite Rebecca to the board meeting in January. / 7.1
8. / AGM
The board discussed potential times, dates and locations for the AGM. Saturday 27th January at the extended shop was agreed, AJ & SO will send notice of the AGM out in the first week of January (21 days notice).
Holding the Stake Holder Project before the AGM was discussed, the board will agree this and times at the next board meeting.
A meeting needs to be arranged to before the AGM to go through Terms of Ref, the date will be agreed at the next meeting. / 8.1
9. / Reports:
a)Youth Unity
Positive feedback on the new Tuesday session arts project. About 13 – 15 children attended. A meeting between AJ, Salford City Leisure and Walk the Plank is being arranged to discuss a performance at the end of the project (March).
A trip is being arranged for the children on Tuesday 19th December, this will be confirmed on Tuesday 5th December.
The Thursday sessions continue to attract high numbers of children (55+). Currently the club is still manageable for staff, Sharon Maddocks thanked all staff and volunteers. The sessions close for Christmas on Tuesday 14th December and a Christmas party is being arranged. The board were informed about the new consent form requirement, no children are allowed in the club unless a completed form has been received.
Alison Jones has tried to contact Youth Allowance for an update but still hasn’t heard anything back from them, AJ will chase along with Integrated Youth Service.
There was a discussion on the Youth Election night and how Youth Unity want to create a Youth a young person’s forum.
CD is going to send Rob Sharpe an invitation to the Youth Club.
b)Employment and Wellbeing
John provided an update. Unlimited will start in January, JB is going to amend aims and adjectives before signing agreement.
AJ explained a training grant they are planning on trialling. The bids will need to offer matched funding and explain why they are requesting funding from LHBL. The board agreed the trial, AJ will publicise the bid.
Mental Health
The Mental Health Group have met once and there was a reasonable turn out but it is too soon to say what the focus of the meetings will be.
c)Finance and Grants
Only 4 applications were received for the winter grants:
- Bethany Church - £500.00 for curling equipment.
- Toy Appeal - £250
- Healthy Hearts - £500
- New Beginnings - £500.00
d)Staff Reports
Susan provided an overview of her work report. November has been a busy month, volunteers have started and the pop up shop is open. There are 10 sellers at the pop-up shop, SO asked the board to encourage people to visit and informed them that primary schools have agreed to hand out flyers.
Arrangements for the Christmas Narnia event are in place, Christmas trees have been requested, and they currently have 8. All decorations and props will be arranged the day before the event. The café will be open on the day and the chip shop will provide pizza’s
AJ provided an overview of her work report. She informed the board that three local residents attended the Child Protection training.
The opening hours for the new building were discussed. Sale Sharks and Achieve have asked to deliver services in the new build. AJ and SO work 4 days a week with Fridays needing to be covered, it was agreed that Sale Sharks will use the new building Monday – Friday.
The heating agreement with Sue needs to be signed off and initial payment made. AJ informed the board that the boiler was installed in 2013 and that the heating service has been checked. It will cost £2000 for the kitchen and heating and City West won’t offer the lease until the agreement has been signed. The board agreed to pay Sue £1000 before signing the lease and the remaining £1000 afterwards. AJ will contact Hayley regarding lease. Rob Whittle has sorted out a venue for volunteers to continue with pop up shop.
LHBL were successful in their bids for additional funding for Spirit of Little Hulton. AJ informed the board that they were successful in the Community Committee funding and have secured £2900. The City Council will pay for the snow lion direct and the remaining monies will go into the new holding account. In regards to the bid to Bright Ideas,AJ will contact them for support on moving forward and the new build.
She informed the board that there are 2 places on the Project Management course in January, 4 people have expressed an interest. AJ asked the board how they felt the vacancies should be allocated. The board agreed that someone who resides and works in Little Hulton should take priority. AJ will contact Shannon and Jasmin to confirm attendance. It was agreed that these places will be offered to other two people if Shannon and Jasmin aren’t available.
The board have been invited to Wigan Onside Youth Club on Wednesday 17th January at 6pm, Rob Sharp and Jane Nickeas were interested in attending. AJ will send an email out with further information. / 9.1
10. / Dates for next year
The board agreed to continue meeting on the first Monday evening of the month. AJ will send confirmation of dates to everyone. The next meeting will be held on Monday 8thJanuary 2018. / 10.1
11. / AOB
AJ informed the board that Youth Dispersal had asked LHBL to share register details. AJ confirmed no information will be shared due to data protection.
AJ will speak to local tenants near new build and drop off LHBL leaflets.
The meeting was closed at 20:50. / 11.1