Sociology 100, Winter Quarter 2007

Review Guide for Exam #3: Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The exam will consist of any combination of the following: multiple choice, short answer, matching, and fill in the blank. Questions on the exam are based on the following materials: Henslin textbook, Chapters 8, 9, and 10; Howard Readings 11 & 12; and the reading by Popenoe posted on my webpage. Be sure to know more than just definitions; study so that you can apply concepts as well. Good luck!!

What is racial stratification? What is a biracial system of stratification? Tri-racial system (Bonilla-Silva)?

How is race defined? What is meant by the social construction of race? What is the “one drop rule”?

How can race be described as both a “myth” and “reality”? (See Henslin text, p. 260)

What is ethnicity? What are the characteristics for belonging to an ethnic group? Who are white ethnics and how are they different than WASPs?

What is racialization? What is ethnic work? What is an ethnic enclave?

What is the difference between a majority (dominant) group and a minority (subordinate) group?

What are the characteristics for minority group membership?

What is a stereotype? What is scapegoating? What is prejudice? Discrimination? Racism? Color blind racism? Overt racism?

What did DuBois mean by “the veil” and “double consciousness”?

What factors influence prejudice? What is meant by an “authoritarian personality”?

What is the difference between individual discrimination and institutional discrimination?

What is Merton’s typology of prejudice and discrimination? What are the four types he identified? (unprejudiced discriminator, prejudiced discriminator, unprejudiced nondiscriminator, prejudiced discriminator—be sure that you have examples for these!)

What is meant by the “invisible knapsack”? (see p. 277 of Henslin text-box)

How does the functionalist perspective view race?

How are prejudice, discrimination, and racism dysfunctional for society?

How does the conflict perspective view race?

For conflict theorists, what is split labor market theory? How does race play a role in split labor market theory? What relationship does the reserve labor force have with capitalists?

What is William Julius Wilson’s perspective on the “race versus class” debate? What is the urban underclass? What is residential segregation? How has Wilson’s perspective been criticized?

What is the internal colonialism model of race relations in the United States?

What is Omi & Winant’s theory of racial formation? How is it different from “classic” conflict explanation of race?

From a symbolic interactionist perspective, what is the contact hypothesis?

What is racial and ethnic identity? What does the term “identity negotiation” mean? How do self-definitions, group membership and definition by others related to identity negotiation?

What are the global patterns of intergroup relations identified in the text? [segregation, assimilation (cultural, structural), cultural pluralism (multiculturalism), genocide, population transfer?]

What is the difference between sex and gender? What is biological determinism?

What are gender roles? What is meant by “expected gender roles” for women and men?

What is gender identity? Gender socialization?

What is hegemonic masculinity? Subversive masculinity?

Explain the social construction of gender; how does gender cut across institutions; how is gender a social institution?

What is gender stratification? What is gender inequality? How does gender inequality cut across various social contexts (education, health care, everyday life, as a few examples)?

What is sexism?

What is the difference between a patriarchy and a matriarchy? What are the origins of patriarchy?

What is meant by a “pay gap”?

What is occupational sex segregation? What are blue collar, pink collar, and white collar jobs? Who fills these type of jobs typically?

How are gender stratification and gender inequality functional for society?

What is the glass ceiling? The glass escalator? How does gender relate to each of these?

What is sexism? Sexual harassment? Explain a hostile work environment.

Explain what is meant by the idea of the “devaluation of women’s work”

How is gender stratification and gender inequality functional for society?

What is the instrumental role? The expressive role? Who is expected to fill each role?

What is the conflict perspective of gender inequality and the division of labor in families and the workplace?

Using a symbolic interactionist perspective, explain what is meant by “doing gender”

What is feminism? What is feminist theory? How does it focus on social justice & social change?

What are the different types of feminist “waves” discussed in the Henslin text?

What are the different types of feminisms discussed in lecture? (Liberal, multiracial, socialist) How do each view gender in society? What is “multiple jeopardy”?

What is the family? How is family different from household?

Explain the difference between a family of orientation and a family of procreation

What is descent? What is patrilineal, matrilineal, and bilateral descent?

What is meant by public/private spheres? How did these spheres develop?

What are nuclear and extended families? What are fictive kin? “Othermothers?” Compadrazgo?

What is marriage? What are the differences among exogamy, endogamy, polygamy, polyandry?

Explain the social factors that influence mate selection for marriage; what is homogamy?

Be able to explain the development of the traditional nuclear family; how did this family form become the “ideal”? Why?

Popenoe reading: What explanations does he provide for the decline (i.e., “breakdown”) of the nuclear family? What does Popenoe suggest for the revival of the nuclear family?

What is the functionalist perspective on family? What are the universals that families provide? What is the incest taboo? How can family life be dysfunctional, especially for nuclear families?

What is the conflict perspective on marriage and family?

What is meant by the “second shift”? What are the “strategies of resistance,” as discussed in class?

How does symbolic interactionism analyze at marriage and family?