Hanging Rock Christian Camp
Summer Staff Job Description
Work Date: May 29, 2017 –August 4, 2017
Pay: $250.00 a week without lifeguard certification
$275.00 a week with lifeguard certification
Day Off –We will try to give you Saturday’s off. If you work on a Saturday you will be paid for that day.
Responsibilities: Will vary but will include all of the following.
Lifeguarding certification class at Hanging Rock on May 22-26. You will be paid hourly for that training.
Dorm Resident Assistant (RA) (you will be sleeping in the dorm)
To be present at lights out
To be familiar with dorm parent responsibilities
To be willing and able to lead nightly devotions and prayer
To assist with noise levels & problems occurring in the dorms.
To lock doors at lights out and unlock in the morning
You will be in charge of discipline in the dorms (You need to be able to handle all kinds of situations)
Lifeguard: If lifeguard certified
To clean pool, shower house, restrooms and pool filters

To setup and get the pool ready

Lifeguard daily

Recreation: Must be able to lift 50 pounds and be physically fit.

  • To facilitate fishing, paddle boats, low ropes, zipline, rock climbing, rappelling, giant swing, bazooka tag, paintball, archery, bounce house & obstacle course.
  • To setup and tear down recreation
  • Be prepared to lead field games and create new games

General Cleaning:

  • To clean all restroom facilities on a daily basis
  • To assist with camp closings and setup
  • To clean dorms

Other Responsibilities:

  • There will be times that you might have to weed eat, mow and help other projects.
  • To assist with any other duties as assigned.

Sample Schedule:

7:30 a.m.Breakfast

8:00Cleaning if you are on the recreation team/Pool if you are a lifeguard for the week

11:00Staff meeting – devotions, rec schedule, a debriefing

12-5:00 p.m.Recreation/Lifeguarding


6:00-7:00Recreation – wilderness camp or paintball camp

7:00-8:00Lifeguarding- wilderness or paintball or an evening swim for main camp

10:30 or lights outDorm for campers

*We try really hard to rotate people around so everyone can do some lifeguarding and recreation. This position is a support role. You are supporting the work of the volunteers who come in and are leading weeks of camp. We ask that you respect them and build a relationship with them to encourage them and lifting them up in prayer.