Resources for School Librarians
Buzzeo, Toni. Read! Perform! Learn! 10 Reader’s Theater Programs for Literacy Enchancement. Fort Atkinson, WI: UpStart Books, 2006.
How to use reader’s theater in the library and ten examples of reader’s theater based on children’s literature.
Daniels, Harvey. Literature Circles: Voice and Choice in Book Clubs & Reading Groups. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers, 2002.
An introduction to book clubs and literature circles for teachers and librarians.
Duncan, Donna and Laura Lockhart. I-Search, You Search, We All Learn to Research. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc.
An introduction to I-Search research.
Eisenberg, Michael B. and Robert E. Berkowitz. Teaching Information & Technology Skills: The Big 6 in Elementary Schools. Worthington, OH: Linworth Publishing, Inc.
How to use the Big 6 research strategies with elementary students.
Fountas, Irene C. Guiding readers and writers, grades 3-6: teaching comprehension, genre, and content literacy. Portsmouth, N.H: Heinemann, 2001.
Great model of "Reading interview" for interaction with individual students; minilessons to promote literary analysis; guide for evaluating text difficulty that goes well beyond "level"; full page of good comprehension questions for use with fiction; succinct table of features of informational text that need to bedirectly taught to elementary age students; great appendix of graphic organizers, and one of books divided into lists based on standard reading level guides.
Harada, Violet H. and Joan M. Yoshina. Assessing Learning: Librarians and Teachers as Partners. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited, 2005.
Presents practical methods and analysis to help school library media specialists become involved in the assessment of student learning.
Johnson, Mary. Primary Sources in the Library: A Collaboration Guide for Library Media Specialists. Worthington, OH: Linworth Publishing, 2003
An introduction to using primary sources for research with students.
Koechlin, Carol and Sandi Zwaan. Build Your Own InformationLiterateSchool. Salt Lake City, UT: Hi Willow Research and Publishing, 2003.
Tips for integrating information literacy across the curriculum and by grade levels.
Kuhlthau, Carol C., et al. Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited, 2007.
Presents a model for developing information literacy through the inquiry approach.
Lesesne, Teri S. Making the Match: the Right Book for the Right Reader at the Right Time, grades 4-12. Portland, Me.: Stenhouse Publishers, c2003.
A book I use to help my fifth graders choose a book for their required classroom booktalk. Useful appendix helps me with book advisory work with upper elementary, and some good suggestions for picture books teachers can use for extension activities in the classroom.
Loertscher, David V., Carol Koechlin, and Sandi Zwaan. Ban Those Bird Units: 15 Models for Teaching and Learning in Information-rich and Technology-rich Environments. Salt Lake City, UT: Hi Willow Research and Publishing, 2005.
Great for planning collaborative units and doing professional development for teachers.
Loertscher, David V., Carol Koechlin, and Sandi Zwaan. Beyond Bird Units: 18 Think Models.Salt Lake City, UT: Hi Willow Research and Publishing, 2007.
Provides models and unit planning guides for thinking and understanding in information-rich and technology-rich environments.
Loertscher, David V. Taxonomies of the School Library Media Program. 2nd ed. San Jose, California: Hi Willow Research and Publishing, 2000.
This is a critical analysis of the role of the school library media program.
Neely, Teresa Y. Information Literacy Assessment: Standards Based-Tools and Assignments.Chicago: ALA, 2006.
Offers a variety of assignments and assessment tools for information literacy for high school and college students.
Portalupi, JoAnn. Nonfiction craft lessons: teaching information writing K-8. Portland, Me.: Stenhouse Publishers, c2001.
A great book for help developing lessons for working with nonfiction print as a way to lead students to nonfiction writing. My favorite mini-lesson guides the students through the process of creating a question/answer book. This is a great tool for integrating classroom content curriculum into media center research projects.
Richardson, Will. Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2006.
Practical ideas and strategies for using Web 2.0 in the library.
Rothenberg, Carol and Douglas Fisher. Teaching English Language Learners: A Differentiated Approach. UpperSaddleRiver: NJ, Pearson, 2007.
Strategies for working with English Language Learners.
Smith, Laura J. H. The Book Bunch. Fort Atkinson, WI: Upstart Books, 2004.
A guide for starting books clubs with younger elementary students.
Stanley, Deborah B. Practical steps to the research process for elementary school. Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 2001.
A useful chapter on taking notes.
Wiggins, Grant P. Understanding by Design. 2nded. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Education, Inc., 2006.
My bible for instructional design when I am building a unit of study. A 6 page template is invaluable.
Witherell, Nancy L. and Mary C. McMackin. Graphic Organizers and Activities for Differentiated Instruction in Reading. New York: Scholastic, 2002.
Ideas for using graphic organizers with student researchers.
Wolf, Allan. It’s Show Time: Poetry from the Page to the Stage. Ashville, NC: Poetry Alive! Publications, 1993.
An introduction to reader’s theater and choral reading.
Book Links (Published 9 times a year) $39.95
Book Links
50 E. Huron St.
Chicago, IL60611
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy (Published 8 times a year) $61.00
International Reading Association
800 Barksdale Road
PO Box 8139
Newark, DE19714-8139
Knowledge Quest (Published bi-monthly) $20 with membership
Journal of the American Association of School Librarians
50 E. Huron St.
Chicago, IL 60611
Library Media Connection(Published 7 times a year) $69.00
Linworth Publishing, Inc.
3650 Olentangy River Rd Suite 250
Columbus, OH43214
P 800-786-5017
Learning and Leading with Technology(Published 8 times a year with membership)
175 West Broadway, Suite 300
Eugene, OR97401-3003
School Library Media Activities Monthly (Published 10 times a year) $55.00
Libraries Unlimited
88 Post Road West
Westport, CT06881-9962
American Association of School Librarians.
The official website of the American Association of School Librarians where the new National Standards for the 21st Century Learner can be found.
Northwest Arkansas Library Media Workshop Wiki. Wiki put together from a summer workshop at the NWAESCoop about the new National Standards and the Arkansas Library Media Frameworks
Secondary Assessments Tools.
Secondary assessment tools for products, process, reading & writing. Also allows for creating original assessment tools.
Elementary Assessment Tools.
Elementary assessment tools for products, process, reading & writing. Also allows for creating original assessment tools.