On Monday, February 10, 2003, the Preble Town Board held its monthly meeting. The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor, Betty Ann Pitman, with the salute to the flag at 8:00.
Board members present:, Kate Edinger, Tom Fox, Councilmen.
Others present; Don Armstrong, Frank Hogg, Dan O=Shea, John Steger, Jim Griswold and Anne Henderson
There was a correction to the January minutes: General Fund Voucher total should be $1931.43
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Tom Fox
RESOLUTION #13:To accept January 13, 2003 minutes as corrected
Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox(aye)
DOG CONTROL:-December report
-1 dog impounded; still at shelter
1 complaint of a dangerous dog
-January report
-1 stray cat taken in at the shelter
JUSTICE REPORT:$13,360. submitted to the Town of Preble for January
Annual Report - Total completed cases for 2002 2797
- $214,718.50 turned over to the State Comptroller in fines
-Still snowing. The sand pile should get last if there aren=t many ice storms
-Have done the complete route 92 times since November, along with 22 touch-up runs
-The grader has pushed back 9 times in the past month
-The Village of Homer brought their snow blower up and moved 31 loads of snow from Tully Trailer Park, Friendly Shores, Friendly Lane, Saulsbury Road, Corl Drive and McBride Dr., along with blowing snow over the guardrail on East Hill Road
-Everything is holding up quite well considering the daily use
-The meeting on the Salt Storage Buildings went well. They are unsure what kind of matching grants will be available in this coming budget year.
-Jeff is currently out of town until January 18th
-Randy Pryor is helping out while Jeff is gone
-Still looking for ride along candidates.
COUNTY LEGISLATURE:-County Highway is running out of salt; are mixing with sand to spread.
Base for the new Communication Tower has been put in; old building has
been torn down and bids are out for the new tower.
-Applications and resumes have been received for the new County Administrative position.
-Recycling Center has been released from the insurance company. Considering putting the new center next to the Landfill.
ZONING & CODE ENFORCEMENT:-No building permits granted
-13 telephone inquiries
-4 30-day violation notices issued
PLANNING BOARD:-Meeting February 27th at 7:00 o=clock
HISTORIAN:-Anne Henderson is planning a meeting March 9th at 1:30 p.m. at the Town Hall for people who are interested in starting a historical society.
TOWN CLERK:$389.00 - fees collected in January; Disbursed $31.72 to CC Treasurer; $12.00 to Ag & Markets; $11.25 to the NYS Health Dept., and $334.03 to Elizabeth Pitman, Supervisor
DON ARMSTRONG:Stated that the letter regarding Dan Sherman=s subdivision had been sent out and at this time has had no response.
Nitrates in Water-On hold.
Computel Consultants -On hold
Little York Lake --Kate attended a meeting with the Sheriff=s Dept., Joe Eggleston and John Steger. It was decided to put up a sign containing the top part of the navigation law. The Sheriff=s Dept. will have a boat safety class for everyone including the residents of the lake.
Tully Center Road-A letter has been received from the NYS Dept. of Transportation stating there will be no speed change on this road.
Tom Fox regard to tires -When the time comes, Syracuse Supply may have some way of recycling tires
Letter County Legislature - Intermuniciple meeting -Sandy Price suggested making a list for the library and hold a meeting with the other towns. - Tabled.
Light - David George -Pole south on Route 11after his residence. Tabled.
Heater in Vault -The heater/AC has been ordered.
Alarm System -Have received 2 quotes; ADT and Davis Sprinkler Company
Carpet -Carpet has been installed in the vestibule and the stairs
Insurance with Bailey -Betty Ann has signed the contract - $12,317.31. with Bailey Insurance. A call received from Partner=s Insurance stating they will quote for next year.
Rent from Post Office - $541.67 received
Surplus dog money - $114.48 received from the County Treasurer
County Treasurer final Sales Tax - $9,923.05 received
Candy Brown-Penny Law -. A request to the Town to make a resolution to support the Penny Law which would try a teenager as an adult in cases of rape/murder
Motion made by Tom Fox seconded by Kate Edinger
RESOLUTION #14:To give support from the Town Board for the Penny Law
Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox(aye)
Letters were reviewed and distributed to the Board.
Budget Amendments are needed to close the 2002 books - Betty Ann read the following amendments:
Debit(Decrease) Est. Appropriations(A960)$6719.
(Subsidiary A1990.4 -contingent $6000)
( A A1410.2 - Clerk Equip. $719)
Credit(Increase) Est. Appropriations(A960)$6719.
(Subsidiary A1010.4 - Board Contr. $ 166)
( A A1110.21 - Justice, Equip-Internet$ 158)
( A A1220.4 - Supervisor Cont.$ 441)
( A A1355.41 - Assessor, Contr.$2438)
( A A1410.4 - Clerk, Contr.$ 538)
( A A1620.1 - Buildings, Wages$ 68)
( A A1650.4 - Telephones, Contr$ 589)
( A A1680.4 - Computer, Contr$1718)
( A A3620.4 - Safety Inspection Contr$ 4)
( A A7110.4 - Recreation Contr.$ 511)
( A A8010.4 - Zoning Contr.$ 31)
( A A9050.8 - Unemployment Ins.$ 57)
This amendment is necessary to balance accounts for year-end closing.
Debit(Increase)Est. Revenues(A510)$60,000.
(Subsidiary - A1120 Sales Tax)
Credit(Increase)Budgetary Provisions for Other uses(A962)$60,000.
(Building Reserve - $20,000)
(Land Reserve - $40,000)
To appropriate surplus money to reserves.
Debit(Increase)Appropriated Reserve Balance(D511)$104,248.
Credit(Increase)Est. Appropriations(DA962) $104,248.
(Subsidiary)-DA5130.2 - Equipment Purchase)
This is to budget for Reserve expenditure.
Debit(Increase)Appropriated Fund Balance(DA599)$14,810.
Credit(Increase)Est. Appropriations(DA960)$14,810.
(Subsidiary 0 DA5130.4 Machinery Equip) $6,647)
( A DA5142.4 - Snow Removal, Cont. $7,615)
( A DA9050.8 - Unemployment Ins. $ 548)
This amendment is necessary to balance accounts for year-end.
Motion made by Tom Fox, seconded by Kate Edinger
RESOLUTION #15: To approve the budget amendments needed to close the 2002 books
Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox(aye)
Anne Henderson announced there would be a meeting of the Zoning Update book on Wednesday, February 26th, at the Town Hall.
Dan O=Shea asked about the quotes of the alarm system. - Fire alarms in the Town Hall office, Vault, Post Office and Town Garage; heat detectors in the basement of the Town Hall.
Davis Altmar Sprinkling Co. quote -Town Hall $5000.; if monitored, $400. to install and $24. per month.
ADTquote - $6,975.82 - State bid
John Steger mentioned putting carpet in the Town Hall instead of having the floors refinished.
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Tom Fox
RESOLUTION #16:To pay the General Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 2, Nos. 13 to 40, totaling $17,740.13
Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox(aye)
Motion made by Tom Fox, seconded by Kate Edinger
RESOLUTION #17:To pay the Highway Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 2, Nos. 8 to 15 totaling $3,640.40
Kate Edinger(aye) Tom Fox(aye)
Kate moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Tom; meeting adjourned 8:50.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane W.. Davenport
Unofficial 02/10/2003