CHAPTER 1 human geography

Q1. Define Human Geography.

Q2. Give some examples of metaphors from the human anatomy that geographers used to
describe various features in Geography.

Q3. State the definition of Human Geography by Ratzel / Elen C Semple / Paul Vidal de la Blache.

Q4. Explain the nature of Human Geography. Give three points.

Q5. Explain the concept of Naturalisation of Humans.

Q6. What do you understand by “Humanisation of Nature”. Explain. Support your answer with
suitable examples.

Q7. Who introduced the concept of Neo-Determinism? Explain the importance of this concept in
present time.

Q8. Name the 3 school of thoughts in Geography. Give at least two features for each school of

Q9. How is Human Geography related to other social sciences? Explain.

Q10. Write a note on scope of Human Geography.

Chapter 2 The World Population Distribution, Density & Growth

Short Answer Questions.

Q1. Name the most populous continent/country.

Q2. List the 10 most populous countries.

Q3. What do you understand by density of population? Explain.

Q4. Give a detailed account of the factors influencing the distribution of population.

Q5. Explain the terms-

. (i) Population growth

. (ii) Growth rate of population.

. (iii) Natural growth of population.

. (iv) Positive growth of population

. (v) Negative growth of population.

Q6. What are the components of population change? Explain.

Q7. Explain the term ‘migration’. Explain the causes of migration under push and pull factors.

Q8. Give three examples to explain how science and technology helped population growth.

Q9. Explain the concept of demographic transition.

Q.10 Suggest some measures to control world population.

.Q11 On the outline map of the world mark and name the following features/places-

(i) A country with highest growth rate of population.

(ii) A country with highest negative growth rate of population.

(iii) Show any two European countries with negative population growth.

(iv) Areas with less than 1 person per sq. km. area.

(v) Areas under more than 200 person per sq. km. area.

Q12. Draw a labeled diagram of Demographic Transition and explain the concept.

Chapter 3Population Composition

Q1. Define the term sex ratio.

Q2. Explain the formula to calculate the sex ratio.

Q3. Name the country with highest sex ratio.

Q4. Why sex ratio is unfavourable for females in some countries of the world. Explain.

Q5. Study the pyramid given below representing different age groups for male and females.

(i) What is the shape of the pyramid.

(ii) Give two features of this age sex pyramid.

Q6. What do you understand by literacy rate ?

Q7. Distinguish between Rural and Urban composition.

Chapter 4 Human Development

Q1. State any one difference between growth and development.

Q2. Who introduced the concept of human development.

Q3. Explain the three basic areas of human development.

Q4. Explain the four major components of human development.

Q5. In how many ways you can look at the problemof human development ? Explain.

Q6. Distinguish between Income and welfare approach to human development. Give three points of differences.

Q7. On the outline map of the world, mark and name the following features;

(i) A country with highest HDI value.

(ii) Show the countries of North America with high HDI value.


Q1. Define Economic Activity. Give at least two examples.

Q2. Define Primary activities and give any two features of primary activities.

Q3. Why gathering has little chance of becoming important at the Global Level? Give three

Q4. Distinguish between Nomadic Herding and Commercial Livestock rearing. Give five points of

Q5. Define the term ‘Agriculture’. How many types of Agriculture are practiced in different parts of
the World?

Q6. Explain Characteristic features of Plantation Agriculture. Support your answer with examples.

Q7. Distinguish between mixed farming and dairy farming. Give 5 Points of differences.

Q8. What is Viticulture. In which part of the world is it practiced? Why is it important?

Q9. Define the term truck farming, market gardening and horticulture.

Q10. Examine the factors that affect mining activity.

Q11. On the outline map of the World, mark and name the following

i) Nomadic Herding

ii) Commercial livestock rearing

iii) Areas under subsistence gathering

iv) Primitive Subsistence agriculture

v) Intensive Subsistence Agriculture

vi) Extensive Grain Farming

vii) Mixed Farming

viii) Dairy Farming.


Q1. Define the following terms ;

i) Secondary Activities
ii) Manufacturing

iii) Foot Loose Industries
iv) Agri-business

v) Technopolies

Q2. State three characteristics of technopolies.
Q3. Explain the characteristics of Modern Large Scale Industries.

Q4. Critically Examine the factors that determine the location of a manufacturing industry.

Q5. Classify Industries on the basis of their;
i) Size
ii) Inputs
iii) Raw Materials
iv) Output

v) Products

vi) Ownership

Q6. What type of Industries are called smokes stack industries. What characteristics will help you
in recognising these industries? Support your answer with suitable examples.

Q7. Explain the characteristic features of High Technology Industry.

Q8. Why do we call iron and steel industry a basic or key industry? Explain the main features of
this type of industry. Name the major areas of iron and steel industry.

Q9. Name the countries that produce good quality cotton. In how many sectors is this Industry
divided? Explain.

Q10. Explain why High tech industries in many countries are being attracted to the peripheral
areas of major metropolitan centres.


Q1. Name three types of stores that generally attract consumers in modern towns.

Q2. Give one difference between node and link.

Q3. Give some examples of tertiary activities.

Q4. Differentiate between whole sale and retail trading. Give three points of differences.

Q5. State three characteristic features of Rural marketing / Urban marketing.

Q6. Define the term “Transport”. In how many ways can you measure the transport distance.

Q7. Explain the factors effecting transport.

Q8. Define the term Communication. What are the various communication services. Explain.

Q9. Define the term Tourism.

Q10. Define the term ‘Medical Towns’

Q11. List out some tourist regions.

Q12. Explain the factors effecting tourism .

Q13. Explain the factors that favour medical tourism in some developing countries of Asia.

Q14. Explain the significance of transport and communication.

Assignment –2, to be included in Half Yearly Examination


Q1. What do you understand by Pack Animals?

Q2. Explain the importance of Road Transport / Railways / Water Way / Air Transport.

Q3. Classify Indian Roads.

Q4. Study the railway line shown in map and answer the following question -

i) Identify the railway line given on map.

ii) Name the terminal points marked on A-B.

iii) State any two advantages of the railway route.

Q5. Name the busiest water way.Give two characteristics of this route.

Q6. Explain the importance of Inland water ways.

Q7. What are the advantages of air transport. Explain .

Q8. What do you understand by Cyber Space Internet.


Q1. What is the basic function of the World Trade Organisation?

Q2. Why is it detrimental for a nation to have a negative balance of payment? Explain.

Q3. Why does international trade exist?

Q4. Analyse three important aspects of International Trade.

Q5. Why are “Regional Trade Block” set up in the World? Give three reasons.

Q6. Why are ports called gateways of International Trade? Explain.

Q7. Critically examine the advantages and disadvantages of free trade.

Q8. Explain the values on which international trade is based? Do you think that these values are in the International Trade ll over the World? (Value Base Question)


Q1. Define the term ‘Human Settlement’ .

Q2. What are the bases of classifying Human Settlements ?

Q3. Distinguish between rural and urban settlements. Give five points of differences.

Q4. Examine the problems associated with urban settlements in developing countries. Support
your answer with suitable examples.

Q5. Explain the factors which affect the location of rural settlements in the World.

Q6. Classify Urban Settlements on the basis of size, services and function.

Q7. Name some cultural towns of India. Which values are attached with the cultural towns? Are
their values followed?



Q1. Why do some states of India have higher rates of work participation than others? Explain.

Q2. Give a detailed account of the spatial pattern of density of population in India.

Q3. Define the term ‘Density Of Population’. Explain the main features of the two main components
of population growth.

Q4. Explain with examples the regional variations of population growth in India.

Q5. Explain the main features of linguistic composition of population in India.

Q6. What are the challenges about the adolescents before the society? What steps have been
taken to face them? Explain.

Q7. Explain the main features of the religious composition of population in India.

Q8. Which values are being followed under the population policy for controlling population in India?

Q9. On the outline map of India, mark and name the following features;

i) State with the highest population.

ii) Three states with very small share of population.

iii) Three states that together account for about 76% of the total population of the Country.

iv) Largest and smallest states in area.

v) Largest and smallest states in population.

vi) State with highest density of population.

vii) State with lowest density of population.


Q1. State one difference between life time migrant and migrant of last residence.

Q2. Explain the consequences of International Migration In India .

Q3. Examine the socio-demographic consequences of migration.

Q4. Define the term ‘Migration’. What is the difference between internal and international
migration? List the four streams go migration.

Q5. Examine the causes of migration highlighting push and pull factors.

Q6. Who are indenture labourers? What is the value of these migrants? Explain. (VBQ)

Q7. Study the figures given below for the reasons for male and female migration by last residence
and answer the questions that follow:

(i)  What is the main cause for male migration? What is the percentage in that group?

(ii)  What is the main cause of migration of females and what is the percentage for that?

(iii)  What is the most important cause of migration in rural India and which state is an exception to
this t

(iv)  What is the percentage of marriage migration of the male in India?

Q8. Study the given diagram, showing Intra State Migration Streams in India and answer the
questions that follow:

Migration Streams

Intra State Migration by place of last residence indicating migration streams (during 0-9 years), India, 2001.

(i)  Which migration stream does show the highest number of migrants in both male and female categories?

(ii)  Why does this migration stream show the highest migration in both the categories? Give one reason for each.

(iii)  Why do female migrants dominate in all the four streams of migration? Give two reasons.


Q1. Explain the reasons for low levels of Human Development in most of the northern states of
Q2. Explain the spatial pattern of female literacy in India in 2011 and bring out the reasons
responsible for the same.

Q3. Explain the concept of Human Development as defined by United Nations Developing
Programme (UNDP).

Q4. Give reasons for the following:

(i) Low level of Human Development in the Northern States of India.

(i) Decline in a child sex ratio in India.

Q5. “For India, development in a mixed bag of opportunities as well as neglect and deprivation.”

Q6. On the outline map of India, mark and name the following features:

(i) State with highest literacy rate.

(ii) State with lowest literacy rate.

(iii) State with highest percentage of population below poverty line.

(iv) State at the top in Human Development Index.

(v) State with highest female literacy rate.


Q1. Define ‘Human Settlement’ .

Q2. Distinguish between rural and urban settlements. Give three points of differences.

Q3. Classify India towns on the basis of their evolution in three different periods. Name two towns
of each period.

Q4. Classify towns on the basis of their function. Explain with examples.

Q5. What type of settlements are found in Rajasthan? Explain the main factor which is responsible
for development of such settlements.

Q6. On the outline map of India, mark and name the following features:

(i) Northern most metropolitan city.

(ii) Southern most metropolitan city.

(iii) Largest metropolitan city.

(iv) Fastest growing metropolitan city.

Assignment –-3 to be included in Mock Examination.


Q1. Why is the strategy of increasing cropping intensity important in a country like India?

Q2. Give a detailed account of different types of environmental problems of land resources in India.

Q3. Explain the important strategies for agricultural development followed in the post
independence period in India.

Q4. Explain the three types of changes that have affected the land use in India.

Q5. Name three cropping seasons in India. Give two features of each agriculture season.

Q6. Critically examine the problems faced by Indian farmers.

Q7. Who owns CPRs? How are common property resources valuable for weaker sections and
women in rural areas? (VBQ)

Q8. On the outline map of India, show leading producing states of the following crops:

(i) Rice

(ii) Wheat

(iii) Cotton

(iv) Jute

(v) Sugarcane

(vi) Tea

(vii) Coffee


Q1. Write a note on the availability of water resources in India.

Q2. Examine the factors that determine the availability of water resources in India.

Q3. Why is conservation and management of water resources essential in India? Explain any three

Q4. Enumerate the causes of deterioration of water quality in India. How can we conserve our
water resources? Explain.