March 17, 2015
The Chetopa City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., at City Hall.
PRESIDING: President of the Council Terry Robison in the absence of Mayor Ron Wood.
PRESENT: Council Members/Gary Bryant (at 7:04 p.m.), Pat Blaich (at 7:04 p.m.), Jim Cooper, Carthen Nash and Joey Midgett.
ALSO PRESENT: Clerk/Toni A. Crumrine, Police Chief Scott Feagan, Attorney Ed Dosh (at 7:04 p.m.), Nancy Miller, James Reynolds and Melinda Lawrence.
President of the Council Robison called the meeting to order and opened the meeting with prayer.
Motion by Cooper, second by Midgett to approve the Minutes of the last regular meeting. Motion carried.
Motion by Cooper, second by Nash to approve the Municipal Court Report. Motion carried.
Motion by Cooper, second by Midgett to approve the Treasurer’s Reports. Motion carried.
Robison asked about the payments to Bartlett Coop, Hugo’s Industrial Supply and Moore’s Auto. The clerk gave a breakdown of each check.
Motion by Cooper, second by Nash to approve the Warrant Register. Motion carried. APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE # 3482 as follows:
Payroll Funds$ 25580.47
Other Funds 169434.11
Total of all funds$195014.58
Kim Riddle, Thompson Insurance Agency presented an account summary on the city insurance. The premiums for liability, property and work comp for current coverage was $79904.00 and with the changes discussed at the previous meeting the premium would decrease to $74412.00 approximately $5500. Changes were reviewed.
Motion by Bryant, second by Cooper to accept the renewal quote with the changes for a premium of $74412.00. Motion carried. (Riddle left).
Melinda Lawrence and James Reynolds were present to ask for the utility incentive for new businesses. Currently they will have less than 4 equivalent full time employees so they qualify for the $1000 incentive. Robison asked if during the year they employed more than 4 equivalent would they qualify for the higher incentive. It was decided that if this did occur, that they could come back to the council to discuss it at that time. Reynolds and Lawrence reported that their grand opening would be this Saturday, March 21st and that the chamber would be serving hot dogs and pop from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Lawrence and Reynolds left).
Nancy Miller discussed the dog problems in the neighborhood. There are dogs running loose and chasing people and barking at all hours of the day and night. Police Chief Feagan told Miller that on the barking issue, a complaint would need to be signed and it would go through city court and that she would be called upon to testify and on the dogs running at large, she should call the police and the dog would be picked up and taken to Simpson’s and a ticket would be issued to the owner if known. (Miller left)
There is a second software demonstration scheduled for March 25, 2015 and the clerk asked if they could close the office that morning for the presentation.
Motion by Cooper, second by Midgett to allow the office to close from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for the software presentation. Motion carried.
Information regarding the utility billing for all city locations was presented and discussed.
Motion by Cooper, second by Bryant to back out the three months of payments on all city locations and just bill the water plant for those three months at wholesale cost and keep track of the other city utility charges on paper only until 2016 so that it can be included in the 2016 budget for payments to be made. Motion carried.
Dewy Brown has talked with the mayor on grinding stumps in the city and would charge $50 per stump. The council wished to know the locations and number of stumps before a decision is made.
Richard Thompson has not been in to sign the General Warranty Deed to transfer ownership to the city on the lot next to the city library. The clerk asked if the city was to pay any property taxes due after he signs the deed. Discussion followed.
Motion by Bryant, second by Blaich to have the city pay any property tax due on the lot donation. Motion carried.
Lauran West wanted to donate a property on 12th St and asked if the city would accept this donation. Discussion followed.
Motion by Cooper, second by Midgett to not accept the donation of the property. Motion carried.
An emergency repair on the 2008 police truck was approved to replace the fan clutch and an emergency purchase was approved to replace Patty Wilkinson’s computer. Discussion followed.
Motion by Bryant, second by Midgett to approve the emergency approved repair/purchase. Motion carried.
A proclamation to proclaim the month of April as Fair Housing Month was presented. Several of the grants that the city received asked that a fair housing activity be done each year and a Fair Housing proclamation is usually done.
Motion by Nash, second by Midgett to adopt the Fair Housing Month proclamation. Motion carried.
A thank you was read from Roberta Carter and family. An invoice was received from Shafer, Kline & Warren on the water intake structure improvement in the amount of $14533.68.
Motion by Nash, second by Blaich to approve the payment of the SKW invoice. Motion carried.
A heater is being checked into for the shop and a work comp claim has been turned in and forwarded to Berkley.
Robisoninvited everyone to the “Meet the Candidates” forum that will be held Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Mae Lessley Community Building. Cake and punch will be served. He also reported on a meeting that he attended on the Oswego Hospital.
Nash informed the council that Zach Lawellin has asked if the city had any objection to him installing a security system in the old city barn.
Motion by Bryant, second by Midgett to allow the installation of the security system as long as he pays for it and in the event the building sells, he will take it with him. Motion carried.
Blaich asked if the city had agreed to haul in top soil where rock had been stockpiled before the lot was sold. The new owners stated that there were still rocks on the lot. She also asked if the air conditioner had been paid for by the new owners of the old city hall. After discussion it was asked to find out where the city was on the air conditioner, utilities and the condition of the building and have the owners be at the next meeting on April 7th.
Attorney Dosh reported that if he wasn’t at the next meeting, Shane Adamson would be.
Chief Feagan asked permission to purchase bicycles for the Easter Egg Hunt. These bicycles are paid for out of the Community Service Funds that the police department raises from fundraisers and donations.
Motion by Midgett, second by Nash to allow the police department to purchase bicycles for the Easter Egg Hunt. Motion carried.
Chief Feagan wanted to recognize Dennis Gerrity for all the work that he has done for the city on the internet, website and trying to get Patty’s computer back up and running.
Motion by Bryant, second by Midgett to adjourn. Motion carried.
City Clerk