Dr Laurence Leaver
Dr Mark O’Shea / Jericho Health Centre
Walton St
Oxford OX2 6NW
Tel 01865 311234
Fax 01865 311087
Dear Student
Important Vaccinations: Mumps and Meningitis C
Congratulations on getting your place at OxfordUniversity. Oxford is a wonderful place for the exchange of ideas- and certain infections!
Last year there were lots of cases of Mumps in Oxford and other Universities. Occasionally there are serious complications from Mumps but even a “mild” infection can still require exclusion from academic and social life and make you unwell for a couple of weeks. We strongly recommend prevention using MMR vaccine (1 shot followed by another, 3 months later). For more information see
It is important to get MMR vaccine BEFORE you come to Oxford, because infection is likely to occur early on (and vaccination can take 2 weeks to work). Book an appointment with your GP’s Practice Nurse for this NOW. For those who are unable to do this, we will offer vaccination (free) at the time of Registration during Freshers’ week. Boosters can be booked at Jericho Health Centre subsequently.
Those born in the UK 1982-1989 will NOT normally have had any MMR vaccine as part of the routine childhood vaccinationschedule (though some will have had Measles-Rubella vaccine in 1994 and may think they have had MMR- but be wrong). If you have had one dose of MMR you still need a booster. If you cannot be sure of your previous vaccinations, an extra dose of MMR is recommended. Those born in the UK before 1982 are likely to have been exposed to Mumps as a disease and to be immune, and not need vaccination. Those from abroad should have MMR vaccinewhatever their age, unless they have definitely had Mumps.
Meningitis C is now very rare, thanks to vaccination. Most students will have had Men C vaccination while at school; if not please arrange this with your GP, again BEFORE arrival, for maximum protection. For those coming from abroad Meningitis A & C (or ACWY) vaccine is acceptable if Meningitis C Conjugate vaccine is not available. If you cannot get vaccinated we will be happy to vaccinate you at Jericho Health Centre by appointment (not at Registration), as early as possible.
Please complete and return the slip below (with your confidential Health Questionnaire).
Yours sincerely
College Doctors
to Dr Bogdanor & Partners, Jericho Health Centre, Walton St, OxfordOX2 6NW
St Peters College
Dates of Vaccinations
Name: Date of Birth:
MMR 1st Dose …………………….
MMR 2nd Dose ……………………
Meningitis C ………………………