Choir Rehearsal: Day 2 Lesson Plan
Teacher: Sarah Cadwallender / Subject/Grade: Choir, 5th and 4thStandard:
- Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work
- MU:Pr6.1.E.5a Demonstrate attention to technical accuracy and expressive qualities in prepared and improvised performances of a varied repertoire of music
- Apply articulator to produce … purity of vowels
- Students will demonstrate correct mouth space and shape for good vowels.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT:
- Have adequate space in their mouth for sound to come out
- Have correct vowel shape in their mouth
Evidence of Mastery:
- Visible jaw dropping
Key vocabulary: Vowels, “dropping the jaw” / Materials: sheet music, terminology written on board, stretching/breathing music, handmirror
Opening/Anticipatory Set:
- State objectives
- Miss C will lead basic stretches and breathing warm-ups
- Vocal warm-ups
- Students will hold fingers to jaw/ear junction as they sing arpeggiated vowels
- A, O, U
- Review “ee” sound for letter “I” and proper vowel sound
- Have them do it wrong, then correct: compare
- Have students watch Miss C (with incorrect vowels) sing and give suggestions
- Restate objectives
- Review O Sifuni Mungu
- Sing from beginning to page 5 (skipping unknown section)
O Sifuni Mungu
Instructional Input / Teach mm 37-43 of O Sifuni Mungu
Ms. C will speak words with students echoing, then repeatwith sung words
This can be long or short, depending on needs of the group
Guided Practice / Miss C will sing mm 37-43 with students (to make sure they have the notes/words first)
Have students point to "I" sound in the music
Students will sing with fingers by their jaw as a reminder and sing with correct vowel shapes
Students and Miss C will sing together again
Miss C can sing with students for longer or shorter as needed, before they sing on their own
Independent Practice / Students will sing on their own with piano accompaniment from Ms. Dickens.
Students will sing from mm 37-62 (newly learned part plus the solo section) with piano accompaniment and feet movement.
- If struggles arise over a section, it can be reviewed
- Music can be sung slower
- Students struggling with words will be encouraged to look at the music while they are still learning, as well as the pronunciation guide
- Physical motions, such as keeping the beat in the feet, or bending the knees on high notes, can be used to help students struggling with rhythm or pitch
Miss C will have students review mm 16-23 of Sakura.
Remind students of memory-trigger words if needed
Instructional Input / Students will sing mm 26-30, repeat, then sing from mm 16-30
Miss C will demonstrate page 4, mm 20-23 with proper vowels
Students struggling with words will be encouraged to look at the music while they are still learning
Guided Practice / Students will point to the “I” vowels in mm 20-23
Students will sing page 4, mm 20-23, with Miss C and Ms. Dickens, with correct vowel shapes
If choir is struggling, Miss C will model exaggerated consonants as a reminder
Fingers to the jaw/ear junction is a good visual reminder for students
Independent Practice / Students will sing aforementioned measures with expression (the “wave” sound choir has been doing) along with the vowel focus.
Students will sing Sakura from mm 16-30 with piano accompaniment
Miss C will remind students of opening the mouth, and ask them to apply their practiced vowels to the whole song
If struggles arise over a section, it can be reviewed
Students struggling with words will be encouraged to look at the music while they are still learning
Closure/Lesson Summary:Students will show proper open mouth shape for singing as a last review before leaving