1. INITIAL CONTACT (most likely with Ryan). Purpose is to:
A. Give an explanation of Young Life.
B. Inquire about their general schedule/other commitments. (Are they already over committed?)
C. Address any of their personal questions.
D. Give them the Young Life application, Code of Conduct, and Faith and Conduct to be filled out and returned during formal interview.
E. Review minimum commitment requirements (10 hours/week, 2 year commitment)
2. EMERGING LEADERS SERIES: A three week series. Purpose is to cover the 9 “C’s” of Young life (Christ, community, contact work, club, campaigners, camp, call, commitment, church), and give a general overview of Young Life.
3. FORMAL LEADER INTERVIEW (Panel of at least 2 people to interview, preferably with Ryan and another female.) Purpose will be to assess for the following qualities in potential leaders:
A. Ongoing Interactions With Christ: What is their personal story, review their spiritual disciplines, are they culturally relevant, what do they question in regards to their faith.
B. Heart For Kids: What specifically do they love about kids? Jr. High vs. Sr. High.
C. Availability: What does their schedule look like, open times during the day, other extracurricular activities, what have previous length of commitments been (job, volunteer, ministry, relational).
D. Relational Potential: What does their social life and family background look like, what is their understanding of Young Life, describe the way in which they would build an intentional relationship with a kid.
E. Intangibles: How do they handle conflict, do they seem teachable, how do they handle failure, general sense of their call and heart.
4. BACKGROUND CHECK/ PAPERWORK: Completing Young Life’s mandatory background check, “Faith and Conduct”, driver’s questionairre, as well as the Code of Conduct and application (with references)
5. 3 MONTH TRIAL RUN (1 Timothy 3:10). Purpose is to evaluate the following:
A. Their faithfulness in attendance to team meetings, events, and monthly leadership trainings.
B. Give them the goal of meeting 25 kids, and have they met it at the end of the trial run.
C. Have they met with their team coordinator at least once/month?
At the end of the 3 months, this will be discussed with the interview team and team coordinator… is this working or not?