
Science Study Guide: Atmosphere

Your science test will be partly on Chapter 9, partly on Chapter 14 and everything in 15, all of which relate to the ATMOSPHERE.

Sections covered are: 9.3, 14.3, 14.4 and 15.1-15.5. This is pages 284-287, 451- 496.

You will be able to use this study guide on your test, so make sure your answers are correct. You may also use ALL of the science notes and worksheets you have. There will be 50 multiple choice questions, and at least 3 short answer/essay questions. (If you have the orange book, you can use the table of content/index to research info based on the topics in bold print and key words in the questions.)


9.3 Water Cycle (pages 284-287 Burgundy Book)

1. List the three processes of the water cycle. Describe each one.

2. Which process begins the water cycle?

3. What is the proper order of the water cycle?

14.3 Air Pressure in the Atmosphere (pages 451-456 Burgundy Book)

1. Definitions: Pressure and Density

2. Identify the properties of air.

3. What are the instruments used to measure air pressure?

4. How does increasing altitude affect air pressure and density?

14.4 Layers of the Atmosphere (pages 457-462 Burgundy Book)

5. Name the five layers of the atmosphere, beginning from the bottom layer.

6. List three facts about each type of layer.

7. What is the ozone layer?

Which layer is the ozone naturally occurring?

What is causing the ozone layer to be in the troposphere?

8. Which layer does weather occur in?

9. Where can plants and animals survive?

10. What type of light does the ozone protect us from?

11. Which layer of the atmosphere is the hottest?

12. Which is the middle layer?

13. Which layer protects us from meteoroids?

14. Why does the moon have craters?

15. Which is the outermost layer?

15.1 Energy in the Atmosphere (pages 468-473 Burgundy Book)

16. Which color absorbs more heat: white or black? Which color reflects heat?

17. Why is the sky blue?

18. What is a greenhouse effect?

19. What are different sources of pollution?

20. How does a greenhouse help plants grow?

21. What will happen if the Earth gets too warm?

22. Will reducing the amount of greenhouse gases we put in the air help the earth?

15.2 Heat Transfer (pages 474-477 Burgundy Book)

23. What are molecules?

24. What creates heat?

25. What does temperature measure?

26. How is temperature measured?

27. What happens when molecules start moving faster?

28. What is an instrument used to measure temperature?

29. Define conduction.

30. Define convection.

31. In what three ways are heat transferred?

15.3 Winds (pages 478-492 Burgundy Book)

32. What is wind made of?

33. What causes wind to blow?

34. Which part of the world has very little wind?

35. What are tradewinds?

36. What are jet streams?

37. What are prevailing winds?

38. What are local winds?

39. How are winds named?

40. What is the difference between local and global winds?

15.4 Water in the Atmosphere (pages 487-492 Burgundy Book)

41. Definitions: Humidity, condensation, dew point

42. What are clouds made of?

43. What are cold-air clouds made of?

44. Name the three main types of clouds.

45. Explain how clouds form.

46. Which clouds look like cotton balls, are puffy, with flat bottoms?

47. Which clouds form in layers?

48. Which clouds are made of ice crystals and appear wispy and feather-like?

49. How many water droplets are needed to make a cloud?

50. What type of cloud is fog usually made of?

51. What is weather?

52. What causes water to evaporate in the atmosphere?

53. What is humidity?

54. Humidity changes depending upon what?

55. Which temperature holds the most water?

56 At which temperature are air molecules moving the slowest?

57. What do you call it when water molecules join together?

58. What does it mean if the relative humidity is 100%?

15.5 Precipitation (pages 493-496 Burgundy Book)

59. Definitions: Precipitation, droughts

60. When do storm clouds develop?

61. What causes lightning?

62. What is thunder?

63. Which can you see first, lightning or thunder?

64. What are the five main types of precipitation?

65. How is precipitation measured?

66. What are some consequences of droughts?

67. How can precipitation be controlled?

68. Which is the most common form of precipitation?