PO Box 823, 47880 South Beach Rd

Neskowin, OR 97149

503-392-3966 / FAX 503-392-4553


8.1For all users the flat rate shall be billed ahead & the water use charge shall be billed in arrears.

8.2All bills for Residential water service are due within thirty days of the billing date. Bills for Commercial water service are due within fifteen days of the billing date.

8.3Sixty days after the billing date an unpaid Residential water bill will be considered delinquent, and a late charge of $25.00 shall be added to the unpaid balance. Twenty days after the billing date an unpaid Commercial water bill will be considered delinquent, and a late charge of $25.00 shall be added to the unpaid balance.

8.4 Ninety days after the billingdatea written notice of delinquency shall be sent to the water

user by certified mail and the water service shall be turned off and locked.

8.5A water service turned off for non-payment shall not be restored until the entire unpaid balance is paid, plus any late fees, plus the $25.00 turn-off charge and a $25.00 turn-on charge.

8.6One hundred and eighty days after the billing date the District may move for a judgment against the property owner and/or file with the Clerk of Tillamook County a statement of lien claim against the property.

8.7If a water billing goes unpaid for 1 year (365 days) the District may terminate the service for

the property involved. When a service is terminated, the water meter shall be removed. The property shall then be subject to all connection charges, including system development charges.

8.8Billing Appeals

Any water user can appeal any decision or action taken by the District concerning billing.

8.81A customer who can prove their bill is high due to a water leak can appeal to the Board to have their bill lowered. An appeal shall be made by submitting a letter to the Board. The appeal must include proof of the leak and its repair. After an appeal has been made in writing, no payment is necessary until after the Board takes action on the appeal. Each customer shall receive only one bill adjustment due to a water leak. Any subsequent high water bill due to a water leak shall not be considered for adjustment.

8.82Any water user may appeal by letter or request a personal hearing before the Board concerning the disconnection (turn-off) of their water service for payment delinquency. If the request is made before the water service is turned off, then the water service shall not be turned off until after action has been taken on the appeal. If the request is made after the water service has been turned off, then the service shall remain off until the bill is paid or the Board takes action on the appeal.

8.83 The Board shall limit the appeal period to two years from the disputed bill’s date of


8.84 The Board shall limit any adjustment to a past billing error to the two-year period prior to the date the adjustment is considered.


9.1 The following procedures shall apply to any residential property in the District that is rented out on a long-term basis. For purposes of these procedures “long term residential rental’’ is any residence that is rented out for more than a consecutive 30 day period.

9.2 The transfer of billing to a renter shall only occur after the property owner requests that the renter receives the billings. The transfer of billing will not occur until the existing account is paid in full. This transfer of billing is an accommodation to the property owner, but the property owner remains the party with whom the District has a contractual relationship.

9.3 It is the property owner’s responsibility to notify the District of any vacancy, new renter or other changes in billing information. The owner of the rental property must fill out and sign the District’s “Owner Authorization Form for Long Term Rentals”. This form must be signed and returned to the District before the District will begin to send the billings to a renter. If the property owner fails to notify the District of any changes in renters, it will be the owner’s responsibility to work out the proration of billing amounts with the renter.

9.4 The property owner can request to receive a copy of any billings. The District can only send the owner a copy via the owner’s e-mail address.

9.5 When a renter is repeatedly not making payment to the District (late on two consecutive billing cycles), the District will put the billing back into the owner’s name, and the water service will be shut off until a full payment is made. Effective with the next billing, the Billing Statement will be sent to the property owner. If the current renter vacates or the account is paid on time for one year, the owner may contact the District for a new authorization form. The District will review the account to determine if the renter qualifies to receive the billings.

9.6 When a renter contacts the District to request a final billing, the account will automatically be placed back into the owner’s name until a new Owner Authorization Form for Long Term Rentals is filled out, signed and returned to the District.