October 30, 2015
Current Events:What an eventful week with our Fall Party,I enjoyed conferencing with our families last Thursday evening and Friday morning. Remember to turn back your clocks 1 hour on Saturday night before you go to bed.
Social Studies: We will be starting a unit on patriotic symbols and learning about being responsible citizens.Take your child with you on Tuesday when you go to vote to give your child first-hand experience with seeing how ballots are cast for electing officials and changing the laws.
Science:We watched a video clip about how pumpkins grow and get harvested and then to market. In our Scholastic News, “Spooky Skeletons,” we learned about animals’ skeletons. From the video clip, we learned that some animals don’t have skeletons, and some even have exoskeletons from. We cut open Daisy’s white pumpkin to see what it looked like on the inside. It was not any of the colors that we predicted that it would be on the inside. Ask your child about the inside color of our white pumpkin. To us, it smelled more like a cucumber than like the orange pumpkin that we carved earlier.
Math: We have been sorting, tallying, graphing, and interpreting our bag of fall trail mix. Learning to use strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems for our 2 minute timed drills in math is another skill that we have practiced this week. In our Math work stations, the children have been doing activities to practice sorting, counting, subtraction, skip counting and writing by 5’s, matching tally marks to numbers, and adding apples to the tree game boards. I have many great math folders on my Portaportal for children to practice different skills. Goto our BME school site and open the BMES Portaportals on the left side, and then open my link to access a wealth of activities to foster addition/subtraction and numeracy skills. There are still a few students who need extra practice showing tally marks to match the number.
Language Arts:Wehave wrapped up learning the strokes for the lower case alphabet letters and have started on the upper case letter strokesin Handwriting this week. The children had to write 2 sentences about a pumpkin—one telling and one asking sentence, using correct punctuation for their sentences.
Week B Rotation Schedule:
Monday, Nov. 2:Art
Tuesday, Nov. 3: NO SCHOOL-- Teacher Workday. Election Day—Go vote!
Wednesday, Nov. 4: P.E.
Thursday, Nov. 5: Library
Friday, Nov. 6: P.E.
Over, please…
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, Nov. 3rd– Election Day. Take your child with you to see the voting process.
Thursday, Nov. 12th: 3rd Grade Music Program: Temples and Tombs” at 7:00
Friday, Nov. 13th : Cub Cash Bash & .75 ice cream
Friday, Nov. 20th: Make-up picture day & PTB Music Night at 6:30 showing, “Inside Out”
Nov. 25-27: No school—Thanksgiving Break
Monday, Nov. 30th: Report cards will be sent home in your child’s transport folder.
Fall Harvest Party: A big thank you to Mrs. Rileyfor getting our party organized and delivered on Friday.We appreciate the Maddox family for supplying our juice drinks, the Riley family for the fall plates, napkins, and cupcakes,the Curry & Addisu families for the candies, and the Deaver family for the carrots and dip.The children enjoyed a fantastic fall party! If I missed thanking you, my apologies and thanks!
Wow! We have some very generous friends, “whooo” continue to pay it forward and buy ice cream for our entire class!!! This week, our dear friend, Benjamin, treated us all on Wednesday so everyone had ice cream.
The Augusta County School Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, or gender in its programs and activities. The following persons have been designated to handle inquires regarding non-discrimination policies.
Title IX Coordinator
Jill Martin
Director of Personnel
PO Box 960
18 Government Center Lane
Verona, VA 24482
(540) 245-5107