Saturday12th March2016 – 10.00am AT THE CLUBHOUSE.


Minutes of meeting 9th March 2014

Matters Arising

Chairman’s Report

Treasurers Report

Greenkeepers Report

Social Co-ordinators Report

Competition Secretary’s Report


Team Squads 2015

Race Evening

Open Days and U3A potential activity

Any Other Business


Welcome to the 2016 bowling season. This will commence this year on Sunday April 17th.

Following the excellent attendance at the AGM, this year we are also trying the Pre-Season Meeting on a Saturday.We hope you will all have a good, productive and happy season with the club.

We always appreciate the work members do for the club and we hope you will continue to support the club this coming season to ensure that it remains successful.

As always we like to encourage new members. It is important to attract some new members to the club.We hope that over the forthcoming seasonothers will be encouraged to join. We will be holding two Open Days and are thinking about holding U3A sessions at the club. These both need your help in running.

Fundraising is critical this year.Ideas are required so please suggest these to the Committee. A Race evening will be held on Saturday 30th April at the Coronation Hall. Please support this not only in attending but in selling tickets and assisting in the work preparing for the evening.

Members fees are now due - £45.00 (SocialMembers fee £10.00, Junior £17.50) payable as soon as possible by forwarding to Terri Handley 6 Caesar Close, Baston, Peterborough PE6 9PN, or at the Pre-season meeting.Latest date for payment is 31st March 2015.

Payment please by Cheque if possible – payable to ‘Deepings Bowling Association.’

Please note. Social members are not permitted to roll up or play in any games, other than the Sunday Drives and Club Open Competitions. They may play in Indoor friendly games.

...... ./overleaf

Please update as necessary, detach and include with your renewal

Deeping Bowling Association - Membership Renewal 2016

Name ______



Tel Number Home______Mobile ______

E-mail Address______

Membership Fee attached (Tick as applicable) - Full £45 Social £10 Junior £17.50

Help with tasks required at the Club.There will be a working party on Saturday 2nd April to prepare the Clubhouse and Surroundings prior to the new season. Please make the Committee aware if you can help.

As always there are a number of ongoing general maintenance tasks that have been identified as needing attention. We know many members have asked if they can help in any way. There is much expertise within the club that can be utilised to avoid expensive professional help. Please make the Committee aware if you are able to help.

Pre-Season Lunch/ Coffee Mornings

We are again having this year a Pre-Season Lunch at the Clubhouse on Sunday 3rd April at 12.30 for 1.00pm to enable members to get together socially prior to the season. The menu is as follows;

Choice of Shepherds Pie or Potato Dauphinoise topped Chicken & Broccoli Pie or Vegetarian Moussaka

accompanied by Cabbage, Leeks & bacon, carrots, peas

Choice of Berry Trifle or Ginger Cake with custard or cream.

The cost will be £8.50. Please advise if you have any special dietary requirements. Bookings at the Pre-Season Meeting or at latest by 23rd March To Lesley.

We will also be repeating holding anumber of Coffee mornings on Saturdays during the summer, again to help maintain social contact throughout the club.


Drives are normally run on Sundays and play starts at 2.30pm. These are for the Ray King and Florence Wood Cups. Points are accumulated during the season. To qualify a minimum of 5 games must be played, but if you play more games (and we hope you will) the scores from the best 5 games will be counted. Non bowling members may play (as visitors) but they cannot win the overall tournament.

Social Events / Catering

These will again be organised this year by Lesley Simmonds. Please let Lesley know if you can assist in any way.

2016 Program

A Program of club events has now been prepared.

E-Mail and Web Site

If you have an e-mail address and would be happy to receive club communications by e-mail please notify us by completing the details overleaf on the membership renewal slip.Please forward any photos or details for inclusion on the website.

Website: :.


PresidentMrGeoff Cree01778 347129

ChairmanMr Neil Handley01778 560103

Vice ChairmanMr Doug Ellis01778 343649

Hon TreasurerMrs Terri Handley01778 560103

Hon SecretaryMr Nick Cook01778 343601

Competition SecretaryMr Charles Baillie01778 380526

Green KeeperMr Dick Rudkin01778 343389

Social Co-OrdinatorMrs Lesley Simmonds01778 346440

CommitteeMembersMr Viv Evans01778 342076

Mr Ken Simmonds 01778 346440

Mrs Pearl O’Brien01778 218655

Mr Stuart Burton01778 341194

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