4320 Memorandum /

To: 4320 students

From: Dr. Gary G. Berg

Date: February 4, 2018

Re: ACCT 4320 assignments 6

1.  Assignment 6:

a.  Download the Sales Transaction file from the class web site;

b.  Use PivotTables to find the

i.  number of sales transactions by product and region,

ii. total amount of revenue by regions and

iii.  total revenue by regions and product

c.  Create a chart for all three tables

2.  Submit the completed file via the D2L dropbox.

a.  Files submitted to the wrong dropbox will receive a grade of 0

i.  If you have an issue and need me to take a look at what you have done, send the file as an email attachment. I will not tell you the answer, but I will try to point you in the right direction

b.  Additional Note: Make sure you submit the excel files and not the temp file that is created when you are in excel

i.  The temp file is erased when you exit excel, but there may be a delay before that happens. Temp files are only 1kb in size.

c.  On rare occasions, a file may be corrupted in the upload process to D2L. It is your responsibility to make sure that you upload the correct file and to make sure the file uploaded correctly. . Failure to do so will result in a grade of zero

4.  This is not a group assignment. Students should work independently.

a.  Copying/plagiarism will result in a grade of 0 for all parties involved.

5.  Due on 02-16-2018, 11:30 p.m.

6.  Remember, file must be virus free. (Any assignment received containing a Virus receives a grade of 0)

Gary G. Berg, PhD., CPA
East Tennessee State University
College of Business & Technology
Department of Accountancy
Box 70710
Johnson City, TN 37614

' 423-439-5336
7 423-439-5274 (fax)
: http://bergg.etsu.edu

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