Lesson Name: Reading Informational TextEstimated timeframe: See Pacing Suggestions
3rd 9Wks/ Unit 5/ARC 1Grade 5
Science Affects our Daily Lives
This lesson is appropriate for both Dual Language and Monolingual teachers.
Dual Language Pacing: Day 1 – Engage
Day 2 – Activity 1
Day 3 –Activity 2
Monolingual Pacing: Day 1 – Engage and Activity 1
Day 2 – Activity 2
Lesson ComponentsLesson Objectives: Students will summarize a piece of informational text focusing on the main idea or important events.
Language Objectives: The students will use academic language to discuss the main ideas of a story and collaborate to summarize the text.
Prior Learning: In 4th grade, students summarized the main idea and supporting details in text in ways that maintain meaning.
Standards(Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills:
5.19ELAR TEKS Figure 19/Reading Comprehension /Skills. Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills in both assigned and independent reading to understand an author’s message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers.
F19(D) make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding
(E) summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order
5.11 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text.Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding
5.11(A) summarize the main ideas and supporting details in text in ways that maintain meaning and logical order
College and Career Readiness:
Locate explicit textual information, draw complex inferences, and analyze and evaluate the information within and across texts of varying lengths.
Draw and support complex inferences from text to summarize and draw conclusions.
Essential Questions:
- How does understanding the structures and features of a text help you to comprehend better when reading?
- What do good readers do to identify the main ideas in texts?
- How does summarizing the main ideas help a reader understand the text?
Vocabulary / Essential:
text features, summary, supporting details, article
Lesson Preparation /
- Articles from National Geographic (this is a great resource!)
- Engage activity Teacher’s guide-scroll down to the second page and find the vimeo video-
- Paper copies of the article for students to write on.
- A second article for students to use to summarize (either from the National Geographic website or Time For Kidsfrom Texas Treasures. Copies for students.
- 5-3-1 summary activity directions and colored paper (see below)
- InsertMethod. instructions (poster or on whiteboard)
- Instead of using National Geographic use Time For Kids Spanish Version from Texas Treasures. This resource has a variety of informational texts in Spanish.
Anchors of Support
Differentiation strategies
Keep in mind that differentiation does not discriminate. : ) These strategies often cross over to meet multiple student needs- use your knowledge and understanding of your students as a guide. / For the individual/ pair work, be sure to have plenty of books available for the range of independent reading levels of your students (addressing readers below, on, and above grade level).
Special Education: If needed, read the student-selected story to/with them and allow them to verbalize their summary responses while you write them; Incorporate picture clues into the graphic organizer to help clarify each component; Allow for cooperative learning opportunities (pair them strategically).Refer to the student’s IEP for other routinely offered accommodations.
English Language Learners: Define the terms on the anchor chart and/or provide picture clues to match the vocabulary. Allow for cooperative learning opportunities.
Extension for Learning: Students will locate an article with a similar topic as the article from Day 1. Using the 5-3-1 summary activity, they will summarize the article. Then students will compare and contrast the summaries of the 2 articles.
21st Century Skills
Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems.
- In groups, have students write short songs about summarizing. Have them use a digital device (such as a digital recorder, the computer, an iPod, the Innovation Station) to record their song performances.
English Language Proficiency Standards: Mandated by Texas Administrative Code (19 TAC §74.4), click on the link for English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) to support English Language Learners.
Lesson Cycle
/ Day 1
- The teacher will engage student interest by showing them the video on firefighters
- The teacher will tell students: “While you are watching I want you to write down 5 things you learned from the video.” “When the video is over we are going to practice an activity called the 5-3-1 summary.”
- Teacher discusses summary: “What have we learned this year that makes a good summary? Do we need to include all the information or just the main ideas? Today we will work to focus on only the main ideas or key points in nonfiction text using the 5-3-1 summary activity.
- Have students participate in the 5-3-1 summary activity (directions are as follows):
- Have 4 different colors of paper. For example-yellow, orange, green, blue. For every group of 4 students make sure they each have a different color piece of paper.
- Read the selection (or watch the video in this case).
- On their colored paper, students independently list 5 things they learned from the video (or article).
- When finished, students find a partner with a different color paper.
- In partners, students will look at their lists (10 things) and find the 3 most important ideas from the video. Teacher may need to discuss how to find the difference between a supporting detail and a main idea.
- Now partner groups will find another partner group and look at the 6 combined ideas and write a summary
- Share out.
Lesson Stages / Day 1 Continued SE Focus Lesson: (Teacher-led/ Whole Group)
- Introduce the article your class will be reading (link above). Model your thinking as you activate your background knowledge about the text.
- Example: “What kind of text are we reading today? How do you know? What text features do you see?”
- InsertMethod. Instruct the students in partners to read the article “Wildfire” and using the insertion method,add symbols during their reading.
- After students finish, have them pair up with another partner group and share their thinking about their reading. Have students see if they can clear up any misunderstandings.
- Teacher can show the article on the document camera and have a class closure discussion about new facts learned, any ideas that caused misunderstanding, etc.
- Assign students a new article (either from the National Geographic website or Time for Kids (Part of your Texas Treasures Kit); print out and/or make copies for students to write on.
- Have students independently use the metacognition strategy InsertMethod. Then let the students work with a partner to review their insertion marks and clear up any misunderstandings.
- Then have the students repeat the 5-3-1 summary activity. The teacher will need to have the colored paper. This time at the end, students will write the summary over the second article independently.
Closure Activity / Discussion:
Lead students through a discussion about what strategies helped them to identify the main ideas “Did text features help us-subheadings? What helped them decide which events were most important? How did they organize their thinking in order to develop their summary?”
Revisit and discuss the Essential Questions (beginning of lesson guide).
Check for understanding (evaluation)
/ Formative:
- Insertion Marks to track their thinking
- Partner summaries, independent summaries
- Distribute article to the class
- Students complete a nonfiction summary.
Austin ISD Updated 6/25/14