Social science
Class IX
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
  1. The question paper has 28 questions in all. All questions are Compulsory.
  2. Marks are indicated against each question.
  3. Questions from serial number 1 to7 are very short answer type questions. Each question carries one mark.
  4. Questions from serial number 8 to18 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80 words each.
  5. Questions from serial number 19 to 25 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 100 words each.
  6. Question numbers 26 & 27 are map questions from History with 1 mark each.
  7. Question number 28 is map question of 3 marks from Geography.
  8. For Q. Nos. 26, 27 and 28 (map based questions) one outline political map of India is provided. After completion the work, attach the map inside your answer book.
  9. Questions at Serial Number - 20, 22, 24 25 have Internal Choice. Attempt any one option out of the given in each of these questions.

1. / When was Indian Forest Act Impplemented?
How did the pastoralists react to the changes implied by the Forest Act?
What do you know about Africans pastoralists communities?
Which factors affected the lives of pastoral groups of Rajasthan?
Why did pastoral nomads of Jammu and Kashmir migrate? / 1
2. / What are Market Activities?
What is Human Capital?
Explain the term ‘GDP’.
Define Infant Mortality Rate
What is GNP? / 1
3. / Define Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.
Where did the Febuary Revolution take place?
Who was Stalin?
What was a ‘Duma’?
What was ‘Soviet’. / 1
4. / What is the important function of World Banks?
What is social exclusion?
Mention two causes of poverty.
What is MNREGA.
Define poverty line. / 1
5. / What was ‘Constituent Assembly’?
When did the Constitution of India come into force?
What do you understand by the term apartheid?
When did South Africa gain independence?
Define the term ‘Secular State’. / 1
6. / What are Fair Price Shops?
Explain Minimum Support Price.
Define FCI.
What do you understand by ‘Buffer Stocks’?
What is white Revolution? / 1
7. / Which regions of India are drained by river Kaveri?
Explain the term ‘Drainage’.
What are lakes?
Name any two tributaries of river Indus.
Name the major Peninsular river. / 1
8. / What is Public Distribution System?Explain its any three merits.
Write any three benefits of Buffer Stocks.
What are three dimensions of food security?
Describe the impact of famine.
‘Food security is essential in India ‘.Why? / 3
9. / How has India benefitted from the opening of the Suez Canal?
What are India’s unique locational features?
What do you know about the size of India?
How has India benefitted from the opening of the Suez Canal?
What is Standard Meridian? / 3
10. / Mention any three powers and functions of the Election Commission of India.
What choice are given to a voter during elections?
Mention any three powers and functions of the Election Commission of India.
Do you think that elections promote democracy?
Write three demerits of electoral competition. / 3
11. / What is the role of education in human capital formation?
Why are people of a country referred as resource?
Explain the term’unemployment’ in the context of India.
How does seasonal unemployment occur?
What does human capital stands for? / 3
12. / How and why did the rebellion take place in Bastar?
Describe the social division of the Masais.
What do you know about the Banjaras of North India?
State any three main characteristics of Tropical deciduous forest.
Explain any three causes of deforestation in India under the colonial rule. / 3
13. / Describe the global poverty scenario as explained by the World Bank.
Why poverty still remain a challenge for the Indian government?
What are the different ways to estimate poverty?
Why does poverty line vary with time and place.
What is Rural employment Act. Explain. / 3
14. / State the main features of democracy.
Explain the three demerits of Democracy.
How democracy can enhance the dignity of the citizens?
Compare the democratic system in China with Mexico.
Give arguments in favour of democracy. / 3
15. / Differentiate between physical and human capital.
What is the ‘Multiple cropping ‘ systems?
What kind of people live in tne village Palampur?
What is physical capital? Mention its types.
Explain any three negatives impacts of the Green Revolution. / 3
16. / What steps has been taken by the government to pprotect the flora and fauna of the country?
Why are forest important for human beings?
Give a brief descriptions of the Mangroves forest.
Why are bio-reserves created?
Mention any three features of thorn and scrub forest. / 3
17. / Write short note on NepaleonBonapart.
How was National Assembly recognized?
What was Guillotine? How was it used.
Write a note on slavery in France.
Which period of France is known as the reign of terror and why? / 3
18. / How Can you say that Pakistan was not exercising democracy when General Musharraf was ruling?
What do you know about Nelson Mandela?
What was the ‘Drafting Committee’?
What is a constitution? Why do we need for a country?
Mention any three characteristics of the Indian Constitution. / 3
19. / What was the effect of the First World War on Russia?Explain.
Which events led to the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia?
What were the main causes of Russian Revolution?
Highlight the role of Lenin in Russian Revolution.
State the three similarities and difference between the Febuary and October Revolution. / 5
20. / What is occupational structure? How are occupational generally classified?
What is migration? Why do people migrate from rural to urban areas?
Describe the factors that cause changes in the size of population?
Distinguish between population growth and population change.
What is the importance of people in this world? / 5
21. / What are the main features of ‘Right to Equality’?
Describe the Right against exploitation.
Describe the position of the citizens of Saudi Arabia in reference to their government.
How does the constitution protect our rights?
Write a short note on National Human Rights Commission. / 5
22. / Mention the activities of Food Corpporation of India(FCI).
What are some of the important features of the PDS?
Why is there a need of food security in India?
What are the important features of FCI?
What are the three important Food Intervention Programmes? / 5
23. / Explain any five features of the constitution of 1791,framed by the National Assembly in France.
How did the fall of Bastille prison become the immediate cause of French Revolution?
What kinds of freedoms were granted to the citizenz of France after French Revolution?
Explain the organization of French society.
Differentiate between active and passive citizens. / 5
24. / “ The relief of India displays a great physical variation”.Explain how?
How does India have a great physical variations?
Distinguish between fold and fault?
What is the significance of the Himalayas to India?
Write a short note on Indian Desert. / 5
25. / What is the role of the Prime Minister in a coalition government?
Describe the functions and powers of the Parliament?
What is the role of Council of Ministers?
Distinguish between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
What is the role of Prime Ministers in a coalition government? / 5
26. / Locate and label the place in the given outline map of the World:
Germany, Nantes, Paris, Marseilles / 1
27. / Locate and label the place in the given outline map of the world:
Any countries which won World War-I, Allied powers(France, England, America), Central powers. / 1
28. / Locate and label the following features on the given map of India: (1+1=2)
A high density state
A salt water lake of India
Bangalore,Leh,Nagpur and Jodhppur cities
Bharatpur and Ranganthitto Bird Scanctuaries
Identify the following places on the same given outline political map of India and write their names: (0.5+0.5=1)
Indus and Ganga rivers
The Satpura and K2.
Himalayan rivers,Peninsulars rivers.
Pulicat, Sambhar, Wular, Vembanad, and Kolleru lakes / 3