Oak Harbour Association
Board of Directors Meeting
January 14, 2008
Unapproved Draft
The Board of Directors of the Oak Harbour Homeowners Association, Inc. held its regularly scheduled meeting this date at the Celebration Church, Roberts Road, Fruit Cove.
Roll Call
Directors present were: Barbara Amell, Tony Arciprete, Tom Cure’, Mike Dennison, Steve Noack and Kim Zalkan.
Jerry Herren and Lisa Hersey represented The Neighborhood Managers, Inc.
Call to Order
Tony Arciprete called the meeting to order a 7:04 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the December 10, 2007 meeting with the following corrections:
Under Old Business, paragraph three should read as follows: “ It was discussed that the boat and trailer should not exceed 11 feet and should be behind a 6-foot fence. The motion was carried unanimously.”
Under New Business, paragraph one should read as follows: “The board approved to award a $25.00 gift card to the owner that is chosen. The motion was carried unanimously.”
Result of Votes on Document Changes
There were 72 proxies returned and the results are as follows:
Item 1. Assessment Increase: 27 in favor and 45 opposed
Item 2. Boats & Utility Trailers: 46 in favor and 26 opposed
Item 3. Storage Sheds: 49 in favor and 23 opposed
There were not sufficient votes for approval to meet the association’s requirements per the CC&R’s. The consensus of the Board was that homeowners had been allowed sufficient opportunities to vote on the issues and that no further attempts would be made to solicit votes. The matters are considered closed at this time.
Financial Report
Zalkan reported that the financial report through December 31, 2007 was completed, and that the association is in solid financial shape.
Architectural Review
Nothing to Report
Social Committee
Zalkan reported that the Spring Social would be around the end of April.
Manager’s Report
Herren presented a copy of the violation report and was advised to proceed with letters for those who were not in compliance with the CC&R’s.
Old Business
There was discussion on where to place the bike racks once they are purchased. Cure’ and Arciprete will contact the church about the placement of the racks.
New Business
Cure’ is gathering bids for the lake maintenance contract. He has one bid from a company named Clearwater. Herren referred Cure’ to Aquatic Systems for a bid on the service. He will give a report to the board at the next meeting.
A motion was made to accept the Flag Pole Amendment as presented from the ARC Committee. The motion was carried unanimously.
The new e-mail address for the association is
Owners’ Correspondence
A homeowner suggested to the board that they be more specific about why they were asking for the assessment increase. It was not made clear enough to some homeowners.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on February 11, 2008.
Respectfully submitted
Jerry Herren
Community Association Manager