In pairs, compare and contrast the different designations held by the Devil’s Punch Bowl (i.e., SSSI, SPA, AONB). Answer the following questions, using the internet to help you.
a) / Which of the designations aims to protect an area under the European Union Birds Directive?
b) / Which of the designations is applied to areas of high scenic quality?
c) / Which of the designations are given to areas of high biological, geological or physiographic importance?
The extent of the effect of traffic emissions on heathland vegetation increases as the volume of traffic a road carries increases.
Given that the A3 has an average annual daily traffic volume of 20,000 vehicles, use the graph below to estimate the distance beyond which the effect of A3 traffic emissions on heathland vegetation should be minimal (note that the x-axis is on a logarithmic scale).
The accompanying PowerPoint presentation contains photographs of quadrats of vegetation taken close to the A3 and far away from the A3 (beyond the distance at which the effect of traffic emissions is predicted to be minimal). Use the photographs to estimate the percentage cover of the following species groups:
- Dwarf shrubs (heather and gorse)
- Bracken
- Grasses
- Mosses
- Lichens
Table 1: The percentage cover of dwarf shrubs (heather and gorse), bracken, grasses, mosses and lichen in each of 5 quadrats located close to, and far away from the A3.
Close to A3 / Far away from A3Quadrat 1 / Quadrat 2 / Quadrat 3 / Quadrat 4 / Quadrat 5 / Average / Quadrat 1 / Quadrat 2 / Quadrat 3 / Quadrat 4 / Quadrat 5 / Average
Dwarf Shrubs
B3 / Using the data generated in question B2 plot a bar graph showing the average percentage cover of each species group in the quadrats close to the A3 and far away from the A3. Either use graphical software (such as Excel) or use the graph paper below. Make sure you give your graph a title and clearly label both axes.
Figure 1 shows two heathlands; Heathland 1 is a single continuous habitat, Heathland 2 has been fragmented into two discreet habitats by a road. Which heathland has a higher proportion of edge habitat?
Figure 1 Two heathland sites; heathland 1 is a single continuous habitat, heathland 2 has been fragmented into two discreet habitats by a road.
In 2011 a scientist at Nottingham University investigated 12 heathland sites. For each site he recorded the amount of nitrogen deposition the site received and the area of the site. The data he collected is shown in the table below.
Table 2: A table showing the size and level of nitrogen deposition received by 12 heathland sites.
Heathland site / Nitrogen deposition (Kg N ha-1 year-1) / Size (hectares)a / 5.4 / 11.8
b / 7.0 / 7.6
c / 6.3 / 4.3
d / 6.6 / 3.2
e / 7.4 / 2.7
f / 7.3 / 6.9
g / 8.2 / 2.2
h / 8.9 / 0.5
i / 9.9 / 4.4
j / 9.9 / 5.5
k / 10.4 / 1.1
l / 5.2 / 8.5
Plot a scatter graph to show the relationship between the size of the heathland sites and the amount of nitrogen deposition they receive. Either use graphical software (such as Excel) or use the graph paper provided on page 6. Make sure you give your graph a title and clearly label both axes. If drawing the graph in Excel, add a best-fit line through the data (hint: right-click on a data point and choose ‘add trendline’)
C3: / Heathland fragment size and nitrogen depositionUsing the graph created in C2, what would you expect to happen to the level of nitrogen deposition at a heathland site if it became fragmented into two smaller sites. Can you explain why? Try to use the theory of edge effects in your answer.