College of the Desert
College Planning Council
This form may be modified by the Think Tank to meet the specific
needs of the area being studied for recommendation
Program: Child Development Center
1. Think Tank Membership (# of team members to be determined by individual Think Tanks)
Co-Chairs- Jim Berg, Carl Farmer, Chris Nelson
Members: Michelle Richards, Tom Jones, Cheryl Houston, Chris Jones-Cage, John Marmon, Douglas Redman, Zerryl Becker, Wade Ellis, Jessica Enders, Jon Fernald, Geoff Hagopian, J Jaramillo, Ken Lira, Carlos Maldonado, Lisa Soccio, A. Nery, Carole Lasqueade,
2. Brief description of current program structure/activity/service studied
The McCarthy Center is the model lab/demonstration program for the Early Childhood Education department. Students from the ECE department, as well as other disciplines are able to observe, implement projects, and student teach in connection with their COD courses.
Our program serves children from 12 months to 5 years, with priority for the children of COD students carrying at least 6 credits. Space permitting, we enroll the children of faculty, staff, and the community. Parents wanting to know more about the program can click in the liston the left where there is information about our children’s programs as well as FAQs.
The Center also employs many students in our classrooms and our busy kitchen. Priority for teaching support staff positions is given to ECE majors, although we welcome applications from students in other disciplines. Additionally, every year we have several students who choose to volunteer at the McCarthy Center.
The McCarthy Family Child Development & Training Center is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and we proudly display the Torch, a symbol of the highest quality in Early Childhood Education.
3. Type of Program
CommentsLegal Requirement / (provide legal citation) /
Necessary for Operations / (provide explanation) /
Optional / (provide explanation) / Optional Program
4. Stakeholders Input (Qualitative Data)
See attached questionnaire completed by team with input and assistance by Stakeholders
5. Think Tank Data/Information (Quantitative Data)
See attached
6. Recommendation to President Patton
X Continue / OContinue /w
Qualifications / O Discontinue / O
No Recommendation
Must provide rationale as to
why the Think Tank could not
provide a recommendation / O
Recommend New/Innovative Program/Service
Must be within the scope of the College meeting its fiscal target
7. Rationale for recommendation and qualifications
This program has turned itself around. It is completely self-funded and is an asset to the College as well as a “shinning” example of what COD does right. It recently obtained the N.E. certification and is currently offering lab experience for students of various courses here at COD as well as nearby universities.
8. Provide an evidence based rationale for how the following may be impacted by
Academic Programs:
Some categories above may not be applicable to your area of study. Responses can be in bullet form.
9. Additional Information (if applicable)
Revised 8/9/11