or Complying Development Certificate
& Occupation Certificate
Information for the Applicant
•To minimise delay in receiving a decision about the application, please ensure that all relevant information and documents are provided.
•Once completed, this application form should be submitted to a New England Building Consultants for determination.
•It is recommended that applicants should obtain a planning certificate issued under s.149 Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 from the Local Council and provide it to the certifying authority with this application. This may expedite the determination of the application.
•A Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate has no effect if it is issued after the building work to which it relates is physically commenced on the land to which the relevant development consent applies.
•Upon an application being made for a Complying Development Certificate, the Applicant (not being entitled to copyright) is taken to have indemnified all persons using the application and any accompanying documents in accordance with the Act against any claim or action in respect of breach of copyright (see Cl.129 EP&A Regulation 2000).
SECTION A.Details of the Applicant/s*:
*An application for a Construction Certificate may only be made by a person who has the benefit of the development consent. An application may not be made by person who will carry out the building work unless that person owns the land on which the work is to be carried out.
Phone No/s: / Hm/wk: / Mob:
SECTION B. Location and title details of the land where the building work is to be carried out:
Street Address:
Lot : / Section: / DP:
SECTION C.Description of the building work to be carried out:
Provide a brief description of the development e.g. the type of building (house, townhouse, villa, etc.), the number of floors, the number of bedrooms, the major building material (brick, brick veneer, timber clad, etc.)
SECTION D.Estimated cost of the development:
The contract price, or if there is no contract a genuine and accurate estimate, for all labour and material costs associated with all demolition and construction required for the development, including the cost of construction of any building and the preparation of a building for the purpose for which it is to be used (such as the costs of installing plant, fittings, fixtures and equipment). GST is also to be included.
Amount (including GST) / $
SECTION E. Development/planning consent–complete part i or ii only as applicable:
i. Development Application (Construction Certificate Only)
Development Consent No: / Date of Consent: / Council:
ii. Environmental planning instrument (Complying Development Certificate Only)
Provide the name of the “environmental planning instrument” (*See definition below) under which the development is complying development.
State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008, or
Other environmental planning instrument (EPI) / Name of EPI:
SECTION F.Builder: Building work to be carried out by:
Owner Builder Permit Number: OR / Permit Number: / OR
Builder’s Name/Company: / Licence No:
Postal Address:
Email: / Mobile No:
SECTION G. List of Documents:
Applicants must provide the documents listed below that are relevant to the type of development that is proposed. Please tick or note not applicable (n/a) for each document.
X or n/a
Completed application form including Owners’ consent / 1 copy
Architectural/Draftsman/Builders Plans / 1 set (unless A1 or A2 size – then 3 sets)
Site Plan / 1 set
Construction Specifications / 1 set
Engineering Plans / 1 set
BASIX Certificate / 1 copy
For residential projects:
Home Owners Warranty Insurance Certificate (work > $20,000) OR
Owner’s Builders Permit (work > $10,000 & not being carried out by licensed builder)
Note: Please advise Builder’s Name & License number on application for work > $10,000 and up to $20,000 / 1 copy
For additions to commercial properties: copy of the current Fire Safety Schedule for an existing building / 1 copy
Long Service Levy Payment Receipt (work $25,000 & over)
Note: we can lodge this payment on your behalf / 1 copy
Section 68 & Section 138 approvals (if applicable) / 1 copy
Construction Certificates only (in addition to the above)
Council approved Development Consent and plans
Note: DA Conditions of Consent are required to be completed prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate / 1 copy
SECTION H.Authority to enter and inspect land:
I/we consent to and authorise the certifying authority (Warren Sellings – BPB 1980), or an accredited certifier, to enter the subject property at any reasonable time for the purpose of carrying out an inspection in connection with the assessment of this Application. I/we undertake to take all necessary steps to make access available to the property to enable the inspection to be carried out.
SECTION I.Signature of Applicant/s:
Signature of Applicant(s):
Name(s): and
Company Name(s):
(if applicable)
SECTION J.Consent of Owner/s (if different to the applicant/s):
Please Note: All owner/s must sign the following statement.
As the owner(s) of the above property, I/we consent to this application and appointment of Warren Sellings (BPB 1980) as the principal certifying authority for the development.
Signature of Owner(s):
Name(s): and Company Name(s):
(if applicable)
Phone No/s:
Mailing Address:
SECTION K.Description of the Development
Proposed new building: / Proposed new residential building:
No.of storeys: / No. of pre-existing dwellings on the site:
Gross site area of land (m2): / No. of dwellings to be demolished:
Gross floor area of project (m2): / No. of dwellings to be included in new building:
Floor area of new work (m2): / Will the new building be attached to an existing building:
Does the land contain a dual occupancy:
The materials to be used in the construction of the new building:
Walls Code Roof Code Floor Code Frame Code
Brick (double)11Tiles10Concrete/slate20Timber40
Brick (veneer)12Concrete/slate20Timber40Steel60
Concrete/stone20Fibre cement30Other80Aluminium70
Fibre cement30Steel60Not specified90Other80
Timber40Aluminium70Not specified90
Curtain glass50Other80
Steel60Not specified90
Not specified 90
SECTION L. Delivery of the Application:
Information for the Applicant:
Applications must be delivered:
(a)by hand, or
(b)sent by post, or
(c)transmitted electronically
To: New England Building Consultants Pty Ltd.
Applications MAY NOT be sent by facsimile transmission.
SECTION M. Date of Receipt of Application:
To be completed by the certifying authority immediately after receiving this Application.
This Application was received on .
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