Approved 3-14-17



6:00 P.M.

Regular Monthly Minutes

Immediately following public hearing

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

Community Center; 615 School St.

Public Hearing Comprehensive Plan-Minutes

Call to order by Joe Grennell at 6:00pm

Board Attendance: Grennell, Oatman, Pomasl, Listle

Pledge of Allegiance

Review Proposed Comprehensive Plan

Public Comments on Public Hearing

  • Dave Peterson asked if North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission helped in doing the plan the board responded, yes. Dave also noted that having this plan will open more grant opportunities for the village.

Close public hearing at 6:03 and continue on to regular monthly meeting.

Minutes for Financial, Regular & Utility Meetings

Posting of meetings verified by clerk

Motion to Approve Agenda by Pomasl/Oatman; All Ayes, Motion Carried

Motion to Approve prior month minutes by Listle/Oatman; All Ayes, Motion Carried

Motion to Approvebills/financials by Oatman/Pomasl; All Ayes, Motion Carried

Public Comments

  • Tom Edelman asked if the roof repair was taken care of. Joe Grennell stated we are waiting for letters from Kautza Builders and Cedar Corporation so we can turn them over to Atty Mike Winter to contact the two involved insurance companies.
  • Dave Peterson asked if the parade committee will have meetings this year. Board’s response was yes and these agendas will be posted in the same locations around the village.

Unfinished Business

  • Motion was made to finalize the 2016 comprehensive plan that was created for the Village of White Lake by adopting ordinance #2017-01 by Oatman/Listle; All Ayes, Motion Carried

New Business

  • Sewer rate discussion was held. Motion was made to do the annual 3% increase on all accounts for 2017 by Oatman/Listle; All Ayes, Motion Carried
  • Motion was made for Scott to attend the WRWA Conference, March 28-31 in LaCrosse by Pomasl/Listle; All Ayes, Motion Carried
  • Rural Development Grant information was presented to the board and discussion was held on various projects/equipment that it could be used on. The village could receive up to a $50,000 grant. Carol will initiate the process so that if/when the board is ready to proceed with the grant the process will go faster.
  • Parade Committee Chairperson, Patsy Listle, suggested that the parade committee name be changed to the 4th of July Celebration Committee since the committee works on several events that day which include the parade, festivities at the pavilion and the fireworks. The board had no issue with the name change. Patsy also presented an event outline for the 2017 celebration. She has been contacting bands and needs to book a 5pm-9pm band as soon as possible. She is recommending The Cougars at a cost of $1500. $200 was already donated towards the cost and in addition the proceeds from Iron Mike and the Community Picnic will be applied towards the cost. Additional donations are likely to come in as well that Patsy will work on getting. A motion was made to hire The Cougars at $1500 for the 2017 celebration to perform from 5pm-9pm on Saturday, July 1st by Oatman/Pomasl; All Ayes, Motion Carried
  • Motion was made on the 2017 selection of the 4th of July Celebration Committee stating it currently consists of Patsy Listle, Joe Grennell, Chris Oatman, Carol Blawat, Doug Halverson, Scott Clark, Dave Stone, and Tony Ramer and will remain the same but open to public comments. Motion by Oatman/Pomasl; All Ayes, Motion Carried

Centennial update

  • Chris Oatman stated that there will be no trout pond from the Lake Association this year at the Independence Day Celebration. If there is any group interested in running it the Lake Association would gladly give them the information and volunteer their time this year.
  • The final 32 ads with WACD were used for thank you ads.
  • Chris is working on a thank you ad to put in the Antigo Daily Journal.
  • Chris publically thanked everyone again for all that was done to make the centennial a success.
  • Joe Grennell asked if anyone was working on a time capsule yet and Christ stated yes that it will be ready by June to bury near the centennial tree. Joe also will talk with school about creating a marker/monument to show the placement of the time capsule.

Trustee Reports

  • Troutland-Mary Lou- Joe Grennell and Carol Blawat attended as well. Jim Summerford is out due to surgery. Allan Holbrook ran the meeting. Ambulance is due for maintenance soon, air ambulance protocol approved by county, EPI in ampules on ambulance now, discussion on IV status vs basic due to shift in coverage, 2015 taxes done by a new company out of Shawano due to the illness of Jen Wild, also with the changes it is being recommended that all Troutland income/expenses be recorded by computer, they will be using alternative company other than MEDPRO for Cot maintenance, Carol presented information on I am Responding. New EMT in training, Patrick Peters attended.
  • Fire Department-Patsy Listle-Joe Grennell attended as well. They talked about the 2% dues audit with the state. A few building inspections still need to be done. Discussion on finalizing the fishing derby. Patsy state the derby went well.Buck put up the railing that was being required by the insurance company.

Clerk’s Report by Carol Blawat

  • 2016 tax season is done.
  • Schenck coming Thursday, February 16th for annual audit.
  • Primary election will be held on Tuesday, February 21st for State Superintendant.
  • Joe stated we received a very nice thank you letter from Senator Tom Tiffany’s office in regards to the listening session that was held on January 24th.

Public Works Report by Scott Popelka

  • Fishing derby went well
  • Water tower needs required inspection
  • Required water testings to be done this year at a cost of about $2000
  • Someone hit the hydrant by the beach on Friday night/early Saturday morning. They were able to use parts from the old hydrant pulled from the school to fix it.
  • Watching for weight limits to come out from the county because of the warmer temps.
  • Scott is working on updating the emergency response program and will bring to the board in March for review.
  • Cross connection ordinance needs to be updated/added to the new book of ordinances.

Adjourn at 7:30pm by Listle/Pomasl; All Ayes Motion Carried

Carol Blawat


****** Discussion with possible board action on any items listed on agenda ******