American Pharmacy Student Alliance
Officer Descriptions 2011-2012
3/3 APSA Election Info Meeting
3/12Applications Due Electronically by 5pm
3/14Applications With Signatures Due by 5 pm
3/17Election Day
4/25APSA Banquet
6/3-6/5 APSA Executive Board Retreat
6/4-6/5 APSA General Board Retreat / Contents:
I. APSA Executive Board Positions
II. APSA General Board Positions
III. APSA General Board Positions (Elected by respective organizations)
Positions noted in blue are executive board positions.
Positions noted in red* are co-positions elected as joint ballot, not individually.
In parentheses are the name(s) and e-mail addresse(s) of the person(s) currently in the position, whom you need to contact and obtain a signature if you are interested in the position.
APhA/CPhA President-Elect(Bonny Chan – )
(must be an entering second year student in good academic standing)
- Co-coordinate the APSA Summer retreat with the ASHP/CSHP President-Elect
- Attend the APhA-ASP Summer Leadership Institute (SLI) in July
- Coordinate the APhA Book Sale with Director of Financial Affairs
- Organize CPhA Day during membership drive
- Attend CPhA local association meetings
- Organize APhA Outreach Day during membership drive
- Assist the membership director with membership drive
- Assist the Membership Director in registration for APhA Midyear Regional Meeting and APhA Annual Meeting
- Serve as Delegate at CPhA Outlook, APhA Midyear Regional Meeting, and APhA Annual Meeting
- Attend CPhA Synergy Conference
- Assist Presidents in presiding over board and general meetings
- Represent APSA at ASSP meetings if President is absent
- Serve as an executive liaison to 2-3 patient care projects
ASHP/CSHP President-Elect(Andrew Warnock – )
(must be an entering second level student in good academic standing)
- Co-Coordinate APSA Summer retreat with APhA/CPhA President-Elect
- Organize CSHP Day during membership drive
- Organize ASHP Day during membership drive
- Assist the Membership Director in registration for CSHP Seminar
- Serve as a delegate at CSHP Seminar
- Assist ASHP/CSHP President with the annual report for ASHP SSHP Recognition Program
- Attend CSHP Regional Chapter Presidents Meeting in the event that the President is unable to do so
- Attend CSHP local association meetings
- Attend ASHP Pharmacy Student Leadership Development Program in June
- Assist the membership director with membership drive
- Represent APSA at ASSP meetings if President is absent
- Serve as an executive liaison to 2-3 patient care projects
- Serve as CSHP SSEC Representative following presidency during 3rd/4th year
CPhA Board of Trustees Representative(Jason Lebowitz –)
- Attend all CPhA Board of Trustee meetings (usually 4 in Sacramento with all expenses paid by CPhA)
- Work with CPhAAcademy of Pharmacy Owners and Academy of Managed Care
- Report CPhA Board of Trustee activities to officers/members
- Assist Membership Director in registration for CPhA Outlook and Student Summit
- Serve as Board of Trustee Delegate at CPhA Outlook
- Organize APO Night with NCPA
- Write the USC CPhA-ASP quarterly report for the CPhA journal
- Assist APhA/CPhA President-Elect in organizing CPhA Day
- Serve as an executive liaison to 2-3 patient care projects
Director of Financial Affairs (Pamela Maree Ramirez – )
- Report to Executive Board for supervision of all financial affairs
- Assist Presidents in finalizing budget for the upcoming year
- Maintain all financial records
- Disperse reimbursements for budgeted items
- Work with Director of Media Relations in writing grants
- Coordinate the APhA Book Sale with APhA/CPhA Presdient-Elect
- Coordinate all fundraising activities
- Serve as an executive liaison to 2-3 patient care projects
Director of Membership (Richard Dang – )
- Coordinate the membership drive along with the Director of Public Relations
- Maintain records of attendance at each APSA event
- Organize hotel and travel accommodations for all conferences
- Organize registration for all conferences
- Determine the needs of the membership
- Conduct evaluations of programming and conferences to gather members’ feedback (e.g. surveys, comment boxes)
- Serve as an executive liaison to 2-3 patient care projects
- Maintain APSA website, along with Internal Director of Public Relations
Director of Professional Affairs (Mei Wu – )
- Keep minutes at all the meetings
- Coordinate Patient Counseling Competition and Clinical Skills Competition
- Coordinate American Pharmacy Month with ASSP and Director of External Relations, including “pHarmony”
- Coordinate all event reports and compile Chapter Achievement Report
- Coordinate “Beneath the White Coat” speaker series
- Serve as an executive liaison to 2-3 patient care projects
Directors ofPublic Relations (2)
(1) Internal Relations/Historian (Minh Truong - )
- Maintain and update APSA website
- Create and maintain APSA display case
- Assist board members in making flyers and posters for all meetings and conference
- Create a chapter poster for APhA Annual Meeting
- Create video/slideshow of APSA events for APSA General Meetings
- Use videography to promote American Pharmacy Month
- Upkeep APSA photo websiteand act as main photographer for all APSA events
- Serve as an executive liaison to 2-3 patient care projects
(1) External Relations/Media (John Ko – )
- Work with the USC School of Pharmacy Public Relations Director to coordinate external media coverage of APSA events
- Seek out & maintain connections with media (print, television, radio, etc.)
- Coordinate American Pharmacy Month with Director of Professional Affairs
- Gather and archive articles of APSA events from project directors for media use
- Serve on the Membership Committee during Membership Drive
- Serve as an executive liaison to 2-3 patient care projects
DirectorofLegislative Affairs(1)(Rylan Hanks – )
- Coordinate Legislative Day Breakfast and Health Fair
- Gather and develop policies for submission at CSHP Seminar, APhA MRM, CPhA Outlook and APhA Annual
- Serve as Delegate at CPhA Outlook
- Attend United Pharmacy Network Inc. (UPNI) meetings
- Coordinate policy meetings prior to conferences
- Inform students regarding current policies affecting the profession of pharmacy
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
- Serve as an executive liaison to 2-3 patient care projects
IPSF Representative (International Pharmacy Student Federation) (Parth Parikh – )
- As a Local Exchange Officer (LEO), coordinate Student Exchange Program (SEP) at USC
- Work with the APhA Student Exchange Officer (SEO) to promote IPSF’s 5 initiatives
- Support the Directors of Smoking Cessation
- Coordinate 2 health fairs: World AIDS Day HF (Fall) and World Health Day HF (Spring)
- Coordinate International Relief Fundraiser (if any)
- Help the outgoing IPSF Rep to write annual IPSF Chapter Report
Director of Cancer Awareness (Christina Wong – )
- Chair the Cancer Awareness committee
- Create and maintain a project poster board
- Provide information on cancer prevention and screenings at APSA Health Fairs and community events
- Provide a training session on cancer awareness
- Participate in local cancer walks
- Do lung cancer presentations at a Smoking Cessation clinic
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Director of Educational Programming (Lev Protas - )
- Coordinate Spanish Sig & multi-language workshops
- Work with IPSF Director on training project directors & membership on cultural competency
- Bring in guest speakers from various practice settings (e.g. ambulatory care, pharmacy practice, psychiatric, community, managed care, industry, and specialty) to discuss careers, residencies, fellowships
- Organize Career Roundtable Night and/or Residency Workshop with ASHP/CSHP President-Elect
- Organize guest speakers on board certification (BCPP, BCNP, BCOP, BCPS)
- Organize mock interviews for pre-pharmacy students
Director of Heartburn Awareness Challenge (Tony Tan – )
- Prepare and submit report to APhA in December for National Heartburn Awareness Challenge Award
- Provide heartburn screenings and information at all APSA health fairs
- Chair the committee on Heartburn Awareness Challenge
- Provide a training session on heartburn awareness
- Create and maintain project poster board
- Work with SHARE Director on heartburn presentations to clinics
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Director of Interdisciplinary Care (Zain Al-Shamiyeh – )
- Coordinate a health fair with students from other health professions (ex.School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, etc.)
- Promote educational activities and awareness of pharmaceutical skills to other health professionals
- Organize an interdisciplinary event to bring more awarenss to each health field’s contribution to the healthcare team
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured project to Director of External Relations
Directors of Local Associations – (1) CPhA and (1) CSHP (Vlada Treynker – ; Judy Mai – )
- Supervise and coordinate chapter involvement with CPhA/CSHP local pharmacy associations
- Coordinate attendance of USC representatives to CPhA/CSHP local association
- Coordinate reports from USC representatives from local association monthly meetings
- Submit Chapter updates to local associations
- Assist President-Elects with organizing CPhA and CSHP Days, respectively, during the membership drive
- Coordinate at least one local association meeting on campus per year
- Coordinate mentorship program between members and CPhA/CSHP pharmacists
- Update 4thyears about upcoming CPhA /CSHP board meetings for rotation credit
- Attend at least 2 local association meetings per month
Directors of Operation Diabetes*(2) (Hovik Mekhjian – ; Chris Munoz – )
- Chair Operation Diabetes committee
- Organize educational presentations for student body, as well as local clinics and schools
- Provide diabetes screenings at APSA health fairs and local outreach
- Plan Interdisciplinary Diabetes Month Health Fair with Latino Diabetes Association
- Coordinate participation in ADA diabetes walk, including fundraising
- Prepare and submit report to APhA in December for national award
- Document all health fairs and other events for APSA
- Digitize data from health fairs for director of community health
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Directors of Operation Heart*(2) (Anna Deng – )
- Chair Operation Heart committee
- Organize collaborative screening and education efforts between Hypertension, Cholesterol Awareness, Body Fat Analysis, Smoking Cessation, Healthy Living/Alternative Medicine
- Organize educational presentations for student body, local clinics, and schools
- Collaborate with local American Heart Association offices and promote their events
- Organize Wear Red Day on campus to raise funds for Women’s Cardiovascular Health
- Prepare and submit report to APhA in December for national award
- Document all health fairs and other events for APSA
Director of Smoking Cessation*(2) (Susie Yoo – , Terrance Yu – )
- Host three smoking cessation traiing sessions before each 10-week session
- Schedule three 10-week (+ introductory week) smoking cessation classes (Summer, Fall, Spring) at CCH with the clinic manager and clinical pharmacist
- Schedule project directors from various student organizations to give presentations at smoking cessation classes
- Collaborate with PharmSC to carry out all the details of AACP TEVA service grant award, including but not limited to
1.)Collect and maintain smoking cessation participant record and online databases
2.)Work with dean/faculty advisor to write up a 2-3 page final report due in November 2011
- Collaborate with IPSF Representative to run the classes and assist with IPSF’s efforts in Operation Heart
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Director of Project Hypertension*(2) (Jason Shan – ; Hien Tang – )
- Collaborate with Operation Heart Directors and affiliated projects
- Coordinate hypertension counseling competition for first year students
- Provide health screenings at APSA health fairs and outreach programs
- Provide training session on cardiovascular health and proper blood pressure screening techniques
- Create and maintain project poster board
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Director of Healthy Living / Alternative Medicine (Jaclyn Kaladjian – )
- Collaborate with Operation Heart Directors and affiliated projects
- Coordinate healthy living and nutrition presentations at local schools
- Provide health screenings at all APSA health fairs
- Provide information on alternative medications at all APSA health fairs
- Create and maintain project poster board
- Provide a training session on nutrition, healthy living and alternative medicine
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Directors of Poison Prevention / A.W.A.R.E* (2) (Tiffany Chang – ; Daniela Um – )
- Chair the committee for Poison Prevention/A.W.A.R.E
- Coordinate Poison Prevention Program, Generation Rx Program, and Alliance Working for Antibiotic Resistance Education (A.W.A.R.E.)
- Prepare and submit report to CSHP in December for Poison Prevention Awareness Award
- Prepare and submit report to APhA-ASP in February for Generation Rx Award
- Create and maintain project poster board
- Education at health fairs
- Coordinate speaker sites at elementary schools
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Director of Students Helping and Receiving Education (SHARE) Program*(2) (Susie Yoo – , Terrance Yu – )
- Train and schedule students to volunteer at local safety-net clinics
- Maintain and update SHARE website, Facebook page, and online database
- Coordinate health education classes (i.e. mental health, healthy living, diabetes) at various clinics and Weingart (~3 classes per semester)
- Collaborate with SAM to present annual Healthy Living Presentation at QueensCare East LA Clinic
- Collaborate with Director of Educational Programming to host the SHARE100 speaker series
- Collaborate with AMCP MTM and USC ambulatory care pharmacists/residents on Project SC MedWatch
- Prepare and submit report to APhA-ASP Project CHANCE Award 2011-12
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Director of Medication Safety*(2) (Nina Bolour – , Andrew Newman – )
- Chair Medication Safety committee
- Submit reports to the Pharmacy Foundation of California and CPhA as necessary
- Train students on use of PFC medication safety software
- Screen community for potential medication errors at all APSA health fairs
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
(Please refer to the respective organizations for more details on these positions and their election process)
NOTE: Although positions are elected by respective organizations, you will play an integral role in the overall Mission and Goals of APSA and fulfill all duties as determined by the APSA Executive Board.
Director of Body Fat Analysis Project (3) (Jennifer Baynes–; Deana Hana – , Andy Williams – )
NCPA Professional Projects Representative
- Collaborate with Operation Heart Directors and affiliated projects
- Provide body fat screening and information at all APSA health fairs
- Coordinate a training session on body fat analysis
- Create and maintain project poster board
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Director of Cholesterol Screening Project (2) (Grace Cheng – ; Saleema Kapadia – )
PDC Professional Affairs Representative
- Collaborate with Operation Heart Directors and affiliated projects
- Provide cholesterol screenings and cholesterol information at all APSA events
- Coordinate a training session for cholesterol screening
- Create and maintain project poster board
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Director of Arthritis Awareness (Claire Hwang – )
KAPSA Professional Projects Representative
- Provide arthritis information at all APSA health fairs
- Coordinate a training session on arthritis
- Coordinate a presentation event at St. Barnabas Senior Center
- Create and maintain project poster board
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Director of Asthma Project (2) (Jane Suh – , Edward Thanasombat – )
AMCP Professional Affairs Representative
- Provide asthma information at all APSA health fairs
- Coordinate asthma patient counseling competition
- Attend asthma camps and educate children about how to use their asthma medications
- Coordinate a training session on asthma
- Create and maintain project poster board
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
- Host Asthma Weingart classes once a month – update materials and information
Director of Geriatric Care (Aimy Vo – )
SAM/APSA liaison
- Coordinate the SAM/APSA Health Fair
- Serve as a representative for American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP)
- Coordinate brown bagging events for seniors
- Coordinate health presentations at senior citizens homes
- Coordinate Medicare Part D training sessions and sessions with seniors
- Coordinate SAM Senior Prom and Health Fair
- Promote the clinical skills of pharmacist to seniors
- Promote awareness of the needs of seniors
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Director of Mental Health Awareness (Karen Gana – )
Rho Chi liaison
- Provide mental health screenings at all APSA events
- Attend National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) meeting
- Create and maintain project poster board
- Coordinate a training session on mental health
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Director of Operation Immunization (2) (Amy Lee – ; Joanna Lee – )
AIP Professional Affairs Representative
- Prepare and submit report to APhA in December for National Operation Immunization Award
- Provide flu immunizations (and other vaccinations) and immunization information at all APSA Health Fairs
- Create and maintain project poster board
- Work with Dr. Goad to coordinate immunization sites for 1st year students
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Director of Pain Management (2) (Linda Tran – ; Winny Yang–)
SIA Professional Affairs Representative
- Provide pain management information at all APSA events
- Create and maintain project poster board
- Coordinate a training session on pain management
- Submit at least 1 article on a featured event to Director of External Relations
Director of Sexual Health Awareness (2)(Melissa Cartagena - ; Oni Chanthanasuksilpa – )