What Do Freed Slaves in the South Believe Is Key to Improving Their Children S Lives?

What Do Freed Slaves in the South Believe Is Key to Improving Their Children S Lives?

RQ CH 22 Part 1 pp- 477-489/90 “Republicans”


1 482 – Photo –


-What do freed slaves in the South believe is key to improving their children’s lives?

-What race are the teachers?

2 483 – Examining the Evidence – [READ THIS****]

- Title and Date?

-Opening Question-copy?

- Who wrote this letter?

- To where does this family move to and currently live? (state)

- What does his former master ask him to consider doing?

- To test the former master’s sincerity…what does he ask for? Based on what?

3 (top) 486 Brown Box

- Who?


-Copy the Last sentence?

4 (bottom 486) Brown Box – 487 Photo

BB- When?

- Where?

- IN the last sentence…who is in control?

- “the terms” [of contract] will make Freedmen what?

- and impair what?


- Title?

- Over time….what occurs to these people economically?

5 488 PC

- Title/When?

- Who?

- What “program” is he kicking?

6 489 Chart


- Copy the four (4) plans?

Reading Questions


7 What four (4) questions “loom large?”

The Problems of Peace

8 What was Jefferson Davis punishment for TREASON?

9 What does Pres. Andrew Johnson do concerning TRAITORS on Christmas Day, 1868?

10 What two “structures” had collapsed in the South?

11 What was the economic lifeblood of the South? How did it look after the war?

12 What group in the South was TEMORARILY humbled by the War?

13 How did 2$Billion just disappear from the Southern Economy?

14 Southerners despite the difficulty remained ______?

Freedmen Define Freedom

15 Emancipation took place ______and ______in the Confederacy?

16 How many time had a North Carolina slave estimate he had celebrated freedom?

17 What happened to newly freed slaves in Texas?

18 All Masters were eventually forced to recognize what?

19 Tens of thousands took to what?

20 For what two reasons, above?

21 What are the estimated 25,000 blacks who left Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi for Kansas from 1878 to 1880 called?

22 What organization becomes the focus of the Black Community in the years following emancipation?

23 What two new organizations formed with 500,000 and 400,000 members respectively?

34 What becomes the bedrock of black community life and from them comes other benevolent, fraternal, and mutual aid societies?

35 What do all of the above-mentioned organizations help blacks protect?

36 What according to a member of a North Carolina society would be the 1st proof of their independence?

37 What specifically did the American Missionary Association send to the South?

The Freedmen’s Bureau

38 The brutal reality was the newly freed people were what 5 things?

39 What is considered the 1st social welfare agency created by the Federal Government in March of 1865?

40 What specifically did this agency provide? (4 things)

41 To what two groups does this agency provide help to after the war?

42 Who was the leader of this Agency?

43 In what area does the agency have its greatest successes, affecting over 200,000?

44 For what two reasons do the newly freed people want to become literate?

45 in all other areas how was the accomplishments of the agency measured?

46 What was the agency authorized to do….but fails spectacularly at this assignment….many believe this failure affects this group for countless generations to come?

47 For what purpose do agents from this agency collaborate with planters? (2)

48 In what year does this agency finally end?

49 The text claims that Andrew Johnson shared what views with most planters?

Johnson: The Tailor President

49 Where was Andrew Johnson Born, what was his condition at birth?

50 What action does Johnson take when his state of Tennessee secedes, it is unique?

51 After Tenn. was redeemed to what post was AJ appointed?

52 What political party was Andrew Johnson in 1864?

53 The text claims that AJ was the wrong what? (3)

Presidential Reconstruction

54 What was Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan called?

55 Explain the way a State would be able to re-enter the Union according to the 10% plan?

56 What is the name of the bill that Radical Republicans in Congress propose to counter Lincoln’s plan?

57 How does Lincoln specifically deal with this bill?

58 How did Congress view the Southern States, concerning their re-admission?

59 How did Lincoln and Johnson view the Southern States, concerning their re-admission?

60 How do the views above effect which group had the power to decide the answer?

61 Name the two factions of the Republican Party that emerges?

62 What does each believe about how the Southern States should be reconstructed?

63 What does AJ do May 29, 1865?

64 How specifically…one step at a time, describe how Southern States could be reconstructed according to AJ’s plan?

The Baleful Black Codes

65 What was among the 1st acts of new Southern governments sanctioned by AJ?

66 What was the purpose of these laws?

67 What state passes the 1st and most harsh of these laws in late 1865?

68 These laws FIRST AIMED TO ENSURE WHAT?*******

69 What was the penalty for “jumping” a labor contract?

70 These laws also sought to restore as nearly as possible what?

71 No where were blacks allowed to do what, at this time and according to these laws?

72 These laws mocked what?

73 What stopped blacks from gaining economic independence?

74 What new type of farming becomes commonplace among the newly freed and poor whites of the South…and lasts for generations?

75 When Congress returns to secession…many in the North asked one another what tow questions?

Congressional Reconstruction

76 What group that shocked and disgusted Republican Congressmen were waiting for them when they arrive in DC in December 1865 for the 1st time since the end of the Civil War?

77 four-______, Five-______, various members of ______and ______. And, Worst of all was ______, ex ______? And under indictment for ______?

78 What 3 examples of Progressive Legislation does the text give that describes bills that were passed in Congress while the South was gone?

79 What does the Congress decide about the Southern elected people….do they let them serve or not?

******80 Explain how the South is politically stronger after the Civil War and now an even greater threat?

81 What does AJ announce on December 6, 1865? (is this over?)

Johnson Clashes with Congress

82 What two bills does AJ veto, and that Congress passes over his veto, that leads to his conflict with the Congressional Republicans?

83 How does Congress attempt to make the Civil Rights Bill of 1866, permanent and not repealable?

84 [notes} What 4 clauses make up section 1 of the 14th Amendment?

85[notes} What do each of the remaining 4 sections of the 14th amendment do?

86 What action does AJ suggest the Southern States take regarding the 14th Amendment?

Swinging”Round the Circle with Johnson”

87 What was the “root” of the controversy between the Congress and the President?

88 How does AJ attempt to influence the Congressional Elections in 1866?

89 When the Ballots were counted in 1866….What were the Results?