President’s Post
21st August
For more than a decade, Rotary's membership has lingered around 1.2 million. That means that for every person who joined during that period, another person left.
How can we reach the goal of increased membership? And how can we keep the members we already have? Here's a look at regions and countries that have increased membership, as well as an overview of ways that Rotary leaders are working to grow our membership.
Where is Rotary growing?
Germany , Lithuania, Africa (with the average age of Rotarians in Africa being younger than the USAor Europe),India and Taiwan.
Countries and areas with largest membership declines, 2003-13
United States, Japan, England, Australia and Canada
Stay strong
To remain strong, leaders set a goal of increasing the number of female members by 6 percent, young members by 5 percent, and culturally diverse members by 3 percent.
In order to stay strong, ask these questions:
- Is my club's meeting time, format, and location convenient for members with families or young professionals still building their careers?
2. How well does my club reflect the age, gender, and professional diversity of my community?
3. Whose interests are reflected in my club's programs?
4. Do ceremonial activities take time away from speakers, club business, project planning, and networking?
5. Does my club have a plan in place to contact guests after they visit?
21st Aug 2017. Meeting
President Frances opened the meeting with a number of announcements:
Sue Howland’s birthday on the 26th
Frances thanked everyone for helping out at the Lowveld Book Festival this past weekend.
Malcolm is home and recuperating.
Thanks to Renate for a most successful Pub Quiz evening on Saturday. We made R4 100!
Hitesh is in bed with a disc problem.
- Hitesh reports that the bus for the Senior’s trip to the Kruger Park is now full! It departs from Macadamia at 06h00 and in front of Sip at 06h15. Rotarians are to be at the Game Capture Lapa at Skukuza by 10h30. Please bring your own chairs, plates, etc. A bar will be available. Remember that the Park is now scanning driver’s licence or ID for entry – remember to bring yours along!
- STOP PRESS………Good News! Ms Fakude of BUSCOR is very kindly arranging that we will be hiring the bus for this trip at NO CHARGE.
Business: Leon van Zyl led the AGM of the Educational Trust Fund this evening. Minutes of the previous meeting were circulated. The Club was given details of the current recipients, and the financial status of the ETF. If anyone hears of a worthy recipient for next year there is money available.Frances thanked Leon for everything he does for the ETF.
Joan was Sergeant and had everyone guessing who said what quote.
Wine draw was won by Frances
Attendance – 55%
Wine Auction takes place on the 5th September. Please remember to bring a good bottle of wine to the next meeting so that it can be auctioned off in a MAD box.
The first meeting in September we will have guest speakers from Cricket SA. Craig Nel and ano.
Ed’s note.
Thanks to Debbie who took notes at the meeting in my absence.
Next meeting 21st August
Next week’s meeting is a Partners meeting, and will also be a MAD meeting. Wear something related to Spring.
Organiser:Renate, G&F: Michael C, Sergeant: Anns
Arie and George visited the community at Katoen recently with donations. They are also checking the borehole to see if it can be fixed.