Research part for the proposal of an
InternationalExploratory Workshop
This part should not exceed 8 pages. Please note that the research plan should be in English.
- Scientific aspects
- Introduction of the research subject
Please set out the scientific background and basis of your workshop, explain the need to perform research on the topic you propose, and briefly describe important relevant research currently performed in Switzerland and elsewhere.
1.2Scientific aims and methods of the workshop
Please state the aims that you plan to reach during the workshop and give information concerning the methods necessary to attain these aims.
1.3Expected results
Please describe briefly the impact you expect from the workshop on research in your field / discipline. Please indicate how you will publish / communicate your results.
- Organisational aspects
- Preliminary programme of the workshop
Please give the schedule for the workshop (with exact dates and time slots).
Please indicate where the workshop will take place and explain why this place was chosen.
2.3Other funding sources
Please indicate if you are applying or have secured other funding for the workshop. Give the following details: Funding sources, amounts requested, application deadlines, dates of answer, amount granted (if already known). We kindly also ask you to indicate for which purpose these funds will be used.
- Partnership aspects
- List of participants
Please provide the following information on the participants by filling in the tables below:
Participants to be funded by the SNSF (max. 10):
Last Name / First Name / Where will the participant travel from? / Home institution / Position currently held at home institutionOther participants:
Please note that the total number of participants (including the participants funded by the SNSF) is limited to 30 people.
Last Name / First Name / Where will the participant travel from? / Home institution / Position currently held at home institution3.2Complementarity aspects
Please explain how the participants complete each other in terms of knowledge and level of experience (balance between established and young researchers). It is especially important to show that a workshop is the optimal way to address the stated problem and that having researchers from abroad brings an added-value.
3.3Potential for further collaboration
Please state why it is important for future scientific co-operation between researchers from Switzerland and abroad to hold this workshop.
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