Bentley Surgery
Minutes of Patient Participation Group Held on Tuesday 5 July at 5 pm
Present: Mr FennMrs Bardill
Mr MorganMrs Rockett
Zoey, Practice NurseDr R Hubbard
Debbie Forbes Hughes, Practice Manager
Mandy Hayes, Assistant Practice Manager
Bryony, Student Nurse
Apologies:Mrs HicksonMrs White
Mrs BlairJoyce Lambert, Receptionist
Welcome and Introductions
Everyone was thanked for attending and Bryony, Student Nurse who is currently on placement at the Practice was introduced and welcomed to the group.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Debbie reminded everyone of the Patient Charter questionnaires that Judith had circulated at the previous meeting and asked if anyone wanted to complete them to do this asap. Debbie suggested the Group might like to consider holding closed meetings –with the Surgery staff only being present for a part of the meeting, leaving members free to discuss matters between themselves.
Debbie informed everyone that Dr Fox will be recording a new telephone message and this will be shorter than the existing one.
Bentley Bonanza
Debbie reminded everyone of the Surgery stall at the upcoming Bonanza on Sunday and all volunteers welcome. It was agreed that any money raised from the name the doll and the tombola will go to Firefly.
Staff Updates
Zoey was congratulated for her success having recently qualified to become a Nurse Prescriber.
Dr Stuart McHardy will join the Practice as a regular GP in August 2017 and will hold surgeries Monday – Thursday. Dr McHardy may be a familiar face to some patients as he came on placement to the Practice when he was a medical student and then again as a Registrar as part of his training to become a GP some years ago. There will be two new GPR registrars joining the Practice in August; Dr Sebastian Pugh will be with the Practice for six months and Dr Petranka Ivanova will be with us for 12 months. Clara Hardcastle, who is training to become a Physician’s Associate will also return to the Practice in September as part of her on-going training.
The Practice is currently recruiting for a new Practice Nurse and two new receptionists.
Any Other Business
Debbie circulated some photographs of some proposed seating for the consulting rooms. These would be wipe down material with rubber stoppers on the feet. Some higher seats for the waiting room were also proposed.
An issue around a delay when requesting a prescription was raised with the patient being informed the script had gone to the chemist when in fact it had not. Dr Hubbard confirmed that the Practice was looking in to how the Practice actions requests for acute prescriptions (not on regular repeat) and looking how to improve the system.
A member raised an issue regarding change in the shape of tablets. Dr Hubbard explained that chemists use several manufacturers and the drug will be exactly the same but may be a different colour/shape. GPs cannot stipulate a particular brand and prescribe using the generic name of the drug.
Debbie informed all present that the reception staff were still trialling the system of having one person on the reception desk and two at the back desks answering the telephone.
Flu Season – PPG members have assisted the Practice during flu clinics in the past and Debbie asked for volunteers for this year’s campaign which will start in September. Last year’s flu vaccine uptake was better than the previous year and the Practice are hoping to improve again this year.
Missed appointments - Mandy agreed to publish the recent missed appointment figures in the waiting room and on the Practice facebook page.
Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 3 October at 5 pm.