Purpose: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is seeking a qualified vendor to assist the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) with the development of several integrated products. This will be a three-part process. Part 1 is related to the straight conversion of an existing Web Tool from ASP to Part 2 is related to changes/enhancements to the Web Tool once converted to Part 3 is related to the on-going technical support/maintenance of the Web Tool.
I. WORK STATEMENT – PART 1: This part request is for an initial straight conversion for most of the application: The “PEMA 9-1-1 Web Tool” application must retain all current functionality after the conversion and the current design (appearance) of the site must be maintained, as much as the conversion will allow.
1. Objectives
a. General - The "PEMA 9-1-1 Web Tool" web application is a Microsoft Visual Basic Active Server Page (ASP) Web Application containing several custom tools used by The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA), County and City Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) and public safety consultants for planning, funding, reporting and documenting 9-1-1 related facilities and call centers as required by statute and regulations. The site consists of several primary tools including: Deployment File Management and Deployment Calendar, Annual Reports, Funding Applications, Wireline and Wireless Triennial Planning and PSAP Profiles. Each tool has separate API documents describing each page or file, description of database tables as well as a list of pages or files that are typically updated each year with examples or details on what is typically updated. Beyond the primary end user tools the Web Tool website also contains many administrative and user management functions including for example: Account Registration and maintenance, administrative control of content specific to each tool, application variable management, SQL query and reporting tools, file management and email notification capabilities. The “PEMA 9-1-1 Web Tool” web application was developed with Microsoft Visual Basic Active Server Page (ASP). Since ASP has been succeeded by ASP.NET, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency is requesting quotes for the conversion of the “PEMA Web Tool” website from the ASP web application framework to the web application framework.
b. Specific
This part will result in:
The following current “pages” sections on the existing tool being converted to ASP.NET. Programming is to be done in framework 4 of
i. Secure login. A secure login and password system to access the site. Currently the passwords and access are maintained by the current Information Technology manager.
ii. Home. A method to return to the home screen within the site. (Shows the deployment map and event calendar).
iii. Deployment. A section relating to the documentation and status of Phase I and Phase II wireless deployment within the counties across the Commonwealth. (All materials within this section will be “archived” to a separate hard drive).
iv. Annual Reports. Link to a common annual report form that can be used by the counties to supply standardized information.
· Admin tools –subsection that offers links to the yearly annual reports by county.
v. Funding. Link to the funding reconciliation forms and the yearly fund application form to gather the yearly budget information.
· Admin tools –subsection that offers links to the Yearly line item fund applications.
· Reconciliation file manager –subsection for access to the tools for reconciliation.
vi. PSAP profile. A section that provides an overview of the PSAP information collected during a 2005-2006 Deployment Readiness Assessment for Wireless study.
vii. Triennial plans. A section that links to the triennial planning tool that each county uses to supply their information into the plan
· Admin tools –A section that links to the most recent county triennial plans.
viii. Forums. A section that provides access to a forum based help, user guide and FAQ section to assist users.
· Forum Home –broken link today
· Forum Profile -provides a link to the users information
· Search Forum -provides the ability to search the forum
ix. My Settings. A section allows for settings changes to the users access rights
· Personal information editor –used to update personal settings
· County access settings used to update access to county information
x. Admin. A section that allows different admin functions for account tools, applications tools and user/site tools.
c. Nature and Scope of Project
The "PEMA 9-1-1 Web Tool" web application is a Microsoft Visual Basic Active Server Page (ASP) Web Application containing several custom tools used by The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA), County and City Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs). The site consists of several primary tools/ tabs as listed above. Each tool has separate API documents describing each page or file, description of database tables as well as a list of pages or files that are typically updated each year with examples or details on what is typically updated. Beyond the primary end user tools the Web Tools website also contains many administrative and user management functions including for example: Account Registration and maintenance, administrative control of content specific to each tool, application variable management, SQL query and reporting tools, file management and email notification capabilities. The “PEMA 9-1-1 Web Tool” web application was developed with Microsoft Visual Basic Active Server Page (ASP). Since ASP has been succeeded by ASP.NET, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency is requesting quotes for the conversion of the “PEMA Web Tool” website from the ASP web application framework to the web application framework.
d. Statement of Work:
Task 1 –Project Kickoff
The qualified Vendor shall prepare a schedule and manpower utilization plan and project timeline upon issuance by PEMA of Notice To Proceed (NTP). This plan shall be presented in the Project Kickoff meeting to be held within two weeks following NTP.
Task 2 – Project Meeting Materials, Worksheets, and Presentations
The Vendor will develop and submit for approval all required project instruments, including but not limited to: project plan, project timeline, project worksheets, stakeholder project and worksheet instructions, stakeholder kick-off meeting materials, and meeting summaries. These documents must be provided in both electronic and hard copy format. All working material and deliverables will be the property of PEMA and the Vendor will seek approval from PEMA prior to further dissemination of these materials and deliverables.
Task 3 – Web Tool Conversion
Appendix A provides a general description of the existing webtool elements to include by not limited to: core operations specifics, tasks/tools/tabs their software layout out as well as primary function. The selected vendor shall take each of these elements and provide the conversion of each item from its current state to a state that supports the new ASP.NET requirements. The selected vendor will provide any additional clarification/requirements short comings of any of the conversions that will significantly change alter the current end user operation. The source code developed will become the property of the commonwealth
The “PEMA 9-1-1 Web Tool” web application, including any related source code is developed for, and is the property of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All “Developed Works” (as defined in the CONTRACT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES) produced, including any related source code, as a result of the conversion of the “PEMA 9-1-1 Web Tool” from ASP to ASP.NET will be governed by the “Rules of Usage for Developed Works” (as defined in the CONTRACT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES).
View-only access to the “PEMA 9-1-1 Web Tool” website will be available to vendors to assist in the creation of their quote for a one-week period beginning on October 3, 2012 and ending on October 10, 2012. Vendors wishing to obtain a username and password for view-only access to the website may do so by sending a request via email to: , no later than October 5, 2012.
Task 4 – Action Plan/ Timeline
Vendor will be tasked with completing a brief, but useful, action plan based on the initial review and findings of the Web Tool. This action plan will lay out the steps that need to be taken to convert the existing system tools, while also being aware of Part 2 of this RFQ in regards to enhancements. The vendor shall supply a timeline on estimated completion of conversion items, with an estimated time for each tab, communicating any down time of the entire site or specific sections, all conversions shall be completed within three (3) months from NTP. Vendor must meet all commonwealth software testing requirements, shall incorporate numerous testing points with PEMA staff and with a select group of PSAPs to ensure success throughout the process.
This IFB is subject to the Information Technology Bulletins (ITB’s) issued by the Office of Administration, Office for Information Technology (OA-OIT). ITB’s may be found at
All bids must be submitted on the basis that all ITBs are applicable to this procurement. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to read and be familiar with the ITBs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Bidder believes that any ITB is not applicable to this procurement, it must list all such ITBs in its bid, and explain why it believes the ITB is not applicable. The Issuing Office may, in its sole discretion, accept or reject any request that an ITB not be considered to be applicable to the procurement. The Bidder’s failure to list an ITB will result in its waiving its right to do so later, unless the Issuing Office, in its sole discretion, determines that it would be in the best interest of the Commonwealth to waive the pertinent ITB.
II. WORK STATEMENT – PART 2: Web Tool Enhancements
1. Objectives
a. General
The existing PEMA Web Tool was created in 2006 and while it has had some enhancements to its function since that time, its basics remain the same as when it was created. PEMA’s desire is to take this tool to the next level and have it serve as the main source of information/communications as the Commonwealth prepares to plan, implement and ultimately function in a Next Generation 9-1-1 leadership role within the Commonwealth. The specific items listed below are currently envisioned enhancements to allow that capability, It is the desire of PEMA that the selected vendor also provide guidance, direction and recommendations on ways to improve the overall ease of operation, information input/output and availability to all stakeholders.
b. Specific
This phase request is for envisioned enhancements to the “PEMA 9-1-1 Web Tool” application. The Offeror is to explain if there are enhancements that are not possible, if there are other enhancements that may be easier to accomplish, while maintaining or increasing the integrity of the tool. The long term objective of PEMA for this Web Tool is to have all items stored in one database, or at a minimum linked together.
The Web Tool will also be capable of completing ad hoc reports (must have a sequel query tool so that office staff can run reports as needed). The staff shall have the capability to query specific codes/categories and generate line item reports by individual County, groupings of County (possibilities: class of County, regionalized alignments, call taker positions, etc.)
PEMA further envisions an “administrative dashboard” for entry of percentages and other calculation data by the office staff in order to complete calculations within the program
A) Secure login. Basic enhancements envisioned, remain as close to current set-up as possible. ( See PSAP Profile – requiring at a minimum annual verification/ update of information)
B) Home. Remain as a method to return to the home screen within the site. Shows a new map indicating the areas within the Commonwealth that have formed alliances to assess next generation steps and resource sharing.
C) Annual Reports. Common definitions of line items.
· Admin tools –no enhancements envisioned.
D) Wireless Grant. Common definitions of line items. Allow for enhancements that show 5-6 digit budget coding for each line item.
· Admin tools- Allow for enhancements that show 5-6 digit budget coding for each line item.
· Reconciliation file manager –allow for enhancements that show 5-6 digit budget coding for each line item.
· Provide access to previous FY line item report/ reporting information, for all users.
E) PSAP profile. Requires upon user login to verify/ update information at least on an annual basis.
· New enhancement would provide an interface to an ESRI or similar mapping solution with multiple layers that can be viewed by all, but edited by admin or individual County information only. Different layers could include Centerlines, Landmarks, ESN Zones, Broadband connections, connection points, primary sites, OPRS sites, cell tower sites, ESInet and broadband connections, PSAP data / information, etc.
F) Triennial plans. Allow for enhancements that show 5-6 digit budget coding for each line item.
· Allows all current items reported on supplemental form to be inputted directly to the tool.
· Admin tools –Allow for enhancements that show 5-6 digit budget coding for each line item.
· Allows Uploads of information per section / suggestions on other methods other than the current JPEG only documents
G) Grant Reporting. Ability to enter all income and expenditures by category directly on the tool.
· Enter all expenditures by category ( as they occur throughout the year)
· Columns – Invoice Date, Invoice Number, Vendor, Total Invoice Amount, Wireless percentage (automatically calculated by current year percentage)
· Ability to upload supporting documentation – link by item
· Enter all revenue received by category
· Columns – Check/ Journal Date, Check/Journal Number, Total Amount
· Ability to upload supporting documentation – link by item
· Ability to either enter a digital signature or upload – For attesting to only spending received funds on eligible approved items
· Ability to either enter a digital signature or upload – For attesting to accuracy of balance sheet figures
· Columns – Previous unencumbered funds, current FY income, current FY expenditures, and remaining legally encumbered funds (include planned completion of funds).
· Triennial Audit
· Allow for the direct inputting / upload of triennial audit
· Allow for annual audit inputting
H) Forums. Location where files/documents can be uploaded and shared amongst PSAPs