2017-2018 Dilworth Elementary School Improvement Plan Report

School Improvement Plan


School Improvement Plans remain in effect for two years, but a School Leadership Team may amend as often as necessary or appropriate.

Draft Due: October 3, 2017 / Final Copy Due: October 17, 2017
Dilworth Elementary School Contact Information
School: / Dilworth Elementary School / Courier #: / 367
Address: / 405 E Park Ave / Phone Number: / 980-343-2240
Charlotte, NC 28203 / Fax Number: / 980-343-2241
Learning Community: / Central Learning Community / School Website:
Principal: / Terry Cerio Hall
Learning Community Superintendent: / Tara Lynn Sullivan
Dilworth Elementary School Improvement Team Membership
From GS §115C-105.27: “The principal of each school, representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants assigned to the school building, and parents of children enrolled in the school shall constitute a school improvement team to develop a school improvement plan to improve student performance. Representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants shall be elected by their respective groups by secret ballot....Parents serving on school improvement teams shall reflect the racial and socioeconomic composition of the students enrolled in that school and shall not be members of the building-level staff.”
Committee Position / Name / Email Address / Date Elected
Principal / Terry Cerio Hall / / 1-2012
Assistant Principal Representative / Rebecca Crawford / / 11-2015
Teacher Representative / Katie Schroeder / / 8-2017
Teacher Representative / Mary KathyrnFashjian / / 8-2017
Teacher Representative / Beth Person / / 4-2016
Inst. Support Representative / Stephanie Conlon / / 8-2015
Teacher Assistant Representative / Devonda Witherspoon / / 8-2014
Parent Representative / Rebecca Drendel / / 8-2014
Parent Representative / Jenn Loeffler / / 8-2016
Parent Representative / Molly Bilderback / / 8-2017
Parent Representative / Meredith Murchison / / 8-2017

Vision Statement

District: CMS provides all students the best education available anywhere, preparing every child to lead a rich and productive life.

School: We are committed to nurturing successful lifelong learners who embrace 12st century thinking and contribute to the local and global communities.

Mission Statement

District: The mission of CMS is to maximize academic achievement by every student in every school.

School: Ensuring the opportunity for every student to thrive academically, emotionally, and socially.

Dilworth Elementary School Shared Beliefs

2017-2018 Dilworth Elementary School Improvement Plan Report

●We believe in creating engaging and meaningful lessons.

●We believe in creating a positive learning environment.

●We believe in providing real world experiences.

●We believe in the importance of integrating technology

into everyday living.

●We believe in engaging students in open-ended, problem

based learning.

●We believe in teaching students about cultural

awareness and appreciation.

●We believe in providing opportunities for students to be

self directed learning.

●We believe in the importance of developing students to

be civic minded leaders.

2017-2018 Dilworth Elementary School Improvement Plan Report

Dilworth Elementary School SMART Goals

●Provide duty free lunch for every teacher on a daily basis under GS115C-105.27

●Provide duty free instructional planning time for every teacher with the goal of ensuring an average of at least five hours of planning per week.

●Provide a positive school climate, under CMS regulation JICK-R, by promoting a safe learning environment free of bullying and harassing behaviors.

●Increase the number of students in kindergarten through second grade who perform above grade level benchmark targets on TRC and DIBELS by 2% from the beginning of year to the end of year assessment results. Additionally, reduce the number of students not meeting benchmark targets from 2% the beginning of year on TRC and DIBELS to the end of year assessment results.

●75% of the 3-5 students scoring in the bottom 25% on the BOY Reading MAP Assessment will exceed their EOY growth expectation.

●85% of students in grades 3-5 will demonstrate at or above grade level proficiency in Math and Reading as measured by their performance on the End of Grade Assessment.

Dilworth Elementary School Assessment Data Snapshot

Dilworth Elementary School Profile

Dilworth Elementary School is located in the heart of the Dilworth community and in close proximity to uptown Charlotte. This school year marks our eighth year as a neighborhood school. Parental engagement in the school is high and our families consistently support the school both financially and through the donation of their time. Our partnership with the Tom Sykes Parks and Recreation Center continues to grow and allows our students to have access to a variety of after school clubs and activities.

Our current enrollment is 673 students which is approximately 50 students less than the previous school year. The demographic makeup of the school is 70% white, 21% African American, 3% Hispanic, 3% Asian and 3% other. 5 of our students fall under McKinney-Vento status and 5 of our students are English Learners. Our SWD (students with disabilities) subgroup represents 8% of our student population with our AIG (talented & gifted)students representing 18% of our total enrollment. Approximately 28% of our students receive free or reduced lunch. There are 6 classrooms in all K-3rd grade levels, 5 fourth grade classes and 4 fifth grade classrooms.

Our special areas team includes art, music, PE, technology, Spanish, and media. Our support staff includes two counselors, two talent development teachers, a Math and Literacy facilitator, two exceptional children teachers, a part-time speech teacher and occupational therapist. We currently have 7 teacher assistants, one of which serves as our technology teacher. 40% of our staff holds advanced degrees and the majority of teachers and support staff are continually seeking additional professional growth opportunities. Our staff makeup in terms of the years taught in CMS shows that 19% of our teachers have 10 or more years of teaching experience, 21% of our teachers have 3-5 years of teaching experience and 23% of our teachers have less than three years teaching in CMS.

Our end of grade testing data shows a steady increase in students performance across multiple years in Literacy and Math. The percentage of students performing above grade level expectations (CCR) was at 84% in Math and 71% in reading this past school year. Cohort to cohort analysis was equally impressive in Math the percentage of students demonstrating proficiency or CCR scores steadily increasing. Literacy data from cohort to cohort showed a slight decline in 3rd and 5th grades.

Strategic Plan 2018: For a Better Tomorrow

Goal 1: Maximize academic achievement in a personalized 21st-century learning environment for every child to graduate college- and career-ready
Four focus areas:
  1. College- and career-readiness
  2. Academic growth/high academic achievement
  3. Access to rigor
  4. Closing achievement gaps
/ Goal 2: Recruit, develop, retain and reward a premier workforce
Five focus areas:
  1. Proactive recruitment
  2. Individualized professional development
  3. Retention/quality appraisals
  4. Multiple career pathways
  5. Leadership development

Goal 3: Cultivate partnerships with families, businesses,
faith-based groups and community organizations to provide a sustainable system of support and care for each child
Three focus areas:
  1. Family engagement
  2. Communication and outreach
  3. Partnership development
/ Goal 4: Promote a system-wide culture of safety, high engagement, cultural competency and customer service
Five focus areas:
  1. Physical safety
  2. Social and emotional health
  3. High engagement
  4. Cultural competency
  5. Customer service

Goal 5: Optimize district performance and accountability by
strengthening data use, processes and systems
Four focus areas:
  1. Effective and efficient processes and systems
  2. Strategic use of district resources
  3. Data integrity and use
  4. School performance improvement
/ Goal 6: Inspire and nurture learning, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship through technology and strategic school redesign
Four focus areas:
  1. Learning everywhere, all the time
  2. Innovation and entrepreneurship
  3. Strategic school redesign
  4. Innovative new schools

SMART Goal (1):
Duty Free Lunch for Teachers / Provide a duty-free lunch period for every teacher on a daily basis.
Strategic Plan Goal: / SP Goal 4:Promote a system-wide culture of safety, high engagement, customer service, and cultural competence.
Strategic Plan Focus Area: / Physical safety, social and emotional health, high engagement, customer service, cultural competency
Data Used: / teacher retention data, teacher insight survey
Strategies (determined by what data)
●Task (PD) / Point Person
(title) / Evidence of Success
(Student Impact) / Funding
(estimated cost / source) / Personnel Involved / Timeline
●Interim Dates
1. Create a master schedule that provides time for grade level teachers to take a duty free lunch at common lunchtimes. / ● Principal / ●Teachers taking a duty free lunch daily (30 minutes) / ●N/A / ●Teachers
●Teacher assts / ●Aug 28th- June 8th
2. Create a teacher assistant duty roster that schedules teacher assistants to cover the café. / ●Assistant Principal / ●Duty free lunches are covered each day utilizing teacher assistants. (30 min. each day) / ●N/A / ●Teachers
●Teacher Asst. / ●Sept. 11 – June 8th
3. Hire a lunchroom monitor to oversee café from 10:00am-1:00pm each day. / ●Principal / ●Notification of assignment / ●CMS funds / ●HR / ●Sept.
2017 – June 8th
SMART Goal (2):
Duty Free Instructional Planning Time / Provide duty-free instructional planning time for every teacher under G.S. 115C-105.27 and -301.1, with the goal of proving an average of at least five hours of planning time per week, to the maximum extent that the safety and proper supervision of students may allow during regular student contact hours.
Strategic Plan Goal: / SP Goal 5: Optimize district performance and accountability by strengthening data use, processes and systems.
Strategic Plan Focus Area: / Effective and efficient processes and systems, strategic management of district resources, data utilization, school performance improvement, disproportionality
Data Used: / grade level planning agendas, ½ day planning guides, curriculum maps and pacing guides
Strategies (determined by what data)
●Task (PD) / Point Person
(title) / Evidence of Success
(Student Impact) / Funding
(estimated cost / source) / Personnel Involved / Timeline
●Interim Dates
1. Create a master schedule that provides a 90 minute common planning time each week as well as 40 minutes on the other days. / ●Princip
●AP / ●Teachers plan collaboratively in grade level teams to analyze data and plan instruction / ●N/A / ●Teachers
●Admi. / ●Aug. 2017- June 2018
2. Provide grade level teams time each semester to create units of study, map curriculum and create pacing guides. / ●Principal
●Grade chairs
● K-5 / ●Completed curriculum maps, pacing guides, units of study, and data analysis summary / ●N/A / ●PD Funds / ● Dec. 2017
●Apr. 2018
3.Schedule time for Child Study meeting / ●RTI Coaches
●Counselors / ●Master Schedule / ●N/A / ●Teachers / ●Aug. 2017-
June 2018
SMART Goal (3):
Anti-Bullying / Character Education / Provide a positive school climate, under CMS regulation JICK-R, by promoting a safe learning environment free of bullying and harassing behaviors.
Strategic Plan Goal: / SP Goal 4: Promote a system wide culture of safety, high engagement, customer service and cultural competence.
Strategic Plan Focus Area: / Physical Safety, Social and Emotional Health, High Engagement, Customer Service,
Cultural Competency
Data Used: / Survey results- teachers, parents, students; discipline referral data
Strategies (determined by what data)
●Task (PD) / Point Person
(title) / Evidence of Success
(Student Impact) / Funding
(estimated cost / source) / Personnel Involved / Timeline
●Interim Dates
1. Bully Liaison / Bully-prevention:
● Implement the “On Fire” program that rewards students for positive behavior choices.
● Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly celebrations and positive behavior Dragon House rally
● Monthly guidance lessons implemented by counselors including ways to recognize and respond to bullying and understanding of CMS “Safety and Respect For All” policy.
● Continue the implementation of Love and Logic through professional development
● Small group targeted intervention groups for students struggling with social skills / peer relationships
●Creation of individualized behavior plans to address student needs / ●Counselor
● Teachers
● RTI Coach / ●Survey results showing“Students feel safe at school” increases the number of positive responses by 15%.
● Schedule of Dragon House Meetings / Celebrations
●Schedule of Counselor push in time as well as small group work
●Agenda items and planning documents from meetings
●Counselor Contact Log
●Behavior Plans
●Fewer discipline referrals as noted in school created behavior log / ●N/A / ●Dilworth staff
●Dragon House Comm.
●Love and Logic Com.
●Members of the Child Study team
●Counselors /
  • Aug. 2017-June 2018

2. Character Education:
●Monthly character education lessons delivered by counselor- and trained parent volunteers
●Small Group Sessions based around student need
●Monthly grade level Dragon House activities created around the Character trait of the month. / ●Counselor
● PTA parent volunteers
● Teachers / ●Fewer discipline referrals
● Less disruptive behavior / ●N/A / ●Dilworth staff
● PTA / ●Aug2017- June 2018
3. Healthy Active Child 30 min.
●Teacher led organized play at recess to observe and prevent bullying behaviors.
●Life Logs used to record and celebrate students living an active lifestyle / ●All classroom teachers
● Nurse / ●Students actively involved in exercise during recess time / ●N/A / ●Teachers
● PE Teacher / ●August 2017- June 2018
4.School Health Team
●Teacher led organized play at recess to observe and prevent bullying behaviors.
● Life Logs used to record and celebrate students living an active lifestyle / ●PE teacher / ●Life Logs
● Bike safety week
●Walk to school day
●Small group counseling-
asthma & obesity groups
●Morning news
announcements / ●N/A / ●PTA parent rep.
● School Nurse
● Teachers / ●Aug2017- June 2018
SMART Goal (4): / Increase the number of students in kindergarten through second grade who perform above grade level benchmark targets on TRC and DIBELS by 2% points from the beginning of year to the end of year assessment results. Additionally, reduce the number of students not meeting benchmark targets by 2% points from the beginning of year on TRC and DIBELS to the end of year assessment results.
Strategic Plan Goal: / SP Goal 1: Maximize academic achievement in a personalized 21st century learning environment for every child to graduate career and college-ready.
Strategic Plan Focus Area: / II: Academic growth/high academic achievement; III: Access to rigor;
IV: closing achievement gaps
Data Used: / Reading 3D: TRC and DIBELS (BOY and EOY data)
Strategies (determined by what data)
●Task (PD) / Point Person
(title) / Evidence of Success
(Student Impact) / Funding
(estimated cost / source) / Personnel Involved / Timeline
●Interim Dates
  1. Implement more strategic phonics program in grades K-2
●Kindergarten to teach a letter a day and pull resources to support instruction. PM weekly
●First Grade to revisit Imagine It! green band and teach 20 minutes daily. PM weekly
●Second Grade to cluster students for phonics remediation across grade level daily for 20 minutes / ●Facilitator
●RTI Chair
●RTI Coaches / ●Lesson design differentiated for students based on phonetic need
●Stronger phonological awareness in K-2 students
●Facilitators will provide feedback after classroom support visits / ●N/A / ●Facilitator
●RTI Chair
●RTI Coaches
●Classroom Teachers / ●Oct 2017 - May 2018
2. Provide targeted intervention strategies to students performing below grade level
●Discuss students performing below grade level at Child Study Meetings
●Streamline RTI process and interventions by strategically inviting content experts
●Utilize counselor to spearhead RTI program and serve as a liaison for teachers and administrators
●Train support staff on LLI, ERT and other research based programs
●Monitor student performance through assessment data and adjust instruction as needed. / ●Facilitator
●RTI Chair
●RTI Coaches / ●Strategically grouped students across K-2
●Increased mastery on Progress monitoring and informal class assessments
●Targeted discussions / plans surrounding student needs / ●N/A / ●Facilitator
●RTI Chair
●RTI Coaches
●Classroom Teachers / ●Oct 2017 - May 2018
3. Continue to coach teachers on best practice and readers and writers workshop model
●Facilitators to support new teachers
●Provide differentiated PD based on walkthroughs and observations
●Provide opportunities for teachers to observe teachers / ●Principal
●Assistant Principal
●Facilitators / ●Increased student engagement
●Increased alignment with goals
●Alignment of feedback and expectations
●Increased indication on Insight survey of teachers feeling support with feedback and follow up / ●N/A / ●Principal
●Assistant Principal
●Teacher Leaders / ●Sept 2017 - May 2018
4. Implement writing as an area of focus through our ILT work
●Provide PD on writing throughout year
●Continue to analyze student work to ensure lessons are designed around student need
●Create and implement lessons that support student responses to text and citing evidence. / ●Facilitators / ●Increased engagement during writers workshop
●Increased student performance as noted on benchmark writing samples / ●N/A / ●ILT Team Members
●Classroom Teachers / ●Sept 2017 - May 2018
SMART Goal (5): / 75% of the students in grades 3-5 who score in the bottom 25% on the BOY Reading MAP Assessment will exceed their EOY growth expectation
Strategic Plan Goal: / SP Goal 1: Maximize academic achievement in a personalized 21st century learning environment for every child to graduate career and college-ready
Strategic Plan Focus Area: / IV: Closing achievement gaps
Data Used: / MAP data - Literacy performance 2017-2018
Strategies (determined by what data)
●Task / Point Person
(title) / Evidence of Success
(Student Impact) / Funding
(estimated cost / source) / Personnel Involved / Timeline
●Interim Dates
1. Strategically support Level one learners during IRT
●Create guided reading groups in 3rd and 4th grade
●Coach and train teachers on best practices
●Utilize LLI materials to support various reading levels / ●RTI Coaches
●RTI Chair / ●Increased performance in Level One Learners
●Implementation of research based programs
●Targeted reading support / ●N/A / ●Facilitator