versity of Southern Maine School of Social Work

Agency Profile for Undergraduate/Graduate Student Placements

Name of agency: Renaissance SchoolDate:12/27/2011

Agency address: 15 Scared Heart Place, Auburn, ME

Agency telephone phone number:777-4176

In arranging for field placements, whom should student contact?

Kelly Chambers LCSW

Name of Field Instructor:Kelly Chambers LCSW

Field Instructor telephone number: 777-4176

Field Instructor email address:

Site Supervisor:Stuart Beddie LCPC

Name of agency director and/or key administrative personnel:

Name Position

Daniel SullivanDirector

Stuart Beddie LCPCClinical Supervisor

Do you offer a stipend?

Agency is able to handle:BSW student____ MSW foundation year student___X__

MSW concentration year student _X____

How many students can your agency accommodate?1 possible 2

Briefly describe the basic services/programs of the agency, client population served, and the size of your staff.

Educational day treatment program that services students K-8th grade referred by area public schools through the IEP process. We serve up to 30 students. All children have significant behavior problems and have an axis I diagnosis. There are three full time social workers and 15 educational staff members including teachers and ed techs.

When (day and time) are agency staff and other important meetings held?

School hours are from 8-2:30 M-F. Staff meetings are held every Tuesday from 2:30-3:30. Treatment team meetings are held every Wednesday from 1:30-2:30

What characteristics or qualities would be helpful for a student to have to best utilize the placement as a learning opportunity?

Student would be interested in working with children who have a variety of diagnosis, and trauma backgrounds. The student would be flexible and have the ability to multi task in this fast paced environment. Student would maintain good personal and professional boundaries with clients and staff.

Would a student who needs a highly structured learning environment do well in this placement? ____Yes ____No Other comments: Student would need to be flexible in their environment.

List the learning opportunities available for the student in your setting:

Working with individual students completing a comprehensive assessment, developing treatment plans, carrying out treatment goals, writing progress notes, learn how to enter students into APS. Student will work with families and area providers in treatment of students. Student will have the opportunity to work both independently and as a team.

Is there adequate physical space for the student(s)? Yes

Does the student need a car? Would be helpful Is mileage reimbursable? No

Can your agency provide an opportunity for students to fulfill part of their required placement hours on evenings or weekends? No

Does your agency require any formal training for interns? Yes

If yes, how many training hours are required? 16 hours

When is the training offered? On site

Can the training be completed online? NO

Is the agency handicapped accessible? Yes

Agency Requirements:

Background check (SBI)Yes___No_X__

Physical ExamYes__X_No___


(If yes, please name immunizations required)

Other pertinent information: