Success Story Template

Submit with your implementation plan checklist and application for recognition to

Success stories should be about three paragraphs and answer the questions below.

Questions for success story

  1. Which of the Healthy Nutrition Guidelines did you implement?
  2. How did you implement them?
  3. What changes did you see? (With your customers, employees, population served, etc.)
  4. What activities worked well?
  5. What impact did they have?
  6. How will you apply what you learned from this last year?
  7. What recommendations do you have for other agencies or organizations implementing the Healthy Nutrition Guidelines?

Write your story here:

Additional questions

Are you including any of the following to accompany your story? (Check all that apply).

Quote from partner or participant Video Other

Samples of promotional materials Photo(s)

I give the Department of Health permission to use this success story and any additional materials submitted.

Name: Position:

Signature: Date: