Corporate Parenting Board
Executive Group meeting - Thurs 1 May 2014 @ Cranworth Room, County Hall.
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James Joyce (JJ)– Co-chair Steph Bullock (SB) - Co-chair Debbie Olley. (DO)
Don Evans (DE) Sheila Lock (SL) Judy Leggett (JL)
Paul Gilmour (PG) Mick Castle (MC) Irene Kerry (IK)
Ali MacPhail (AM) Peter Ronan (PR) Richard Bearman (RB) Stew Betts (SBe) Michael Cox (MCo) Gen Bouquet (GB)-notes
Andie – NiCC Chris Robinson – Strategic Reviewer
Apologies: David Collis (DC), Wendy Dyde (WD), Helen Wetherall (HW)
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A summary of the meeting:
· A review and training plan has begun, to look at inconsistency of information from social workers. Information collected by the NiCC will be taken into account in future training plans.
· A foster carer has been found to join the group and is expected to come along to the next meeting.
· ‘The Promise’ dvd has now been launched. Everyone agreed the NiCC and their partners have done a great job and copies are now being sent out to staff across Children’s Services. The pocket sized printed copies of the Promise have also been sent to all teams working directly with young people.
· ‘Media Week’ is going to be longer than just a week. BBC Norfolk and Mustard TV will be asked how information on both children and adult services can be broadcast.
· An action plan of how to move to a cashless system will be brought to the next meeting. Planning and preparing for a bank account will be added to the Pathway Plan. An emergency fund in case of late electronic payments was also talked about.
· A process for helping and supporting birth parents is being explored, more information will come later. Advice is already being given to birth parents in the adoption process.
· One laptop is now available for use by the NiCC and more will follow soon.
· The County Council’s Chief Officers have made a commitment to include young people in all future key council appointments.
· One elected member has started preparing for a visit to a residential home, with others being encouraged to get involved as well. To make sure everyone is happy and kept safe, it was agreed that a set of guidance about visits should be prepared. A draft version will be brought to the next meeting.
· No response on catering apprenticeships has been received yet, so Irene and Sheila will contact them again.
· The first Partnership Group workshop took place with over 80 people. A list of all the ideas that came up at the workshop will be sent out as a reminder to put these ideas into practice. Some will also be sent out to Children’s Services staff as part of the weekly ‘Improving Times’ news email. General feedback was very good and some suggestions were made on how to improve future workshops.
· The report on Pathway Planning has been handed in and feedback is expected back soon.
· The group was told about the NiCC’s disappointment at the lack of support at the recent Inspirational Adult Awards event. Anne Gibson, who did attend, based her blog the following week around the event and that has helped to inform more people about the NiCC. Sheila and James will send out an invitation about the next awards event on the 30 May.
· An item about performance will be put on a future agenda. This is to help compare data collected by the Council on it’s performance with information from those actually using the services.
· Irene Kerry is working on a plan to bring together all young people’s organisations working with the Council. By working together, this will help to make sure that every voice is heard.
Next meeting……
Thursday 29 May 2014/10:30am–12.30pm
Dereham Children’s Centre, London Road, Dereham NR19 1AS
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