159 Northway, Durban North, 4051 E-Mail Website: www.fatima.org.za Tel 0315635554 Fax 0315634684
Parish Priest: Rev Fr Desmond Nair
Deacon: Rev Peter VenterPastoral Assistants: Irene Helsdon and Anne Chatteris
11 May 2014
Fourth Sunday of Easter Year A
Missal References Page 255 (W495)
Eucharistic Prayer No 3
Memorial Acclamation No 3
Next Sunday’s Scripture Page 259 (W516)
Next Sunday Fifth Sunday of Easter
Feasts of the Week
Monday Ss Nereus, Achilleus & Pancras
Tuesday Our Lady of Fatima
Wednesday ST MATTHIAS, Apostle
Entrance Antiphon
The merciful love of the Lord fills the earth; by the word of the Lord the heavens were made, alleluia.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd,there is nothing I shall want.
… Fresh and green are the pastures
where he gives me repose.
Near restful waters he leads me;
he revives my soul.
He guides me along the right path,
for the sake of his name.
Though I should walk in the valley
of the shadow of death,
no evil would I fear, for you are with me.
Your crook and your staff will give me comfort.
You have prepared a table before me
in the sight of my foes.
May head you have anointed with oil;
my cup is overflowing.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life.
In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell
for length of days unending.
The Lord is my shepherd,
there is nothing I shall want. /
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia!
I am the good shepherd, says the Lord;
I know my own, and my own know me. Alleluia!
Communion Antiphon
The Good Shepherd has risen, who laid down his life for his sheep and willingly died for his flock, alleluia.
This Week’s Diary
/Monday / Mass / 9.00am
RCIA 2014 & 2015 / 7.00pm
Tuesday / Mass / 6.30am
Junior School Mass / 7.45am
Gospel Sharing / 9.15am
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament / 5.00pm – 6.00pm
Wednesday / Men’s Prayer and Fellowship / 5.00am – 6.00am
Communion Service / 6.00pm
“A Quick Journey through the Bible” / 7.00pm
Thursday / Communion Service / 7.00am
Mass / 6.00pm
Rosary Team / 9.30am
Choir Practice / 6.45pm
Friday / Morning Prayer / 6.15am
Mass / 6.30am
Y4K – Treasure Hunt / 5.30pm – 6.30pm
Y4Y – Amazing Race / 7.00pm – 6.00pm
Saturday / Mass / 8.00am
Confessions / 11.00am & 4.30pm
Catholic Women’s League Meeting / 2.00pm
Sunday / Masses / 7.00am; 9.00am & 5.45pm
Y2C / 7.30pm
Please pray for the Sick especially:
Tris Tillard’s sister; Joy Lees’ grandniece; May Dormehl’s daughter; Gladys Cole’s brother; Maryse Bowman’s nieces; Louise Kin’s sister; Renee Armstrong’s sisters; Mary Kidd’s granddaughter; Josiane & Marie-Claude Maujean’s brother; Jessie Naidu’s brother; Nancy Chettiar’s mother; Jan Huiskamp’s mother; Annette Hoyer’s parents; Debbie Macpherson’s sister; Graham Naude’s mother; Hana Toman’s father; Esme Hallot’s nieces; Stuart McGregor; Zelda Byrne’s daughter-in-law; Anne Appelgren’s husband, sister & aunt; Alma Osborn’s grandson. / Peter Squires; Pam Brown; Elsa Pearton’s son Michael, sister & granddaughter; Marjorie Mawbey’s nieces; Anna Kalinowska’s mother; Nicole Blackburn’s daughter; Irene Helsdon’s niece; Jean & Pauline Leclezio’s son & daughter-in-law; Brenda Ogle’s granddaughter & sister; Margaret Beechey’s mother; Denise Irvine’s daughter; Candice Behrens’ grandfather; Maryse Wardell’s mother; Gill Yelland’s daughter-in-law; Josè Martins’ mother: Caron Martins’ father & sister; Lyn Alborough’s brother; Norlie McDonogh’s sister-in-law; Warren Walker’s uncle; John Bremner’s nephew. Jo James’ nephew; Ugo Surian’s sister; Nadine Paul’s mother & cousin; Brigitte Gaud’s mother / Tottie Bremner’s father & nephew; Warren Walker’s uncle; Charles Sturgess’ cousin; George & Carol Urquhart’s mothers; Ancilla Donaldson’s parents; Theresa Hoogewerf’s uncle; Gail Rossiter’s daughter; Lynne Tillard’s brother; Liz Newberry’s husband; Mary Ann Salvage’s brother; Michelle Lock’s father; Fr Des’ nephew & brother; Sonia Vosloo’s father; Dcn Peter Venter’s brother; Rose Botha’s mother-in law; Richard Gorlei’s mother; Sharon Ellis’ sister; Brian Kin’s mother; Peggy du Plessis’ sister & daughter-in-law; Gail Hansen’s mother; Stella Barber.Parishioners:
Lou Elliott; Sue & Des Bloom;Cathy Hogg; Isabel Akal; Luc Pous; Sr. Catherina; Irene Gliddon; Hendrika Brock; Cameron Smith; Jenny Ducray; Anthea Jack; Clare Whatmore; Virgile Bonhomme; May Dormehl; Felicity Harrison; Gordon Urquhart; / Gail Rossiter; Randolph Tryon; Olga Newby-Fraser; Natalie Modari; Stella Gomes; Dorothy Warburton; Leigh Went; Maryse Bowman; Mary Kidd; Caron Martins; Daphne Rahmer; Roger Brouard; Pat du Trevou; Lynne Govender; ; Pam Farr; Pierette Lenferna; Sue Dunienville. / Mick Armstrong; Deryk Bayman; Joao Farinha; Sandra Teodosio; Milly van Gogh; Simon Webb; Clifton Brock; Teresa Latouf; Tony AkalMonique Saint-Georges; Jack Garbutt ; Michael D’Ercole; Anna Accolla’s husband & mother.
Scripture Readings For Next Sunday
Acts 6: 1 - 7 1 Peter 2: 4 - 9 John 14: 1 - 12
RCIA 2015
This programme of Spiritual Growth, Catechetical Formation, Instruction,
and Catholic Community awareness continues on
Monday 12 May at 7.00pm.
If you know someone who is interested in our Catholic faith or would like to become a Catholic at Easter 2015
please invite them to join the RCIA programme.
A Quick Journey through the Bible
An 8-week Course which continues on Wednesday 14 May at 7.00pm
· See how the major people, places, events, and themes of the Bible fit together within the central story woven throughout Scripture
· Learn the 12 major time periods of salvation history and the story told in the 14 narrative books of the Bible
· Discover the six covenants God made with humanity, leading to the establishment of the Catholic Church
· See how the 14 narrative books fit in with the other 59 books of the Bible
· Learn how to use the color-coded tools to remember the important time periods of the Old and New Testaments
· … and much more!
Please contact Mark on 0828734661 to book your place on the course.
Men of our Parish are invited to gather together with Christ over a cup of coffee for prayer, sharing and reflection, every Wednesday morning from 5.00am – 6.00am, in the Church Hall. Visitors (men) are most welcome.
We meet next in the Upper Hall on Wednesday 14 May.
For further details please contact Dcn Peter Venter during office hours 8.30am – 4.30pm, Tel: 031 5635554
(Grades 4-6 from 5.30 – 6.30pm)
Friday 16 May at 5.30pm Bring R20,00 and a friend!
Contact: SMS Steph 083 407 6652 OR Adrienne 078 275 9284 OR Caitlin 072 431 1530
Y4Y – Amazing Race
(Grades 7 upwards from 7.00pm – 8.30pm)
Friday 16 May at 7.00pm
Any queries : SMS Catherine 083 999 8986 Or Kurt 071 414 6031
Parishioners are encouraged to wear a visible white garment (from the waist up) at Sunday Mass throughout Easter as a reminder of the garment of Baptism.
Monday 19 May at 7.00pm.
The term of office of the current Pastoral Council has come to an end.
Elections for the new Pastoral Council will take place at a
Parish General Meeting on Tuesday 20 May at 7.00pm in the Parish Hall.
Only those who attend the General Meeting will be eligible to vote.
The Fatima SVDP is desperately in need of regular monthly income for their ongoing projects – Ottawa, Wylie House, Missionaries of Charity and St Theresa’s Children’s Home – their currently monthly commitments being approx R20 000 per month. The monthly parish collection, income from sales of second hand goods at Golden Hours and a few debit orders leaves them with a shortfall every month when a donation of R100 per month from 50% of our parishioners would bring in the necessary monthly funds to meet their obligations!
We encourage you to make the St Vincent de Paul Society your charity of choice by contributing to the collection for the poor on the First Sunday of every month or by depositing your contribution into their bank account:
Bank First National Bank
Branch Durban North
Branch Code 220426
Account No 62033860786
Account Holder Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
An 18A Tax Certificate for all annual/monthly donations or debit orders: exceeding R500 can be supplied on request. Any queries please email :
Fatima School Feastday Production
Our Lady of Fatima School is hosting a production for the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima from Tuesday to Thursday. Those arriving for parish activities in the late afternoon/evening on these days are asked to switch off the headlights of their cars when coming up the driveway. Please note that parking will not be available on the school grounds on those days.
Tuesday 13 May is the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima,
the Patronnal Feast of our parish.
There will be two Masses celebrated: 6.30am and 7.45am (School Mass).
We encourage you to attend Holy Mass to celebrate this special day for our parish.
Thursday 29 May is the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension.
This is a Holy Day of Obligation.
i.e. all Catholics are obliged to attend Holy Mass on this Feastday.
There will be three Masses in the parish: 6.30am, 9.00am and 6.00pm.
The Parish Office will be closed on this day.
Prayer for our Families
God of tender love and mercy,
thank you for the gift and blessing of Christian family life and all families.
We entrust our families to your constant care and protection.
Grant us wisdom to see how we can change our home life,
to become more like that of the Holy Family of Nazareth.
Teach us to listen to each other more attentively
and to be sensitive to each other’s needs.
Show us how to care for each other and
to share our time and all we have, generously.
Give us a spirit of patience and understanding.
Draw us together in deep bonds of friendship,
love and care for one another.
Comfort and strengthen us when we are wearied by trials and sorrows.
May the inspiration of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
be in our homes bringing light, warmth, unity, forgiveness and peace.
May we radiate the joy of Christian family life to all who come to our homes.
Bless our hearts and our homes now and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Mass Intentions
Sunday 11 May to Sunday 18 May 2014
Sunday / 7.00am / Jamie Main-Baillie RIP (Molnar family)9.00am / Fr Des Nair (CWL)
5.45pm / Pro Populo
Monday / 9.00am / Pious List
Tuesday / 6.30am
7.45am / Olivia McCall (Theresa & Brian)
John Evans RIP (Pro Deo)
Wednesday / 6.00pm / Communion Service
Thursday / 7.00am / Communion Service
6.00pm / Sr Emmanuel RIP (Theresa)
Friday / 6.30am / Special Intention (Mike Coward)
Saturday / 8.00am / Johanna Callaway RIP (Jo James)
Sunday / 7.00am / Claude Hallot (Esme Hallot)
Holy Souls (Maria Teodosio)
9.00am / Special Intention
5.45pm / Pro Populo
Welcome New Parishioners
Change of Address and/or Phone No.
/ / Need dedication informationNew registration
/ / Registered but do not receive mailMoving out of the parish
City / Code
Place in the collection basket or hand to a Minister of Hospitality
Fourth Sunday of Easter Year A11 May 2014 Helen Doohan
First Reading (Acts 2:14.36-41)
. This reading is a conclusion of Peter’s speech clearly identifying Jesus as Lord and Christ. The purpose of the word is always to engage the hearers and to move them to action. Peter is persuasive and convincing in his arguments and offers them some steps to follow: repent, be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and receive the Holy Spirit. These mandates, along with belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus, are the basic components of the kerygma or proclamation of the early Church. Every speech in Acts will reiterate these elements of belief in convincing and powerful ways. The call to respond extends beyond Israel to all people, indicating Luke’s interest in the universal aspects of salvation. Baptism for those responding to Peter’s invitation is baptism into a community of faith for the communitarian theme also permeates the New Testament writings. Was this witness by Peter convincing? Indeed, for 3000 were added to their number on that day!
First Reading (1 Peter 2 : 20-25)
This reading reminds us of a reality in the early Church, that slaves/servants were part of the households of faith. We also remind ourselves that slave/servant is a frequent designation for a disciple. Paul’s Letter to Philemon tells of appropriate attitudes towards slaves while this letter gives advice to slaves. The model behind the comments is no one less than Christ, the Suffering Servant, who bore all infirmity, insults and torture with acceptance, patience and endurance. The admonitions to bear punishment patiently, not to retaliate with insults, to make no threats, and to put trust in the righteous judge are to be seen in this light. The way Christ embraced his suffering is the paradigm for all Christians. And always Christ is the good shepherd who will be the guardian and the healer of our broken lives.
Gospel (John 10 : 1-10)
The shepherd theme is a powerful one in biblical times and its use in parables sets up the opportunity for contrast. This chapter follows the narrative of the man born blind (Jn. 9) with its scathing commentary on the authorities, the blind Pharisees. For those who know the Jewish Scriptures it reminds them of Ezekiel 34 and its challenge to irresponsible and self-serving leaders. These contrasts continue in the parable itself with thieves and brigands bent on killing, destruction and stealing as a foil for loving qualities of the true shepherd of the sheep. Contrast is an excellent teaching tool for the hearers of the word. It identifies the issues at stake and offers clarity of choice.
The portrayal of Jesus as the shepherd of the flock and the gate to the sheepfold, has tremendous appeal. He is the one who leads the community to the fullness of life. The sheep hear his voice, he calls them by name, he goes before them, he protects and guides them, and, in response, the sheep follow. A new element also emerges in the episode when John states that this shepherd will lay down his life for his sheep. He is willing to offer the loving gift of self-sacrifice for his followers, a statement so applicable to the Easter mysteries that we continue to celebrate. John’s focus on Jesus and his connection with his loving Father in the I AM statement demonstrates the new approach to God that we have in the Christian Scriptures. The parable also demonstrates the close relationship between Jesus and his followers, a relationship of mutual knowledge and love.