The Community College of BaltimoreCountyCatonsville
The School of Applied and Information Technologies
Auto 136
Repairing Automotive Electrical Systems
Section ZEA; crn 23451
Basic Course Information
Semester : Spring 2016
Instructor : James DeAngelis
e-mail :
Office : Tran100-B
Hours : by appointment / open door
Phone Numbers:
Instructor’s Office : 443-840-4968
Department Secretary’s Office : 443-840-4926
CCBC Main Switchboard : 443-840-2222
CCBC Weather/Cancellation Hotline: 443-840-1711
CCBC Public Safety : 443-840-1111
: 443-840-4455 (PS office)
CCBC Web Site :
Class meeting times : 29 Feb – 29Apr 2016
Mon/Tue/Wed/Thr6pm – 9:45pm
School Closed 25 Mar - 1 Apr for Spring Break
Location : Tran100-I lecture
Tran100 lab
Text : Automotive Technology; CDX
Online access code; B36A3A
Course Objectives:
1.To develop an understanding of automotive body and chassis electrical
systems and components.
2.To train students to service automotive electrical systems and components.
3.To promote safe work habits in the automotive service industry.
4.To provide students with a level of competence in the service of automobile electrical systems.
5.To develop an understanding of the service industry, the automobile and its systems, and the tools and equipment needed to service them.
Course Description:
The intent of this course is to introduce the student to various automotive electrical components, operation and service procedures. Laboratory experience will include servicing, removing and replacing electrical systems and their components, such as starters, alternators/generators, batteries, wiring, connectors/terminals, sensors, actuators and ecu’s.
Students should already have a basic knowledge of automotive parts. Students will be directed individually and in groups to perform specific functions. Active participation is encouraged. Textbook and website work will be done as homework. This will facilitate more efficient use of time in the auto lab.
Grades will reflect both effort and competence. Written tests will be given as well as performance tests. Grading will be as follows:
Grading outline:
The following categories will be weighted by 20% to determine the student’s final letter grade.
Attendance, Lab Work and Participation / 20% /A
/ 91-100%Tests & Quizzes (includes Lab sheets) / 20% / B / 81-90%
Homework / 20% / C / 71-80%
Research Paper / 20% / D / 61-70%
Final Exam / 20% / F / 0-60%
Classroom attendance and participation:
Students are expected to be on time for class.
Each class session has a maximum of 10 points available.
Up to 7 minutes late = 10pts
8 – 15 minutes late = 9pts
16 – 30 minutes late = 8pts
More than 30 minutes late = 5pts
Up to 30 minutes late three (3) times = 1 absence
More than 30 minutes late two (2) times = 1 absence
If the student accrues two (2) or more unexcused absences, the student will be required to schedule a meeting with the Department Chair (Doug Kendzierski) prior to being readmitted to class.
Quizzes & tests:
100 points possible for each
Final Exam:
100 points possible
Research Paper:
100 points possible
Lab Work:
10 points are possible for each meeting.
1 point deducted for each safety violation.
The total number of points will differ for each class depending on the number of meetings and labs. The same percentages will still apply. Missed labs cannot be made-up.
Student Attendance Policy
A student is fully accountable for performing all tasks necessary to fulfill the objectives of each course by the due dates. The student may expect that such performance may consist of classroom, laboratory or group discussion. Completion of course objectives is the chief criterion used by the College to govern attendance.
The attendance policy of The Community College of Baltimore County is as follows:
A.The purpose of an attendance policy at CCBC is the encouragement of class attendance, in the belief that students who work consistently with their instructors learn more and have higher academic achievement than those who do not.
B.Guidelines for expected attendance in each course are set and published by the division responsible for that course and distributed in writing during the first week of class by the instructors.
C.Students are expected to attend all class sessions except in cases of emergency (i.e., personal illness or a death in the family), the occasion of religious holidays (the observance of which would require restrictions of daily activity) or when participating in official college functions (i.e., field trips and athletic events). Absences in the case of special or personal reasons will require a conference with the instructor to determine if the absence may be considered excused. The instructor may require such evidence as seems fit and may consider the students’ previous attendance record when determining whether to consider an absence as excused. The instructor will issue a warning to the student with a copy to the Director of Counseling when the student accumulates more unexcused absences than the number of class meetings in a week. The instructor may recommend that the student be dropped from the class following an additional unexcused absence.
D.The student may appeal to the Chairperson of the appropriate division if the student believes that the instructor is placing a disproportionate emphasis on attendance. The student retains the right to appeal to the Dean of Instruction.
Course Procedures:
Special Policies:
Laboratory Experience: Hands-on laboratory experience will be the major mode of instruction. Normal safety precautions will be observed during such exercises. Students may be asked to provide a written evaluation of the exercise or demonstration for grading. To insure the greatest degree of safety and learning possible while in the Lab, the following guidelines will be implemented:
Required supplies : 1 pair safety glasses
1 pair hard toe safety shoes
Work uniform
1 clip board
Current SP2 Certificates
1. Safety
a. Appropriate dress (work uniform), safety glasses, and safety shoes shall
be worn while in the Lab
b. Floor spills will be cleaned promptly
c. The safe use of tools, manuals, and shop equipment will constitute a
significant portion of the Lab grade.
- No horseplay
- Failure to observe safety regulations may result in the student’s ejection from the lab, with 0 points awarded for the occurrence
2. Lab work
10 points are possible for each meeting. Lab points are based on
performance in the lab including but not limited to; following safety
procedures, correct use of tools and service manuals, care of vehicles,
complete reassembly of vehicle, clean up etc. Missed labs cannot be
3. Tests and quizzes:
Tests and quizzes can be announced or unannounced.
Tests and quizzes will be closed book, and administered at the start of the class. If the student is not present at the posted start time of the class, a grade of zero (0) will be entered for that exam.
Group discussion and presentation quizzes are to be the work of the unique group that has been selected for that case. No collaboration is allowed between the different groups. These are “open book and open note” efforts. The group members will each receive the same grade for each case studied and presented. Expect a quiz at the start of each class, based on the Chapter Review Questions.
4. Research Project:
A research project is required to be completed for successful completion of the class.
a. The topic is as follows;
What is “multiplexing”, as it relates to the automobile?
What are the potential benefits and drawbacks?
How many types of multiplex systems have been used in vehicles,
and what are they? Describe their basic operations.
b. It must be typed, double-spaced, with a Times New Roman size 12 font,
with 1 inch margins and a 2 inch header on the first page.
(yes, this will be verified)
c. It must include a bibliography with no less than 4 sources other than the
class text. Open format websites (Wikipedia, etc.) are not valid
references. However, manufacturer, authoritative and educational web
sites are acceptable. A direct url must referenced.
d. The paper must be at least four pages in length in addition to a title
page and bibliography
e.The paper is due by midnight, 24 Apr 2016. Papers submitted late
are not guaranteed a grade.
f. All references must be properly documented (footnotes). Plagiarism will
not be tolerated.
g. Illustrations are welcome, but do not contribute to page count.
h. Papers must be submitted electronically, and must be inMS Word.
No other format will be accepted.
i. Please see for additional paper format information and
writing assistance.
Classroom Management and Student Responsibilities
It is in the interest of all students attending class to obtain the maximum benefit from the classes; therefore disruptive classroom behavior cannot and will not be tolerated. All students while in the classroom and lab shall conduct themselves in a responsible and professional manner. If you are unable to do so, you will be requested to leave the class, and a conference will be arranged to discuss your re-admittance. All classes will begin at their scheduled times and unexcused tardiness may result in denied admission to class.
AUTO 136 OUTLINEWeek # / Topic / Reading Assignment
(Complete Prior to Class)
1 / Basic Elec Review, Schematics, Wire Repair / Ch. 36
2 / Meters, Scopes and Testers / Batteries, Starting, Charging / Ch. 37, 38
3 / Batteries, Starting, Charging /Electronic Fundamentals / Ch. 38
4 / Lighting and Signaling, Horn Wiper and Blower / Ch. 39
5 / Accessory Circuits, Driver Info, Audio Systems / Ch. 39, 40
6 / Accessory Circuits, Driver Info, Audio Systems / Passive Restraints / Ch.40
7 / Hybrid Vehicles
8 / Hybrid Vehicles, Review, Final Exam