RAD Resident Notification Meeting for Lake Terrace and Fairview- Questions

October 10, 2013; 9:00 a.m.

1) Will my rent change?

Those currently paying income based rent will experience no change.

2) How is income based rent determined?

Income based rent takes the total amount of a household’s annual income and factors in deductions. The rent amount is 30% of the adjusted annual income. If the rent amount were to increase, it would be done in phases. In the Section 8 program, rent for each unit is based on fair market rent pricing. The tenant pays 30% of their annual adjusted income and HUD pays the difference to the Landlord.

3) Will the RAD conversion do away with the flat rent option?

Yes, the Section 8 program does not have a flat rent option. Those currently on flat rent will transition to income based rent.

4) Will I receive assistance with electricity cost?

Yes, there is a power allowance under the Section 8 Program. However, the plans for the new units are energy efficient and should dramatically lower the power bill.

5) Will I still qualify for a remodeled unit if I have to downsize my current unit bedroom size?

JCHA’s goal is for everyone to be placed in a remodeled unit.

6) Will I have the choice to continue living in my current development?

While tenants will have to temporarily move for remodeling, they will be given a preference to move back into the same unit or development.

7) How long will it be before I can move into a remodeled unit?

Construction will begin in 2015 if funding is received as planned.

8) How much money will be compensated to each tenant for their moving costs during renovation?

JCHA will insure that there is no out of pocket cost to the tenants who are requested by JCHA to temporarily relocate during the remodeling and rebuilding process.

9) What will the moving process look like for residents in Fairview and Dunbar?

Tenants dwelling in these developments will be able to move straight into newly constructed units.

10) Will the kitchen in the new units be larger than the current layouts?

Plans for the new units include larger kitchens.

11) Will the new units include a washer and dryer?

Yes, all new units will include these amenities.

12) Are porches included in the plans for the new units?

JCHA will look into adding porches for the remodeling plans.

13) Will the units include handicap ramps?

JCHA will be increase the number of accessible units in accordance with new construction requirements. The bathrooms and kitchen will include the required turn radius. Four and five bedroom units will be converted into two and three bedroom units to allow for more space.

14) Will maintenance and lawn care will still be available?

These services will continue to be provided through JCHA.