15 January 2017
Attention: High School Counselors
The Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association (AFCEA) awards scholarships each year to outstanding high school seniors. The criterion for these scholarships is the intent to pursue a degree in one of the following areas: computer science, electrical engineering, software engineering, information technology, math, physics or a related field of study. These scholarships provide financial assistance to individuals who will become our nation’s future scientists, engineers and technicians. The Rocky Mountain Chapter intends to award scholarships of $2000 to deserving high school seniors. Awardedscholarships are renewable for three years if the awardees make progress in achieving their degree in an approved field.
AFCEA is a professional association headquartered in Fairfax, VA. As a patriotic, education-oriented, nonprofit, technical society, AFCEA's mission is to: (1) promote cooperation between industry and government in developing effective information technology capabilities in the areas of Command, Control, Communications, Computer and Intelligence systems, (2) foster strong Armed Forces and information technology organizations and (3) contribute to the professional development of those serving in the information technology career field. Through these activities, AFCEA’s goal is to further the security and preparedness of the United States, its allies, and the free world.
I would appreciate your assistance in identifying and working with students in your school who are deserving of one of our scholarships. Specifically, if you would: (1) give the enclosed material the widest possible distributionto interested seniors; (2) provide this scholarship information to math, science and computer science teachers and request their assistance in identifying qualified applicants; (3) assist the students in completing the Scholarship Nomination Package according to the instructions; and (4) submit the completed package by e-mail or postmarked no later than 19 April 2017 to the address indicated in the instructions. There is no limit to the number of students who may apply for these scholarships from your school. AFCEA will host a banquet on 19 May 2017 to honor the scholarship awardees.
Thank you for assisting the students in your school with their plans for higher education. If you have any questions, please contact me at (719) 377-1815.
Russ Fellers
AFCEA VP for Education
Chairman, AFCEA Scholarship Committee
Enclosure: Scholarship Nomination Package (with 4 Attachments)